Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 14 - 014 : The start of the show

"Oh that's must be felt, maybe this is the starting point?"

Arthur see in the distance a silhouette of a person move in a fast speed from one roof to another

"And that flying ice crystals is Emi than, oh the one who try to catch up is Rem. And where is our protagonist??? Oh there he are thinking he is awesome and full of himself when he is in bad situations "

Arthur watching a whole situation from a high building

"Look like Rem will arrive first, i need to step in and tell her to help him"

When Rem arrives she see three people who beat a boy who curls his body so he will not take fo many damage, but to Rem this is not something new and just normal occurrences in capital so she doesn't want to step in and waste her time to search for the theft.

No matter what this is also her mistake and negligence so the badge is stolen but before she can leave Arthur appear in front of her, blocking the alley entrances.

"Artur-sama, do you-"

"I will try to find the one who stole the badge, and for the boy with full of bruise over there please help him. He is from the same hometown as me, if Emilia arrive tell her to search in different directions with you"

"Arthur-sama but the badge is-"

"I know what you want to say but please you must remember he is also see the theft and because of this if this tragedy known to public this will be the end for her and maybe to Roswaal too , can you Rem?"

".... i understand, Arthur-sama "

"Thank you Rem, please believe in me"

Arthur disappear leaving Rem in alley entrances with uncertainty in her eyes before it vanishes from her eyes.

"That's enough already "

"Huuuh? Maid?"

"A little girl?"

"What? Are you wannt to join us and have fun?"

One of the thug try to get closer to Rem but before he can touch her a with hand is planted on his face and send him flying.

"Battle maid? So there is the real battle maid in this world? And the first heroine i meet is battle maid?"

That's the nonsense subaru let out even if he is in very bad condition

"This.. that.. run!!!"

One of the thug decide to run and pick his comrades who unconsciousness after Rem send him flying to the wall.

"Are you have know something about a girl with blonde hair that running pass here?"

"Well if you ask it then what i can said is i know nothing about her but thank you for helping me... eh?"

Subaru who try to standing is feel very dizzy and he fall to the ground again and when he nearly lost his consciousness a new sound is heard

"Rem! Do you find it?"

"I'm sorry Emilia-sama i didn't find the theft, but Arthur-sama currently is searching it too and he said Emilia-sama need to search in different directions so we can search more large area"

"But what about the person over there he seems like need a help, Rem you need to help him"

"Don't worry Emilia-sama i will heal his wounds so you can rest ȧssured "

"Then i will search to another direction"

"Yes Emilia-sama, please protect yourself "

After Emilia left Rem make subaru rest in better position and use her magic to heal him and after some time he is wake up and ofcourse his wound is gone.

"Thank you so much for your help, i nearly lost my life there. You're really like an angel that send from the sky to help me"

"If you can speak nonsense like that so you must be alright, I'm very busy so i will leave "

Rem walk away from alley and leaving Subaru alone

'She is searching for the theft, and look like it's not just a random thing that got stolen but very important thing. I need to help her!'

Subaru make up his determination and catching up to Rem

"Please wait a moment!"

"What? I said i didn't have a time to waste on you"

Rem stop her step and see the boy is running after her

"You need to find something important right? I will help you!"

"I think you will just become a burden"

"Come on in my place there is a say it said 'it's better if two head thinking other than one head' you also just know her hair color right? But i different i know roughly how she look like so i can help you gather information"


"If you just do it alone you will waste a lot of time and make it more hard to find the thing that got stolen you know"

"If you try to deceive me i will make you think it's better for you to get beaten by the thugs "

"O-o.ooh you can count on me "

'Seriously how can cute girl like this have that much power? Well maybe that's because fantasy world ? Then i need to find what it's power that sleep inside me'

"If you daydreaming like that i will leave you "

"Wait wait wait don't leave me here"

Subaru run after Rem and following her

He try to strike a conversation with her but always shoot down with a short answer from Rem but maybe because he is have a high mental aptitude or because his shame veins is cut of he didn't feel bad because of her actions.

"Oh now that I think of it, we haven't told each other our names yet, have we? Should we introduce ourselves?"

"That's not need, after today we will go on separate way"

"Oh come on don't be cold like that, think about it don't you feel it will be weird if i need to calling you 'hey cute maid over there!' And you need to calling me 'handsome boy over there ' if we to faraway to converse like this?"

"I think you have a point there but i still can't find where is handsome boy you talking about, but if what you mean is a useless boy who got beaten and can't put up a fight then i see one"

"Gaaah!!! That's because they're outnumbered me and they have weapon to so how can you expect me to retaliate?! If i make a move then i will die instead of getting robbed!"

"Maybe that's the best outcome"

"What's the best outcome you talk about! You didn't mean if i died is the best outcome right?! Ah, but come to think about this i must said i really fell thankful to you for saving me there"

Subaru feel really grateful to the girl because he is aware if not because of her, he will die in there.

"Don't mistaken me, i help you because of Emilia-sama and Arthur-sama task"

"Emilia-sama you talk is the beautiful girl with silver hair before? But i didn't know if there is other people"

"You're shield your head and accept the beating gladly when Arthur-sama come"

"Who is gladly accepting it?! But no matter what you are the one who help me so i really thankful to you"

'If not because of her it would really game over for me'

"My name is Natsuki Subaru! The ignorant and unintelligent, forever and everlastingly penniless! Nice to meet you!"

"Well, that doesn't inspire a lot of confidence, does it? And you admit it yourself, you're a useless person "

This is bad, both considering the debt I owe and the fact that she's my one precious connection in this world… I'm gonna do my best to cling to this relationship and not let go…!

"My name is Rem, just Rem. I work as a maid in Margrave Roswaal L Mathers "

"Is he a noble?"

"Considering my lord is the greatest magician in Kingdom of Lugunica it's very weird if you didn't know him, where do you come from?"

"Ha, I was waiting for you to ask that question. Given this trope, I'll have to say I come from a small country to the east!"

'This is the pattern that has often used by majority of people who drag to another world in the story so this logic very acceptable '

"If you look at a map of the continent, Lugunika is the country farthest to the east, so…there's no country to the east of here."

Rem look to Subaru with odd as if judging he is just a scammer or a person with unstable mental

"What, are you serious? We're at the ends of the east?! So…does this make this country my long-yearned-for Zipang?!"

"So you don't know where you are, you don't have any money, you can't read, and you are very useless in battle, I'm starting to think you're get a kick in the head to hard before or maybe you got kicked in the head when you're born"

"That's very rude statement you know Rem"

"Well either it rude or not, it doesn't change the fact that you are useless "

"Can you stop calling me useless..."

Subaru fell dispirit because even if he try to rebuke it, the fact is like that.

'I need to prove my self... use your head Subaru, use your Head '

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