Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 26 - 026 : development project

Emilia standing in front of entrance to the forest with worries all over her face, Rem is gone from the morning and there is no othere news from Subaru and Ram who is going together to bring her back.

Emilia feel conflicted in her heart, if she go to the forest she afraid the villagers will be in dangerous situation, but with the commotion at the forest that getting louder she is also worries with the wellbeing of the three people.

"I... must search them"

"And what do you think you're doing?"

A hand rest on top of her head and stop her from crossing the border, she feel the warm of the hand and a slight smile appear on her face but she is make a stern look when she is turn her body to face the owner of the hand that still on her head.

"Where are-"

"Hmm, What's up?"

"What happened to you?"

Emilia can't be sure what it was but she knew something must be happened to him when he is gone that make him feel different from before he gone.

"What are you talking about? Nothing happened to me, I'm fine, rather than me, what happened here when I was not around?"

"There's someone who try to curse the villagers and kidnapped the children but Subaru find it and save them with Rem, but on their way home they are getting ambushed by the wolgram and Subaru who got infected by the curse after saving Rem so Rem go to the forest to kill all of wolgram so Subaru curse will be lift off, Subaru and Ram searching for Rem but they still didn't comeback till now."

"Thanks for your summary "

"You must help them! I know this is not your job to rescue them but- aww!"

Emilia stop talking and yelp a little because Arthur flick her forehead that left a red mark in there.

"What's that for?!" Emilia shouts will holding her forehead with both hands

"I was your knight, so you just need said what you want then you just need to leave everything to me, because I will achieve it with everything i have. Do you understand?"


Emilia lower her head and answer in small voice and nodding.

"It's good if you understand, now leave it to me"

Arthur ruffle her hair and take a step forward

"Well, will i on it let's make it more merrier"

A lightning pillar is appear with Arthur as a center of this pillar, the lightning pillar towering to the sky, even Subaru and the twin who are faraway on the forest can see it clearly.

When all of the people looking to the lightning pillar Arthur release hundreds of lightning in the shape of wolf to the forest.

A loud sound of explosions heard here and there on the forest, a blinding light of the blast from lightning shape wolf with the wolgram flashing here and there, because of the nature of lightning magic that have fast speed, not many wolgram can dodge it, and even if they can dodge the first attack, the lightning shape wolf that didn't strike it's target will explode and release a large amount of lightning to the surrounding, this is the definition of homing magic and Aoe magic.

"What's that... what the hell is that?! It is Enel or Kakashi?! "

Subaru who are together with the twin and in the forest seeing the fate of wolgram that chased him before become a charcoal is shock with the one who launch this attack but before he get his answer



Arthur, the creator of this commotion feel please with his experiment even if he can't get system point with this ability he still can launch an attack to the place where his eyes can't see.

"They're safe, the bowels hunters, and now the demonic beasts tamers, you sure have quite a lot of fans how envious "

"This is not my fault! I would rather didn't have a fans if all of them always make trouble for me!"

"My job is over, now is your part to tell the villagers that they didn't need to worry again because the commotion is over. "

"You're right, wait for me"

Emilia run and gather the villagers, and announce that the commotion is over and they can life peacefully from now on.

Many villagers doesn't want to hear her because of her appearance that resemble the witch from the legend, but they must behave obediently . A man that stood behind her is the reason , to the villagers previous lightning pillar is very frightening so they can't forget the source of this magic is someone who obediently following her command.

"Let's go home, Emilia "

Arthur feel this will not very good for Emilia of she still stay here so he ask her to leave this village.

"You don't need to worry, as i said they will afraid anything that they can't achieve and confront, like me. If you want they change how they look at you then you must do what you can to achieve with"

Emilia stop her step and ask with her head look to the ground ao Arthur can't see her face but he can guess it from her trembling shoulder

"Can you ... help me"

"I will be here for you"

"I... try to help..but"

"You already work hard enough"

"I know.. it's not their fault...but"

"Yes, it's not their fault, but also not yours.. it's the nature of human to fear, but there is also a nature of human to depend to each other, so when you can be someone they can depend on, they will view you in different light, they will not see you as a split image of the witch but as Emilia, the person who will become a queen and bring the prosperity to the kingdom "

Emilia rest her head on Arthur ċhėst and ask slowly

"What can i do to change it..."

"You're a future queen so before you manage the kingdom, why not you try to manage this village first? I'm not Well versed in this field but i will help you as much as i can, so do you qant to try it?"

"Yes, i want to make them know me as Emilia, so please help me"

"Then we need to work extra time now"

Arthur teleport the two of them back to Emilia's study room.

"You maybe already know it but relations with other country is not number one priority that we need to make as priority, right?"

"Yes, i know this is where my mistake lied"

"You can't said everything as a mistake, but you can said it as a process to learn what's more important "

"You just phrase it to make it more pleasing to the ears but the meaning is the same " replied Emilia

"But it's have different feel you know, well if yku understands that is something that you need to put as a priority then what it is?"

"The kingdom will prosper if the citizens live well"

"Right, so you need to make their living quality turn to better. But before that you need to organize them, make a draft about their name, occupation, take a note of their strong point and allocate them to the place where their specialties will be need the most"

"Um, i understand it" Emilia replied earnestly and make a note on her book

"Then, hmm maybe you need to make a school?"

"School?" Emilia ask with confusion on her face

"It's place where you gather a child and teach them how to read, write, do some basic math and many other thing. Children is the future of a country, if the children is smart then they can achieve many things, when they are become mȧturė enough they can make a contribution for the kingdom in many ways. "

"But where we can find the people who will teach the children? We also need to think the payment for them, it's not good if we ask the villagers to pay-"

"Do you believe me?"

".. then i will leave it to you "

Emilia replied with a sweet smile on her face.

In the end they talk about many thing, with Emilia ask a lot of thing and Arthur try to remember something he thinks can be implemented in this world they didn't feel the sun is slowly rise and bath the world with it light.


Arthur stop himself from calling her when he see her sleep peacefully on top off her book.

Arthur lift her slowly before take her to bedroom and lied her there and cover her with quilt, he take a towel and warm water and wipe her face.

"You're really to soft heart, even if other people hate you, you always think that's because of your fault. And forgive me if I'm useless in government. If i remember correctly when i play simulator game like civilization i always choose to advance my army to win the game with dominating other country. Well you work hard enough for this day, good might"

Arthur leave the room use his hiraishin so he minimizes the possibility of waking her up.

"I hope she will forget to ask about what happened to me, oh man.. it's really awkward to said i met my ex girlfriend daughter and i became like this"

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