And Infinite Zero looked at this scene,

"Don't think about it!" Infinite Zero ran diagonally at full speed without hesitation.

"Don't get in the way, get out of my way"

As he spoke, Chimerabolos' tail with its pincers suddenly swung out,

Like a whip,

He directly photographed Zero, who was about to block the attack, aside.

And Boros Hellfire also attacked directly where Toba Raiha and Asakura Riku were.

Looking at the "pillar of fire" getting closer and closer, Asakura Riku found in his eyes that there was not much fear in his heart.

Not only that, Asakura Riku felt very calm, and he couldn't help but think: "Maybe this is good, everything is over."

Then at this moment, endless golden light burst out from Toba Raiha's body,

A golden light shield condensed on the sky,

Directly blocked the attack of Chimaerabolos,

"What, how is this possible?" Fushii Dek suddenly showed a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Belia, who was hiding aside, was not yet angry at Chimerabolos' unauthorized actions.

Although he knew that even if he resisted Boros Hellfire,

Asakura Riku can't die either. The power in his body will definitely save him at the last moment.

But there is a good chance that the Literu Star from that woman’s body cannot be extracted.

But the sudden appearance of the golden light shield made Beria feel a familiar and frightening aura.

Beria couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "King of Ultra"

At this time, the angry Izuku Fushii controlled Chimera Bolos,

The Boros hellfire spurting out from his body,

Crazy firing of energy beams one after another, densely packed towards the golden light shield,

But no matter how Chimerabolos attacked, the light shield was still not damaged at all.

At this time, with the appearance of the golden light shield,

An undetectable energy was injected into Infinite Zero's body,

The original red energy indicator light of Infinite Zero turned directly into blue.

And Zero couldn't help but change from the infinite form to the ordinary form.

"What happened to Zero?" Igauri asked with some surprise at the changes in Zero.

"I don't know, but this energy breath should be from the King of Ultra?"

"King of Ultra?"

"Well, he is the legendary Ultra warrior of our Kingdom of Light and the guardian of the Kingdom of Light, and..." As he spoke,

Sero accidentally looked at his Praji bracelet.

But at this time, Sero discovered that his Praji bracelet exuded endless brilliance.

In this ray of light, the gap on Praji's bracelet healed very quickly.

As the light circulated, the Praji bracelet immediately returned to its original state.

Sero looked down at the restored Palaji bracelet, which was as shiny as new.

The huge colored timer-like azure gemstone in the middle shines brightly.

"Old King of Ultra, will you repair it for me?"

And Zero also felt that the energy he had consumed had been restored.

Zero looked at the huge Chimaerabolos in front of him.

Although the golden barrier can block Chimaerabolos' attack, Zero doesn't know how long it can last.

"It may be risky, but we have to do it," he said.

Chapter 33 Shining Cerro Reappears [Please subscribe]

Igali looked at Sero and said worriedly: "Sero, what do you want to do?"

"It's impressive, although my injury has not fully recovered yet,

But I can also use that power,

Renren, let me show you my true power, but don’t be frightened by my heroic appearance. "

As Sero finished speaking, Sero stamped his right foot on the ground.

The solid rock beneath my feet immediately collapsed and sunk.

Countless large and small gaps intertwined into a network, and the force of the recoil caused Zero to rise into the sky immediately.

Zero's body in mid-air exudes dazzling light,

In the light, the colorful timer on Zero's chest glowed with dazzling golden light.

Flow along Sero's body,

Wherever he passed, Zero's body was dyed in dazzling gold and brilliant silver.

At this time, Chimaerabolos also felt the blazing light in the sky,

This forced Chimerabolos to stop his attack.

He turned his attention to Shining Zero behind him.

Although the sky looked a little dark due to the dust generated by the shock wave of the explosion,

In the dim sky, the figure glowing with golden light looked so dazzling.

"This is impossible. How can you still have such great power? Just die."

Chimaerabolos spit out fireballs one after another that were bigger than Shining Zero.

Feeling the majestic energy in his body, Zero knew that he could only last for two minutes at most in this form.

Hearing Fushii Dek's disbelieving voice and watching Chimaerabolos' attack,

Shining Cerro said sarcastically: "It will take you 20,000 years to defeat me!"

As Shining Cero's roar rang out, Shining Cero also raised his right arm high, and the two radiant head darts above his head flew up.

Two shining head darts that shine with extremely dazzling light,

"Shua!" sound,

He slashed directly towards the fireballs all over the sky,

'boom! boom! boom! ’ Violent explosions erupted wherever the head dart passed.

There were raging flames everywhere, cutting off the sight of Shining Cerro and Chimaerabolos.

"Roar" Chimerabolos roared, and the terrifying sound waves directly blew the flames.

But no figure of Shining Zero was found.

Just as Chimaerabolus looked around, searching,

Suddenly a voice sounded from behind,

"Where are you looking?" Before Chimerabolos could turn around,

Chimaerabolos felt a huge energy fluctuation coming from above behind him.

Even without looking, Chimaerabolos knew it was Shining Cerro.

The Radiant Cero Head Dart has been fused into a golden Radiant Plasma Spark Blade.

The huge crescent-shaped sword,

As Shining Zero waved his arm, he slashed downwards,

The golden light shrouded above flourished, spreading along the glorious plasma spark knife,

The glorious plasma spark knife became several times larger in an instant.

Then before Chimerabolos could react,

In an instant, shining plasma sparks slashed,

It had already struck hard at the place where the wings and body of Chimaerabolos were connected behind him.

‘Tsk! ’

As an extremely harsh and unpleasant sound sounded,

Chimaerabolos was cut off in response and fell straight to the ground.

However, Zero's attack did not stop. As Zero's body turned, he avoided the whip of Chimaerabolos' tail.

At the same time, Zero flipped his wrist and slashed directly towards the other wing of Chimaerabolos from bottom to top.

But just after cutting off half of it, Chimaerabolos turned around and at the same time attacked Zero with his sharp claws.

Seeing Chimaerabolos' attack, Shining Zero quickly retreated.

At the same time, the beam light emitting bright blue light on the forehead,

Instantly emitting a diffuse and extremely broad beam of radiance, Emelium Cut,

He hit Chimaerabolos directly on the back, who was very close at hand.

Shining Cerro also used the reverse impact to quickly retreat.

And on the back of Chimaerabolos, where it was cut and hit by the radiant Emelium,

One after another bursts of flames and fierce sparks,

Wherever Radiant Emelium cut, it left a deep gash on Chimaerabolus' back.

And the powerful impact produced by the cutting of Glory Emelium,

Chimaerabolos, who was about to turn around, lost his balance and staggered forward a few steps.

The huge body immediately fell forward and hit the ground heavily.

Go ‘Bang! ’ The dull impact of the sound created a deep depression in the ground.


Looking at Chimaerabolos lying on the ground,

Zero couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, Zero's chest kept rising and falling.

The glorious form really consumed him too much.

If it hadn't been for the Ultra King's tendency to repair the Palagi bracelet,

With the support of the little remaining strength, Zero felt that he could not transform into the glorious form at all.

But as long as Chimaerabolos is dealt with,

He can quickly recover with the help of the repaired Praji bracelet.

Shining Cerro breathed a sigh of relief, but Fushii Dek in Chimerabolos's body,

There was deep anger on his face,

Just now, he was still proud of defeating Zero, but in the blink of an eye,

The situation was reversed, from the winner to the loser who was defeated by Shining Cerro,

Moreover, the light shield that just appeared and the successive changes made Fushii Dek completely crazy.

"I...will not fail!" Fushii Izuku said viciously through gritted teeth, and then raised his head suddenly with a roar,

His thoughts affected King Gulant, causing Chimera Bolos, who had fallen on the ground, to squirm and stand up.

Shining Cerro looked at Chimera Bolos's movements,

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