"You are here." Dracion's cold voice sounded in the seven-colored light group.

"Well, Dracion, we will release you right now," Justice said while looking at his boss.

Looking at Giga Endora and Dracion in front of them, Gauss and Justis couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he struck with both hands together again, and the combined strike light directly attacked the sealed barrier.

And just when the attack was about to hit the ultimate cross barrier of darkness,

Suddenly there were ripples in space around him.

A ray of silver-gray light directly blocked the ultimate cross barrier of darkness.

Seeing their attacks being blocked, Gauss and Justis couldn't help but froze for a moment.

As their attack stopped, an Ultra warrior wearing silver-gray armor appeared in front of Liou.

It was X wearing the Hyperjetton armor.

It’s just that compared to the last time, Aix himself is in a transcendent state at this moment.

The Hyperjetton armor outside is also filled with silver-gray light.

Equipment similar to Zero's ultimate armor appeared faintly behind him.

At this moment, the earth is also feeling the changes in Aix. Because of the disappearance of the monsters, the place where the Kaz Empire was once taboo,

There are no cosmic beings or monsters coming here at all.

Although they have not been integrated together for more than twenty years.

But they still have the same mind, and their strength has not diminished at all.

Looking at the silver-gray armor on his body, Ax was also a little surprised by these changes.

But now he knew it was not the time to care about this, so he looked at the two Ultra Warriors in front of him.

"Leave here, I will pretend that nothing happened." The voice of the earth in Aix's body rang.

"It is Dracion, the being who controls the order and justice of the universe,

We need to free him. Let’s protect the peace of the universe together”

Gauss looked at Akers and did not take action, but opened his mouth to explain.

"I don't know if what you said is true or not, but Dracion once wanted to destroy the earth.

So I can't gamble with the life of the earth," Aix looked at Liao and said again.

Justis looked at Aix and said seriously: "Order, this universe needs order to maintain it.

Dracion, like us Ultraman, is the defender of the order of the universe.

He is also a prophet of the universe,

He is the being who reconciles and measures the universe on the basis of justice.

The earth is in crisis, it is also because you have taken refuge in darkness,

The existence of darkness will break the order, and the earth will be cleared. "

After hearing what Justis said, Gauss still shook his head.

Although they had fought against Dracion together, that was because Justice believed in him.

Otherwise, according to what Justis did, he would have led the rest of the Star Fleet over long ago.

Gauss looked at Justice and said, "There should never be a race like Sandros on this planet.

Although they joined the darkness, they were probably forced to do so.

As for Kaz...human beings have made many mistakes. I have done research and found that the humans on this planet are the same as my planet.

Although I have been destroying monsters before,

But now humans have begun to find ways to get along with monsters.

I believe that the future of mankind will definitely become better, and the future of mankind will never be Sandros."

Hearing Gauss's words, Justis shook his head, because after contacting Musashi, Gauss became too kind.

Justis looked at Aix with cold eyes: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, the traces of the Kaz Empire have been revealed.

And Kaz has appeared, so we have to release Dracion. "

After hearing what Gauss and Justis said, Aix said to Dadi: "Sure enough, that guy is still alive. Dadi, what should we do?

If they really lift the seal,"

"Don't worry, they are not our opponents, Aix, let us move around."

"I understand the earth"

As the conversation between the two ended, Ax looked at Justis and Gauss, his eyes full of vigilance.

Although the energy fluctuations emitted by Gauss and Justis are not very powerful,

But somewhere in there, there was a feeling that made Aix feel a little nervous.

At this time, Justis jumped directly, and then kicked towards Aix with a flying kick.

The speed is so fast that the surrounding cosmic dust is stirred up.

Chapter 47 The Battle of Sansi [Please subscribe]

, Ax also waved his arms, and Jayton's light bullet was released instantly,

It spun and hit Jestis who was rushing over at high speed.

But before Jayden's light bullet hit Justis,

They were collided by the tail-shaped light bullet emitted from the hand of Ultraman Gauss behind him.

An instant explosion swept towards Justis,

However, the roaring airflow around Jestis directly extinguished the flames caused by the explosion.

There was no way to touch Jestis inside.

Seeing this, Aix retreated towards the place far away from the seal.

At the same time, it was also far away from the attack range of Justice's flying kick.

At the same time, a stream of Jayton light bombs were emitted again, attacking Gauss and Jestis at the same time.

Interfering with Justice's next attack.

"Ping! Ping! Ping!" Justice had to stop when he saw this.

Then he swung his right palm and chopped with his hand knife,

cutting the silver-gray light bullets flying in one after another into pieces.

And Gauss also used Gauss acceleration, and his body turned into a residual image,

continuously shuttling in the gaps of Jetton's light bullets.

At this time, Justice spread his hands to the left and right, and disappeared from the spot with a teleportation.

When he appeared again, he had come to the back of X.

Then he used his right foot as a fulcrum, turned his waist and raised his left leg. The energy on his left leg surged, and he kicked X fiercely with a whip kick.

At this time, Ultraman Cosmos's attack also arrived, and the rotating energy light blade also came in front of X.

Feeling these two attacks, X did not hesitate, stretched out his arms, and teleported away directly.

And Justice's whip kick and Ultraman Cosmos's rotating energy light blade collided with each other.

With a "boom", a huge explosion was issued, and the energy wave impact made Justice take two steps back.

At this time, Ultraman Cosmos also teleported to the side of Justice, looked at Justice and asked: "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, this guy is very strong."

Justice looked at X in the distance and said.

"You are not my opponent. You are also Ultra Warriors. You should know that I have no ill intentions.

I just want to protect that insignificant planet.

I don't want to participate in the war between you and the Kaz Empire.

You just need to leave here, and I can pretend that nothing happened."

X said to Cosmos and Justice.

Before Ultraman Cosmos said anything, Justice was a little angry.

Looking at X, he said angrily: "Do you think I used all my strength?"

As he said that, he raised his hands, and a brilliant golden light flowed out from the colored timer on his chest,

covering Justice's body, drawing golden stripes on his body,

and the narrow black area on his body also turned white.

It directly turned into Justice's crushing mode.

Justice then clenched his fists,

posed a fighting stance, and looked at X in front of him with a cold look.

And Gauss looked at this scene and did not hesitate at the moment.

He raised his right hand high, and a dazzling golden light burst out from his hand,

and quickly covered the body of Ultraman Cosmos. As the golden light flowed,

Gauss quickly changed from the blue moon god form to the eclipse form,

and then drew a golden pattern at the intersection of the red and blue colors of the eclipse form, turning into the most powerful future mode.

Gauss and Justice looked at each other, and then attacked X together.

Gauss rushed straight forward, so fast that he arrived in the blink of an eye,

and Justice's figure disappeared in an instant, and came behind X again.

X saw Justice disappear and felt bad,

and then heard a sound of breaking air from behind.

Immediately turned around, and at the same time raised his right arm to block in front of him, and his left arm to block on the right side.

With two "bangs", the attacks of Cosmos and Justice hit Axe almost at the same time.

Even though he blocked Justice's kicks and Ultraman Cosmos's punches with his arms,

his body could not help but shift to one side for hundreds of meters.

But before Axe could stabilize his body, Justice had already rushed over again.

With a loud "bang", Axe and Justice's fists collided with each other, and a fierce roar broke out.

The powerful recoil force made Justice retreat hundreds of meters, and Axe's body just shook.

"Not bad." As he said that, Axe suddenly turned into a silver-gray stream of light,

and instantly crossed the hundreds of meters in the middle,

appeared in front of Justice, and punched Justice with all his strength.

Justice crossed his arms to block the front, and X hit Justice's arms with his right fist.

With a muffled "bang", Justice flew backwards.

X succeeded in his attack and immediately started chasing him, rushing up again with a "whoosh".

Just when X wanted to continue chasing, at this time,

Ultraman Cosmos's attack also arrived, and directly blocked X's steps to move forward with a fist.

Justice and Cosmos reunited again,

the two looked at each other and attacked X again,

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