Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 24 - 024 : one must know how to stop bulshiting

The next day Arthur wake up very late, the breakfast time is already over so he make his way to kitchen with the hope there is something he can get for his empty stomach.

When he is arrive at the kitchen he see a new face there

'Oh? He is take this route? Well whatever, why he waste a chance transport to another world to become butler, just stop being a neet and do odd job in the restaurant will solve it'

Arthur stealthily take a bread on the nearby table and turn away to leave the kitchen, it's not because he shy to ask for food but he doesn't want to bother with the emotional brat.

But the people just can make a plan, god who decide it can success or not.

"Arthur-sama, good morning. If you need a breakfast i will prepare it for you"

Rem who is cooking something turn her head and ask him innocently, this question draw attention the other two who is busily peeling the abble.

"Gwood mworning, Lam, Lem"

Arthur who still eating the bread greet them without stopping himself from swallowing the bread

"Whhaaaat?! Am i send to crossover anime world?!! How the hell you can be here?!!"

The one who have the hugest reaction is the emotional brat, Subaru.

'Here we are...'

Arthur finish his bread and look at Subaru from the head to bottom and look at him with innocent face

"Do we know each other? Well with your type of face and personality i think i will remember you the moment i see you before"

"You're Hiiragi Shinya right?! You're from Japanese Imperial Demon Army right?! How you a major general can be here?!!"

Subaru too excited and didn't control his voice and his attitude, he even use a kitchen knife pointing it to Arthur.

"Aaaahhh!!! It's cold! It's hurt too!! Damn it! What is this?!"

"Don't pointing something like that to people you know? Well consider it as my benevolence just let you hurt a little "

Arthur feel amusing with his attitude but in the end he think this is just stupid to shouting everything you know without getting better understanding about this.

So he choose to use it as a reason to cut off the talk but,


"Aw! What is that for Emi?"

Arthur turn his body and there is Emilia with a large book on her hand and staring him with disapproval look.

"You can't use violence easily to other people Arthur "

Emilia speak with stern voice to him as if she want he know she is not like how he behaved before.

"But you use violence to me.."

"It's because i punish you "

"But that's still violence you know.."

"Do you want more?"

"Rem can you prepare a simple meal for me? I will waiting in Emilia study room"

Arthur decide to retreat here and dash out of kitchen because he knew it was pointless to argue with her

"Haah why he is unreliable for the past few days, Rem please prepare his food. I will bring it myself so i will waiting here, ah and are you ok?"

"When you ask my condition, all of my pain is gone because of your feelings Emilia-tan"

"As always i didn't understand what you're talking but that's good if you're fine. It's very rare for Arthur to use violence, what are you doing that make him like that?"

Emilia ask as if she didn't to interest as she make her way to Rem side and watch her cooking a dish.

"I just think he is resemble a man i knew"

"Oh, who is it?"

"Hiiragi Shinya, major general from Japanese Imperial demon army"

Subaru replied without to much though because he knew they didn't know that's just an anime character in his world.

"Major general?"

"What this army do? Rem think she never heard it before "

"Hiiragi Shinya.."

Ram and Rem look interests in this topic but Emilia is different, she is just muttering the name with very small voice so no one hear it and she is also didn't turn her back and just looking to the pot with a boiling soup inside.

"Well what this army do is fighting again monster and vampire who will enslave human to feast on their blood, or something like that and major general is hmm how i said it, a person with position and authority to command many people? Well it's maybe just my misunderstanding "

Subaru scratches his face and try to divert the conversation because he is also didn't sure if he in a crossover anime world or he just met with someone that have similar face.

"Barusu, Ram think if something like that really happens then a whole world will know it"

"You're right Ram, maybe i wrong"

"Emilia-sama the food is ready, if Emilia-sama still wants to bring it with you then Rem will bring a tea set for the two of you"

"Thank you Rem"

Emilia take a tray full of food with Rem following her leaving Ram and Subaru in the kitchen

"So that's Arthur-sama that Rem talk about? I just can see a coward and unreliable person"

Jealousy is a worse thing that cover your world view

"Barusu, Ram need to warn you to not forget your position as a butler in this mansion. Even if you didn't have a good impression to Arthur-sama, he is a knight of Emilia-sama, and position of Emilia-sama is higher than Roswaal-sama because of her special condition. So please watch your foul mouth and don't disgrace Roswaal-sama "

Subaru feel silent and just resume his work to peeling the fuit.


"You're really bad knight, your lady is bringing your food and you reading leisurely here, can you act like how a real knight do a thing?"

Even if she talk like that there is smile on her face so it can't said as a complain but more like how a newlywed couple talk.

"I ask Rem in the first place so it's not my fault right"

"But this is my study room and not your room"

"But i need a book from here so it's more convenient for me if i eat here"

When the two is bickering, Rem silently place the tea and when she want to execuse herself Arthur call her.

"Rem, can you hear me for a moment?"

"Yes, what you want to tell me?"

"He is the victim, he didn't have a connection to her or to her followers, he is her victim like you"


"But i will not interfere if from your point of view he is dangerous for you or for the people here, but make sure to take a look properly "

"Thank you Arthur-sama "

"You can leave, also thanks for the food "

Arthur permits her to go after said what he want and he think this is just a small help for someone from the same world.

When there is just them in the room Arthur take his spoon and eat the food, and Emilia just sit on one of the chair in there and waiting Arthur finish his meal .

"Thanks for the food"

"Arthur can you tell me, what Subaru talk about your past is true?"

"My past?"

"Japanese Imperial demon army "

Arthur feel silent because of her question

'Well there is no such a thing in this world but if Considering my background, even if Emilia accept it if i didn't talk about it. It's not look good if i treat her believe like this'

"What do you want to know,Emi?"

"So it's true?"


Emilia take his silent as a confirmation, but the reason of his silent is because he doesn't want to confirm it or to reject it.

So his silent now can't be considered as a lie in the future because this is Emilia ȧssumption and not his confession.

"Why you choose to abandon that army if what they do is protecting people from something like that?"

"You know, when you fight for your own race to defend attack from other race with your life on line, what do you feel when you're betrayed by the people you protect? When you and your army is fighting but your family is use as an experiment for benefit of your leader? I feel tired and helpless so i end up in here without knowing how i can come here"

Arthur end up his false information because if he give to much false information then he sure it will bite back to him in the future. But when he turn to Emilia, she have a tears on her face and there is a sorrow, sadness, and also fury in her eyes.

Well this is can't be help, Arthur speak without much emotion but Emilia think that's because his heart already dead from the time he is betrayed so she can't feel any emotion from him.

'I think i slightly over do it...'

"But now, my name is Arthur Spencer, and i is a knight of Emilia. That's me, so you didn't need look at me as a Hiiragi Shinya, but look at me as Arthur Spencer your knight, just look at me"

"Yes, you're Arthur.. you're my knight"

"I will go out a moment to get a fresh air"

Arthur decide to flee because this will be very awkward if puck appear and can feel his lies so the best way is flee and evade this topic in the future.

When Arthur is not in the room, puck appear and floating in front of Emilia.

"Puck.. is there really another country outside of the great waterfall?"

"Hmmm, well there is a many people who claim they're from outside of the great waterfall but because there is no evidence so i can't sure too, but you need the strength to know the answer, and your strength alone isn't enough , if what he said is true then there will be an entity that can make him helpless or banish him to here without he know it so you need a strength to help him"

This time Emilia who is silent but that's not long before she stand up and study earnestly.

'Outside the great waterfall... what is lied in there is something that unknown to people for hundreds year, and maybe just the dragon who know it'

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