"Why," Ogawang turned around and looked at Anna with some confusion.

"No one can defeat Jayton, not even Dyna. Right in front of my eyes, I saw with my own eyes that Dyna turned into a stone statue little by little.

I saw it all, but I didn't tell anyone about it, because I was afraid of telling the truth, and there was nothing I could do except run away.

And Xiao Wu also lost his voice because of this, and it’s all my fault,” said Anna with tears streaming down her face.

Xiao Wu next to him also shed tears.

Da Hewang walked to Xiao Wu's side, looked at Xiao Wu and touched Xiao Wu's head, "It's okay, Feiniao is immortal, because he is a legendary hero, I must bring him back, believe us, Believe in the Ultra Warriors"

Then Da Hewang smiled and turned away, "Okay, Zero, let's go,"

Da Hewang summoned the Ultra Eyes transformed by Zero, jumped into the air, put on Zero Eyes, the light flashed, and Zero's huge body appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Let's go, let's win" Sero glanced at Musashi and said.

Musashi looked at Zero who had returned to normal and smiled, then took out the transformer "Gauss"

Cerrogos looked at each other and set off towards where Jayton was.

Seeing Sero and Gauss leaving, Xiaowu took Annai's hand and wanted her to go with him.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, you ran away from home several times. There was a reason why you had to go," Risa said seriously, looking at Xiao Wu.

And Xiao Wu also nodded,

Then Risa took Xiaowu and set off,

At the same time, Lin Tian also opened his eyes and felt the two lights approaching, "Are they coming? However, humans should be coming too,"

Not long after, Sero and Gauss landed near Jayton.

"Are you here, Ultra Warriors, but you have no chance of becoming the bait for the strongest Zeton?" The Baxter directly controlled Zeton and launched an attack on Zero and Gauss.

Lin Tian was speechless after hearing the words of the Baite star. Why did he say so much nonsense before the battle?

Sure enough, Sero also spoke,

"Then the future of this planet will be left to us, and we will take it back," Sero looked at Gauss, touched his fists, and rushed towards the Jeton larvae.

"Jedon," the young Jeton roared, and several dark fireballs on its back attacked Zero and Gauss.

But they were all dodged by Sero and Gauss, "Gauss, go directly above this guy."


"Let me lure this guy away." The two head darts on his head attacked directly towards the Jeton larvae, successfully attracting the Jeton larvae's attack.

Gauss jumped directly to the top of the Jeton larva, gathered the moon energy in his right hand, and attacked with a palm strike wrapped in blue flash, directly hitting the dark fireball emitting organ on the left side of the Jeton larvae's back.

"Jeton" The larvae of Jeton made a huge wailing sound,

With a "bang" sound, the dark fireball emitting organ on the back of the Jetton larva was directly broken by Gauss's attack.

"What?" Starman Baxter said in surprise when he saw this scene.

"Good job," Sero said happily as he watched Gauss break the organs on the back of the larval Jeton.

At this time, the angry Jeton larvae swung the sickle directly at Gauss.

Seeing that it was directly knocked away by the forefoot of the larval Jayton, it fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at this scene,

Lin Tian always felt that Gauss was acting as Zero, and he was still using his blue form to deal with monsters like the strongest Zeton larvae.

Sero: I want to report an actor,

Lin Tian couldn't help but think of the jokes he saw on Earth before.

Moon Goddess Form: Let me reason with you,

Corona form: beat you directly,

Solar Eclipse Form: Beating you up and trying to reason with you at the same time

Cosmic Corona: Pretending to reason with you is actually just to beat you up,

Future form: I am the truth,

Reggio: I create principles.


Watching Gauss being knocked to the ground by the forefoot of the Zeton larvae,


Sero was also shocked by the sudden change.

At this time, another organ on the back of the Jeton larva once again fired a dark fireball and attacked Gauss.

When Zero saw this scene, he came directly to Gauss who was lying on the ground. A huge barrier blocked the dark fireball of the Jeton larvae.

And Gauss also had time to breathe,

Different from before, Gauss struggled and stood up directly, and even the indicator light on his chest did not turn red.

Cerrogos looked at each other again, and his body flew directly over the Zeton larvae.

Gauss looked at the Jayton larva below and became a little angry. "Sero is the same as before. You attract this guy's attention and I will be responsible for the attack."

"Gauss, are you okay?" Cero asked with concern as he glanced at the indicator light on Gauss's chest that was not flashing.

"It's okay, this injury is nothing." Gauss said as a red light enveloped his body.

Transforms from graceful Luna form to fiery warrior Sun-shaped Gauss.

When Lin Tian saw this scene, he couldn't help but said: "No, I just complained, and this has changed."

Zero also felt the increase in Gauss's body energy, and couldn't help but said, "Why didn't you just use it before? You have to get stabbed before using it."

Hearing Cerro's words, Gauss was so frightened that he almost fell from the air.

Gauss did not answer Sero and directly attacked the Jayton larvae.

Zero didn't stop and rushed towards the Jeton larvae.

The Zeton larva looked at Cerro and Gauss who were attacking from above and below at the same time. Several tentacles stretched out from its back and attacked Cerro Gauss.

Seeking the tentacles extended by Zeton, Seirogos had to stop his movements and began to avoid the tentacles of the young Zeton.

"Emelium Cutting" A blue cutting light from Zero's head was directed towards the tentacles of the Zeton larvae, directly hitting the tentacles of the Zeton larvae and interrupting one of the tentacles.

But before Zero could be happy for long, the Zeton larva stretched out several tentacles again and attacked Zero and Gauss again.

At the same time, the sickle-shaped front feet continued to wave towards Gauss and attacked again,

(Please give me flowers, please give monthly votes, please give me evaluation votes, please give me everything, thank you Yanzu Pan An for your support,).

Chapter 15 Actor Lin Tian comes on stage, looking for Dana’s light

Thank you "Pushun" Pan An for your monthly ticket, thank you


Because Gauss is in the corona form, his energy consumption is a little more than that of the moon god form, but his attack power, strength and speed are greatly enhanced. Gauss is ready to use force to purify Jeton.

"Hot Waves"

Gauss gathers the coronal energy between his hands and transforms it into a ball of light.

He turned the light ball into a high-heat ray and attacked the Zeton larvae.

The powerful light attack interrupted several tentacles extended by the Zeton larvae.

"Successful," Zero shouted happily as he watched Gauss's attack interrupt the tentacles of the Zeton larvae.

But they didn't wait long for Gauss and Cerro to be happy.

A huge dark fireball was launched from the glowing organ on the back of the Zeton larvae, and attacked Gauss.

Because Gauss was too close to avoid it, he had to gather the corona energy to create a light barrier to resist the attack of the Zeton larvae.

The dark fireball attack from the larvae of Zeton came as promised,

It hit Ultraman Gauss's sunlight barrier directly, and the attack was directly blocked by the sunlight barrier.

But Gauss has not been happy for too long,

Jayton's sickle-shaped front feet waved towards Gauss again,

And Gauss was unable to move because he was defending against the dark fireball attack of the Zeton larvae.

The powerful attack directly knocked Gauss away again.

Falling heavily to the ground again, the Zeton larvae once again fired several dark fireballs and attacked Gauss directly.

Seeing this scene, Zero wanted to block the Zeton larvae's fireball, but was stopped by the Zeton larvae's tentacles that reappeared.

The fireball directly hit Gauss and caused an explosion. The rock hit Gauss's body, and the indicator light on Gauss's chest began to flash.

Lin Tian, ​​who was in the body of Jeton's larvae, looked at Gauss who fell down again, and couldn't help but complain, "Thanks for you Gauss, you did a great job."

In fact, what Lin Tian didn't know was,

Gauss was injured because he had to protect the camp and humans when the Zeton larvae were just born.

But then, he transformed again to fight against the Zeton larvae, resulting in another injury. Not to mention that Gauss in the corona form consumes more energy than in the moon god form.

Now only Zero is left working hard to persevere, but without Gauss, Zero is basically beaten by the Jeton larvae.

But because of the existence of Praji bracelet, which can continuously absorb the energy in the universe and convert it into light, Zero is not short of energy.

But that was only in non-combat situations. If he continued to fight like this, Zero wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

At the same time, Anna's sister Risa and Xiao Wu also came here. Xiao Wu saw Zero who was constantly avoiding the attacks of Zeton larvae, Gauss who fell on the ground, and Dyna who fell on the ground.

Xiao Wu started looking for Dyna's light as soon as he got out of the car. He kept digging with a small shovel into the pit created by the dark fireball of the Jeton larvae.

Seeing the arrival of the human child Xiao Wu, Lin Tian showed a smile, "As expected, the actors are here,"

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong?" Risa looked at Xiao Wu who ran over and asked, but because Xiao Wu lost his voice before, he could not tell what he wanted to do.

"Is there anything here that belongs to Dyna?" Risa looked at Xiao Wu and asked.

At this time, the Jeton larvae sent out several dark fireballs and attacked Zero.

However, two fireballs still landed not far away from the two of them and exploded. However, because Risa and Xiaowu hid in front of the Jeton larvae, the fireballs exploded into the huge crater and did not receive any damage.

Sero also discovered Xiaowu and Risa, "Why are you here?" Sero looked at the two and shouted,

Because of this distraction, the tentacles of the young Zeton directly wrapped around Zero's body, and then threw Zero straight away, falling heavily to the ground.

The indicator light on Zero's chest also started to flash.

Xiao Wu stood up and continued digging with the shovel. Risa also stood up and looked at Xiao Wu and said, "Xiao Wu, I'm here to find you. Hurry up and hide."

But Xiaowu didn't say anything, but continued digging.

Zero stood up, still dodging the attack of Jayton larvae, and then looking for opportunities to attack Jayton, but alone, Zero was no match for the behemoth in front of him.

Waving its sickle-shaped forelegs, it continuously attacked Zero, flattening several small hills around it.

At the same time, Risa's sister Anna and Sawa Fuko and others came here.

"Sorry, we are late," Anna said to Risa.

"Did Xiaowu find what he was looking for?" Anna asked Risa.

"Not yet, but it must be somewhere," Risa said as she looked back at Xiaowu who was looking for him.

At this time, under Lin Tian's control, a huge dark fireball of the Jetton larvae attacked them directly.

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian knew that the opportunity had come. He restrained his breath and ran towards Risa and Xiaowu in one step instead of two steps.

The dark fireball directly knocked the two down.

But Anna was not so lucky. She was directly blown away by the huge blast wave and fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, the impact of the blast wave was not great.

Looking at Anna who flew out, Lin Tian hurried over to see how Anna was.

But he found that Anna was just blown away by the northern blast wave and was not unconscious.

At the same time, Risa and Xiaowu also ran over and looked at Anna who fell to the ground in disbelief.

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