And Anna, the leader of Team U, was driving the Alpha to keep watch.

The other person is Misato, the deputy leader of Team U, who is detecting something with a radar.

At the same time, a yellow photoelectric on the screen kept approaching them, "There is still one kilometer to the target, 980 meters, 960 meters, 940 meters..." Misato said calmly while looking at the moving light spots on the screen,

And that yellow light spot is the monster, and they have experienced this situation a lot.

Basically, you will encounter this situation every time you go out to "shopping".

Despite this, Misato still looked at the screen carefully.

The three people in charge of shopping also quickly put daily necessities, as well as a lot of water and food on the shopping cart.

At this time, Misato, who was responsible for guarding the radar, suddenly said, "Oh no, the radar area setting is wrong by one decimal point."

U-Team Captain Anna heard what Misato said and glanced at the radar, "Isn't that right below us?"

Then he said into the communication headset, "Everyone retreat, come out of the supermarket immediately, hurry up"

The three Fuzi people in the supermarket also heard the conversation between Anna and Misato, and hurriedly ran outside.

"I'm sorry, we will definitely pay it back." Bibinet deftly posted an IOU on the wall.

It read "On loan to the Earth Defense Force."

He also ran out quickly.

Looking at the three people coming out of the supermarket, Misato said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"I'm sorry, run away quickly," Sawa said to Misato, who was running together.

And not long after they left the supermarket, a huge monster emerged from the ground. shrouded in smoke,

The smoke disperses,

It's Astron,

Astrom chased the people in front of him, while Zuo and the four of them also ran away desperately, throwing away everything in their hands.

But Astrom was getting closer and closer to them.

At this time, Anna drove the Alpha and launched an attack on Asteron.

Successfully diverted Astron's gaze aside.

"Misato, what is the area closest to here?" Anna asked Misato through the communicator.

"Yes, yes..."

At this time, Zuohe who was on the side said, "It's area seven,"

"OK, No. 7, let's set off now, let's catch up." He said and drove the Alpha towards No. 7.

"hurry up"

"This way"

"Let's chase"

Anna muttered while driving the Alpha.

Asteron also chased after Anna, who was piloting the aircraft.

At the same time, flames were continuously sprayed out from the mouth towards the Alpha, but Anna controlled the Alpha to pass them one by one.

At this time, Asteron also came to the place where Anna and the others had already laid a trap.

"Fire," the Alpha fired several cannonballs, hitting Astrom's feet.

A big hole also appeared on the ground under Astrom's feet, and Astrom fell directly to the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

"Successful, please watch your steps," Anna said mockingly, looking at Asteron who fell to the ground.

As for whether Astrom could understand her, she didn't know.

As he said that, he was about to drive the Alpha away.

At this time, Astrom suddenly raised his head and sprayed several powerful fireballs towards the Alpha driven by Anna.

Anna also reacted and quickly drove the Alpha to avoid, but she was still hit by the fireball spewed by Asteron.

The aircraft staggered to the ground, breaking one of Alpha's mechanical legs. At the same time, the cabin door also disappeared.

Fortunately, Anna was wearing a seat belt so she didn't fall, but because of the strong fall, her brain was in a roar.

At this time, Astrom also stood up, walked out of the pit, and approached the Alpha.

Seeing this, Anna tried to control the Alpha to see if she could fly again, but found that the Alpha had been completely destroyed.

And Astrom was almost in front of the Alpha.

This is it,


Suddenly there was a powerful vibration on the ground.

Astrom was also attracted by this vibration and looked behind him.

A giant appeared in the eyes of everyone and Astrom.

And this giant is the coward of the universe, Dana.

Astrom looked at Dyna and was not polite. He directly sprayed several fireballs towards Dyna and attacked Dyna.

At this time, Dyna stood up straight and blocked Astron's fireball with one hand.

“Pretend well*”

Astron looked a little panicked at this scene, turned around and started digging to escape.

Dyna watched this scene and ran up, grabbed Astron's tail, and pulled Astron out of the hole where he wanted to escape.

But at this time, Dyna did not let go. Instead, he continued to hold Asteron's tail and threw Asteron away.

Then Dyna directly released the "Soljes Ray" and directly hit Astron who was "flying" in the air.

With a "bang" sound, Astrom was directly exploded by the light and turned into a bright firework.

At this time, Anna also left the Alpha and came to the side of several others.

"Captain, are you not injured?" Hina looked at Anna and said.

"That giant is..." Zuohe said looking at the Dyna who destroyed Asteron in the distance.

"Could it be..."

At this time, Dana also looked back at Anna and the others. And he extended his thumbs to several people.

"It's great to be one of our own," everyone said happily.

And Anna looked at Dyna in the distance and thought of a prophecy in her heart: "When the world is about to end, three brave men will come."

At this time, Dana's figure disappeared, and a man appeared in Anna's eyes.

"Hello, I'm Asuka," Asuka said with a smile as he looked at Anna and the others in front of him.

"You are the giant," Anna said in disbelief as she looked at the flying bird in front of her.

"Yes, I am the Ultra Warrior just now. Ultraman Dyna."

"Ultra Warrior?" Anna was a little confused. For this planet, they had never heard of the name Ultra Warrior.

"Yes, they are Ultra Warriors. By the way, why are there no people on this planet, where are the people?" Asuka looked at Anna and said with some confusion.

Hearing Asuka's words, Anna felt a little lonely and didn't know what to say, "Let's meet with us at the base first."

Saying that, Anna and the others will collect supplies again, and then take Asuka to drive the remaining two aircraft towards the base.

(Please give me monthly votes, please give me flowers, please give me evaluation votes, thank you Yanzu Pan An for your support).

Chapter 3 The Threat from the Baxters (Please subscribe,)

Thank you "150*****125" Pan An for reminding me three times.

Thank you "Angel of Heaven" Yanzu for reminding me twice.


At the same time, the Baxters also discovered the appearance of Ultraman Dyna, "Damn Ultra Warriors, why are you everywhere?"

Then the Baxter's eyes turned cold, and then, "But since you are here, let's become Jayton's food. After you have hope, when your hope is completely shattered, you will become even more desperate."

But what the Baxters don't know is that whether or not they listen to Jayden when he's born is another matter.

At this time, a crack appeared in the shell that wrapped Lin Tian again, and the terrifying dark aura filled the air and invaded the body of Jeddon Egg.

At the same time, it also spread out to the surroundings,

On the other hand, Asuka also followed Anna and others to a camp.

"Earth Defense Force," Asuka looked at a sign in front of him that read,

"Yes, we are the Earth Defense Force," Anna began to say, looking at Asuka's confused expression.

"What about the other people on this planet?" Asuka asked the same question again.

"Maybe we are the only ones left in this world,"

"Why, what caused it," Feiniao said with some disbelief.

"The invader, the Baxter, chose Earth as his testing ground, first with birds and animals, then with humans,"

Binay continued Binay's words and said, "It's like being hidden. I don't know where the disappeared people are."

Sawa continued Hina's words, "What we know is that this is all caused by something called Zeton."


"Yes, in order to eliminate Zeton, the remaining humans resisted desperately, and defense teams from all over the world were dispatched, but none of them came back until the end." Anna said a little lonely.

"The necessities of life, long-distance communications, and the Internet are all paralyzed. There are only so many humans left on this planet."

"But you are still alive," Asuka said, looking at the lost people.

"But that's it now. Who knows when we will disappear, or..." Anna said with some disappointment, they couldn't see any hope for the future.

"Don't give up. As long as you don't give up, hope will definitely appear." Asuka looked at Anna and others in front of him and smiled.

Seeing Asuka's smile and words, everyone was a little infected.

In the evening, after dinner, Asuka looked at Anna and a dozen children and said, "Look, why do these children believe in you so much? Because they know that the Earth Defense Force will definitely be able to destroy the invaders."

In this way, after a few days of getting along, everyone became familiar with Feiniao, and Feiniao also played with the children, full of smiles.

Every time the monsters sent by the Baxters were easily destroyed by Dyna.

On this day, the huge figure of the Baxter star enveloped the sky above the entire base.

"Hahahahaha..." Star Baite's cold laughter reached everyone's ears.

Hearing this sound, all the children felt fear,

"Quick, bring the child into the house." Zuo and the others brought the child into the house.

"It's that guy," Anna said as she looked at the projection in the sky.

"Is this guy from Baxter?"

"That's right,"

At this time, the huge Baxter phantom spoke: "Are you okay? The remaining people in this world, Jayton's power has awakened, and you have no hope."

After saying that, the figure of the Baxter star disappeared.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the shadow of Star Baite disappearing.

Asuka looked at the disappearing shadow of the Baxter, and knew that if the Baxter was not eliminated,

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