Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 20 - 020: You Know What It Feels?

The next morning Arthur wakes up and found he is sleeping in Emilia's study room, he remembers clearly what happened last night before he passes out. If it was an eastern fantasy world he might think if Emilia put some strange drugs inside his tea and use him for dual cultivation but clearly, something like that won't happen because Emilia who is with him last night.

Looking at the sleeping beauty who is still sleeping Arthur pick her up to bring her to her bedroom

"Let's move, if you sleeping like that you will not feel uncomfortable when you're wake up" Arthur didn't know if she heard what he said but at least he feels if she is more relaxed than before

After he asks Rem to bring breakfast for him to the gazebo in the front yard Arthur open a notification from system that he missed last night

^Congratulations for completing hidden achievements^

^Rewarding Host with Random Spirit card x1, Specific Item card x10, Random System Point card x1, Unknown card x1^

"There are also hidden achievements? No, wait until now you just give reward to me without telling me what is achievements that available for me"

^System is giving chance for Host to explore system functionality freely without being restrained by the system^

"Well, it's fine. If I know what will make me complete the achievements I afraid I will just live following something like a quest for the rest of my life"

While Arthur look at the card explanation Rem is coming and put down the breakfast on the table

"You didn't want to have breakfast inside?"

Today Roswaal want to have breakfast together with everyone because he wants to thanks Subaru for his help in yesterday incident but Arthur know it was just a reason for Roswaal to make Subaru join Emilia's camp without him inviting Subaru proactively

"The weather is very good so I want to enjoy my breakfast on the outside, are you fine now?"

"Thank you for your concern, Rem is fine now. Do you need anything else?"

"I hope you can prepare a warm breakfast for Emilia when she is wake up later"

"Yes, then I will leave for now"

Rem is needed to prepare the dining room for Roswaal so she can't stay in the gazebo for too long

Finishing his breakfast Arthur take out the unknown card from the system storage, it was just a plain black card, and no matter how much Arthur ask the system about this card function he never gets the answer

"The scariest thing is an unknown, I can't do anything because for the next three days there is a possibility for Subaru die and the time will reset to this morning, or more exactly it was when Rem leaving me here" Arthur can determine it because he can see Subaru's room from here

"Since that is the case... system I want to active the unknown card"

at the same time when he finished speaking darkness is engulfing him and when he regained his vision he is standing under a lamppost and he is stunned by what he sees

This place although have some new buildings and decorations Arthur can still know where it was

This is his ex-girlfriend's universities, in this place is Arthur have a last date with her several weeks before Arthur decides to end their relationship, at that time there is a cosplay competition held here and she wants to watch it together.

"It seems the flow of time is different... it was seven years already" Arthur notice it after he looks at the time that shown on the pamphlet that scattered in the ground that was thrown away by some people

Because of the nature of the event Arthur's appearance is not weird for the people who are seeing him.

After his death the time he spends in Re Zero world it was just a year and several months but it was more than seven years already in this side, in seven years there is a lot of things that change and the most notable change is a new buildings that stood in the place where he previously lived.

"Tell me system, can I exchange my sacred gold coin with yen?"

^1 sacred gold coin equivalent with 540.000 yen^

"Okay, 1 sacred gold coin is enough for now"

Arthur walk to the restaurant because he wat to know about his parents' whereabouts when he passes the playground he caught a glimpse of a little girl who is playing with sand alone without a friend or family

"Maybe they're inside..." Arthur didn't think too much about it and enter the restaurant

After he chooses to sit near the window a waitress is coming to him and offering a menu for him to choose

"Just give me your special menu for today"

"Yes, do you need anything else?"

"If I didn't wrong this place is a private house several years ago, do you know where is the previous owner of this place?"

"I'm sorry but I just started working here two years ago so I didn't know much about that, it is very important?"

"The house owner is an acquaintance of mine and I want to find them, I was out of the country for several years and just come back today so I want to find them"

"I think the manager can help you, he is the owner of this place so he must know about where the previous owner is now"

"Thank you"

Several minutes later the waitress is back with the dish and she tells him if the manager will coming in a while.

Arthur didn't eat immediately because he wants to meet with the owner first, and after waiting for a while there is someone who is coming to his table, but it was not the manager instead it was a little girl that he sees in the playground outside of the restaurant.

She has long, straight, and seemingly thin black hair, which she wears in pigtails and brown eyes that have a red-orange tint. she wears a light blue one-piece dress over a white shirt. The skirt goes down to her knees and the dress has four white dots over the ċhėst, a white bow and a white-collar. Additionally, she wears black shoes with white shoelaces over long white socks, which have red and blue stripes on them.

The little girl looking at the dish with both of her hands at the end of the table, there is a growl coming out of her stomach but the girl still looking at the dish before she looks at Arthur's face.

"... are you hungry?" Well, she must be hungry but he didn't know what he can ask in this situation

*nod nod* the girl nodding and look at Arthur once again

"You're not with your family?" It will be quite awkward if he let the girl eat here and then her family is coming

The girl shook her head as an answer for Arthur's question

"Then go wash your hand first, it's dirty because you playing sand in tr outside"

The girl looks at her own hand before she ran to the nearby wastafel and wash her little hands after that she ran back and sat across Arthur

"Eat anything you like, don't worry I will pay for you"

The little girl nod and then she take one off a dish that she like, Arthur didn't eat anything and just drink the juice before he once again waiting for the owner of the restaurant but this time there is someone who is accompanying him, he feels attracted to this little girl, of course, it's not because he swings to that way but it was more like his instinct want him to protect her.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for me" a man in his forties is coming and apologize to Arthur before he introduced himself as the owner of this restaurant

"I just want to ask if you know about a couple of wife and husband that have this place before you bought it from them?" Arthur just wants to know about their condition because it was impossible for the system to let him back to this world for a long time and it seems it was difficult for him if he wants to come back here again because he already tries to use Hiraishin no Jutsu previously.

He can leave his mark here but he can't feel the connection with the mark in the Re Zero world, in other words, if his theory is right then he can't use this technique to travel between world even if he leaves his mark in each world.

"Can I know who you're before I tell you about them?" The owner is very cautious because he didn't want to be involved in something that will bring negative effects to his restaurant

"I was superior of their son and I come here to deliver his salary and offer our condolences for their loss"

"I heard their son is bedridden, how can he work for you?"

"There is a lot of work that didn't need your presence in the office, just a computer with an internet connection will do"

"It's been seven years since their son is dead and all of you just coming now?" For the owner, that type of work is feasible but the delayed is too long

"Because the nature of our cooperation it was not required for us to communicate every day and it was understandable if he stops working for a while before he resumed his work, if you didn't, believe me, we can go to the police station to verify it" that was such a bad lie, that's why deep inside his heart Arthur want the owner believes in his lies

"Well, honestly seven years ago when I bought this place I didn't ask about where they will go if I buy the house from them"

Arthur looked at the owner of the restaurant with the blank look, the owner answer really makes him speechless

'He asks so many questions and it was his answer?'

"Don't look at me like that! What I want to say is if you really want to meet with them I can help you but it needs one or today because I need to go to the related government office and ask about the whereabouts of the seller of this place and they will need to verify the authentication of the documents before helping me to find them, of course, I can go to police station directly but I afraid it will impact my restaurant reputation if some people think it was a scandalous restaurant" the owner explain himself and hope Arthur choose to wait instead of going to the police station

Arthur close his eyes and think it carefully after he thinks over it he chooses another option

"Let's do it instead, I want you to deliver this briefcase to them after you find their new address, of course, you need to sign a contract with me first. I will reward you with hundred thousand yen immediately if you agree" Arthur take out a briefcase under the table and also a contract that he bought from the system

It was a soul contract that will make whoever's sign it will follow the term in the contract and can't betray it because it was like a brainwashing type of command, of course, it just can be used for people in this world because they didn't have any type of energy like mana or anything.

The owner read the contract and from what he can see the contract didn't have anything that suspicious and the possibility for getting a hundred thousand yen just for delivering a briefcase is very easy

Arthur leaves the restaurant with the little girl, from the owner he comes to know if the girl is not from this area and she always playing alone in the playground and going home before the sun is set so there is no one who knows her home. And he is also surprised because it was the first time for the girl to close with someone else, previously some of his worker give the girl different food every day because she didn't eat the previous food she gives but it was not until she found out if the girl didn't want to eat food given by strangers because there is a time when she comes to the counter and order a food and paid it with her own money that she has.

"Where is your home? I will bring you there" holding the little girl hand Arthur decide to ask her address

"Two streets from here, turn left after the shopping area and search a home with blue color one"

"That's quite far from here, why you go to that restaurant?"

"When mama is free from her work mama always bring me there, mama said if she like that place"

"What's your name?" Come to think of this he still didn't know about the little girl's name

"My name is Akiyama Yui, what is your name uncle's?"

"Uncle..." he must admit if the girl is very adorable but being called an uncle is hurt "and Akiyama... what a nostalgic name... My name is Arthur Spencer, you can call me Arthur"


"Arthur, it's an R, not L. You can do it, try again"

"Awthur?" Yui asks with titling her head but what comes out of her mouth is still a wrong name

"Well whatever just remember that's my name," Arthur thinks maybe it's too hard for her to spell his name correctly "You can't act so closely like this to a stranger you know, what will happen to if you act like this too bad people? "

"Uncle is bad people?" Yui asks with her eyes wide open

"... I'm not, but if you still call me uncle then I will be a bad people"

"Yui understand" Yui nodded her head repeatedly as if want to make Arthur believe if she will not do it again

"How old are you now?"

"Mama said asking about a lady's age is rude, Uncle"

Arthur stop walking and pinch her little cheeks

"Who is this lady you're talking about? And what you call me before? Where is your promise gone?"

"It huwt! It huwt! I'm sowwy!"

"Good I will forgive you if you answer me" after satisfied playing with her cheek Arthur nod his head and release his hand from her cheeks

"I'm five years old" Yui answer while her hand rubbing her cheeks and mumbling "This is what they called as domestic violence in the tv...?"

Arthur's eyes are twitch when he heard it "You're to smart for a five-year-old kid and stop watching a drama on the TV, it can make you turn to stupid"

"Really? Yui will be a stupid girl if Yui sees the drama on TV?"


"Then Yui will watch it on the computer instead on the TV..." Yui nodded her head earnestly

Arthur ruffles her hair and didn't say anything else...

When they pass the shopping area Arthur buy several books and mostly is culinary books and recipes, if he buys it from system each recipe will cost him system point that's why he can't make many types of food that he can introduce under his trading company name and now he just need to translate it to Lugunica language before introducing it to the market.

He also buys some clothes that Yui likes and also some toys, he has too much money that will turn to scrape papers if he back to Lugunica so it's fine if he gives the little girl some mementos.

Short story Arthur and Yui arrive at her house and she invites him to come in, Arthur sigh at this little girl's careless attitude to invite strangers to enter her house when she is alone. Well, they've introduced their name to each other so they not a stranger again, maybe.

Inside the house, Arthur plays with Yui for a while because he wants to meet with her parents for avoiding a misunderstanding happening but a picture on the wall makes him froze.

It was a picture of a girl that has straight, long, black hair and gray-blue eyes. She is wearing uniform consists of a navy blue blazer, a solid white buŧŧoned shirt under the blazer, a blue-colored ribbon and a light steel blue skirt in the picture.

How can he describe the uniform clearly?

Because it was a uniform for schoolgirls in his high school back then and the one who in the picture is someone that very well known to him, his first and last love, Akiyama Misaki.

Seeing Arthur stop playing with her, Yui look at what he sees and she exclaims

"Oh, that's Mama's picture!"


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