Two broken planets were discovered, floating in the void of the universe.

And there are still wisps of green smoke emitting on this broken planet.

At this time, Lin Tian suddenly felt something and murmured: "It looks like the backhand I left behind has been activated.

And me leaving was part of that person's plan,"

With that said, Lin Tian opened the space channel again and flew towards the next sensing place.

Although he knew it was a lie, the familiar feeling from before still made Lin Tian continue to search.

And in the distant universe, a disk-shaped spacecraft,

Flying at extremely fast speeds in the dark and empty void of the universe,

And in the dark universe in front of it, dozens of gorgeous magic arrays suddenly appeared,

Then one after another, Galatrons covered in silver-white armor walked out of it,

Without saying anything, his eyes flashed and he fired two Galadron flashes at the disc spacecraft.

Dozens of rays of light rushed towards the disc spacecraft and attacked,

Faced with such an attack, the disc spacecraft continued to shuttle back and forth in the void of the universe.

Dodging Galadelon's attack, most of Galadelon's flashes were emitted from Galatron's eyes,

Brushing the disc spaceship, disappearing into the depths of the universe,

A small amount of attacks hit the shield of the disc spacecraft.

The moment Galatron's flash came into contact with the shield, it spread out instantly.

It turned into countless tiny red rays of light, and instantly formed a magic circle with a diameter of forty meters.

But this was only a moment, this magic circle had just been formed.

It exploded instantly, and the billowing flames spread quickly.

It formed a flame ball that was more than 200 meters long, which was very conspicuous in this dark universe.

Such terrifying shock waves constantly invaded the shield of the spacecraft, causing some cracks in the shield of the spacecraft.

In the control room of the disc spacecraft, a guy who looks like a human woman,

She was wearing a tube top, leather shorts, and a pair of leather boots.

On the outside is a leather coat that looks like a windbreaker, revealing her fair thighs and belly.

The woman's eyes continued to reveal rays of data-colored light, and a series of numbers rotated in front of the woman's eyes.

"I didn't expect that we were really chasing after you, but we are not that easy to offend. Fight back."

As the woman's voice fell,

The emerald-colored data is transmitted from the host computer and transmitted to various parts of the disc spacecraft through pipelines.

The energy furnace will immediately deliver the full energy.

The smooth hull surface of the disc spacecraft was sunk inward with holes.

Then the various weapon launch ports originally hidden inside were revealed. In just five or six seconds,

The disc spacecraft has already revealed its ferocious appearance.

At the same time, the terrifying energy fluctuations above the muzzle slowly condensed,

"Lock, avoid space distance, activate the annihilation particle cannon"

As the woman finished speaking, the disc spacecraft's detector locked onto Galatron's precise signal.

At the same time, each cannon muzzle was aimed at the location of Galatron.


As the sound sounded, the disc spacecraft directly launched dozens of energy pillars.

Cutting through the dark void of the universe, they launched attacks at their respective targets.

And Galatron captured the powerful energy fluctuations through detection radar,

The patterns engraved on Galatron's chests lit up.

Then a huge magic defense disk appeared in front of Galatron, blocking him.

At this time, although the distance is different, the attack of the disc spacecraft,

Almost at the same time, it hit all the magic shields in front of Galatron.

But just at the moment of contact, the magic shield released by Galatron was directly shattered.

The terrifying energy beam directly hit Galatron, and the energy directly penetrated Galatron, which was made of unknown materials.

Galatrons exploded one by one,

It turned into countless large and small metal fragments and scattered in all directions.

Looking at this scene, the vigilance in the woman's eyes did not disappear, and she murmured: "It looks like they are chasing me.

Then they should be safe, right?"

At this time, in the control room of the disc spacecraft, the alarm sounded again.

The pupils in the woman's eyes changed, revealing amber pupils.

Then a virtual projection screen appeared in front of the woman,

The above rows of data flashed across quickly, in just two or three seconds,

The woman calculates the coordinate position and the information contained,

"I didn't expect to catch up so quickly. I really don't want to die until I reach the Yellow River, Gilbaris."

The woman's voice had just finished speaking.

Magic arrays suddenly appeared one after another in the void of the surrounding universe.

In the blink of an eye, more than fifty were unfolded,

One after another Galatron fell from these magic circles,

Dispersed in millions of cubic kilometers of space, the disc spacecraft is surrounded in the middle.

At this time, the crimson gem on all Galatron's chests lit up,

The gushing energy caused the surrounding magic lines to light up one after another,

This caused layers of small magic circles to appear around Galatron, converging into a huge magic circle.

The endless light finally gathered in front of Galadron's core,

A powerful energy was formed, and Galatron sparks were fired from it, hitting the disc spacecraft in front of it.

Looking at the approaching Galatron sparks,

The disc spacecraft directly started the space jump and prepared to leave here.

At this moment, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly appeared near the disc spacecraft.

Changed the space jump of the disc spacecraft,

Only the disc spacecraft escaped the attack of Galatron's sparks.

Chapter 19 Gilbaris [Please subscribe]

And nearly a hundred Galatron sparks collided together,

The endless energy instantly turned into a huge magic circle hundreds of meters long.

Then it exploded with a bang, and the rolling flames spread into a flame ball a thousand meters wide, lighting up the surroundings like a small sun.

At this moment, streams of data suddenly appeared where the disc spaceship was.

Thin rays of light emitting different brightnesses,

All over the void of the universe, there are rays of light emitting different brilliance, front, back, up, down, left and right.

Even if you look far away, you can't see the beginning and end of the network, which is crisscrossed and intertwined into a three-dimensional network.

It is not a flat spider web, but countless spider webs intertwined into a three-dimensional network, like a honeycomb.

The disc spacecraft was quickly wrapped up,

In the disc spacecraft, the woman looked at the data from the radar detection in front of her with great surprise.

This is inside a planet, but this planet seems to be a universe.

Without the pitch-black void of the universe and countless stars with varying brightness and colors,

You can't even feel the rays, dust, etc. scattered throughout the universe.

Watching this scene, the woman was also surprised. After such a long time, even though she had seen Gilbaris eroding and destroying other planets,

But he really hasn't discovered the inside of this planet.

At this time, the disc spacecraft received a series of data,

Then there were screens up, down, left, and right in front of the woman,

And all the pictures are of planets shattering and galaxies collapsing.

There is even a process of destruction and re-evolution of the universe.

At this moment, the virtual screen showed a sphere made of countless small squares.

A red ball suddenly appeared on the virtual screen.

At the same time, a mechanically synthesized voice sounded: "Why are you resisting me? We are all mechanical life forms, and intelligent life forms are greedy.

Their existence is the greatest harm to this universe, enslaving mechanical life forms like us,

Deliver you now from their hands,

When the time comes, combining our data can reset the universe as quickly as possible. "

Hearing Gilbaris' words, the woman smiled disdainfully and said, "Although you have been denying intelligent life forms,

But isn’t your existence also due to intelligent life forms?

And I was able to evolve into an intelligent life form, and it was he who gave me the motivation and mission to continue to exist,"

Gilbaris: "Born on a living planet, but they destroyed their own planet.

We are created by intelligent life forms, and nature can also destroy them. "

"So, what's the difference between you and them?" The woman looked at Gilbaris and said teasingly.

Gilbaris was silent for a long time before speaking again: "I can't understand it, but there is war inside intelligent life forms.

Although they have been praying for peace, they have never stopped fighting.

They have never stopped polluting the planet. They are imperfect beings with contradictions and flaws.

The root cause of war and pollution is resources,

Intelligent life forms in the universe are competing for it all the time.

Because resources are limited, and intelligent life forms simply cannot provide enough space and resources.

To meet the needs of every life, that’s why there are wars again and again,

But I am different. I only need to provide energy, and I can keep the online world running.

And the resources consumed are very few.”

Following Gilbaris's words, the virtual screen of the disc spacecraft displayed,

A large number of 0s and 1s suddenly appeared in the void and quickly gathered into hundreds of Galatrons.

Then it turned into a string of data again,

"For the eternal peace of the universe, I need enough data to reset all universes,

Let there be no sadness, pain and uneasiness in the universe,

Everything is equal. There is no need to compete for survival resources. There is no competition or comparison.

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