Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 31 - 031 : Jackpot

When Arthur back, there is no one who is awake, maybe they have confidence in him or they didn't care his wellbeing, Arthur hope it's the the former.

But when he is passing a room there is someone who is who fallen asleep with her head on top of table, Arthur approach her and ċȧrėss her hair gently

"Hmm..? Arthur?" Emilia muttering softly

"Yes, it's me, you will catch a cold if you sleep here, let me carry you to your bedroom"


Arthur pick her up slowly, Emilia just snuggled on his ċhėst and close her eyes again.

After Arthur put her on the bed and cover her with quilt he didn't leave right away but take a seat beside her bed and watching her sleeping face.

He reminiscent the first time he come to this world, he died with her romance life is his only regret, so he doesn't have any goal in this world, he dosen't have an ambitious dream like make a harem palace or dominating the world, seriously what make people want to dominating the world the moment they arrive at another world?

Arthur is not a believer of 'if other can do it, you can do it too'

But he is the believer of 'if other can do it, then let them do it'

So if there's someone who want to dominating the world let them do it as long as they didn't bother him.

He just want to live in this world freely, just following how his heart dėsɨrės.

And now, to support the girl who sleep in front of him is his only dėsɨrė.

The first time he met her, he just fell curious about her. And with the time they spent together, he is drawn in because of her personality.

"I'm a greedy person and i know it..."

Arthur have a soft spot for her in his heart, but he also knew, he still can't forget about his previous lover.

Maybe the real reason to following Emilia because he want forget about his love to his ex girlfriend, or maybe because he want someone who care and believe in him so he decided to stay with her.

But he knew, his feelings to support her in this election is genuine. He didn't know how to running government, how to make a political move, and he just know something that maybe didn't make a lot of contributions to her political career, but at least, he have a power to protect her from any harm, and he have a power to punish anyone who want to hinder her dream with illogical reasons.

Arthur stand up and ċȧrėss her face gently once more before he teleport to the Irlam village, he decided to call Baal and Sezan because he want to discuss something with them.

"Do you need something Arthur-sama?"

"You didn't need to worry, the reason i call you is to talk something, i just want to ask, what do you think if i want to build a wall with nine meters high and five meters wide that will cover 3 square kilometers?"

"I more concern about who will live there? The villagers here very little, at least we need thousands people to live here to make this place didn't look like an abandoned city if we cover that much land" Baal replied after Considering future

"People is not a problem here, i know we can find as much people as we want but the problem is, this land under Roswaal protection right? Why we need to waste so much of manpower just for his achievements " but Senzan replied after she thinking about the one who will have this place in the end.

"And even if we didn't have the previous problem, with the manpower we have now, this project will need a long time to complete, i must said your manpower is very dependable but they still have a limit"

"If you can solve the problem, we still need a good architect, we can't just build in ramdom way and make this place no different than slum"

"I just Considering it for now, you can continue the task i give previously, i need to solve the ownership problem first tomorrow, alright, i will go now"

Arthur teleport again to Emilia room and take a seat, he is staring to her face while his mind thinking about the problem said by Baal and Sezan.

For the manpower he can solve it easily

For the people, he can get it easily from the slums also there is a lot of refugee from the north

Arthur who focus his mind didn't know the morning is come, he wake from his wandering thoughts when he heard a voice from the bed.

"Arthur what are you doing here?"

"You're waiting for me yesterday, so it's my turn to waiting for you when you're sleep"

"So You didn't sleep last night?"

"I have a very satisfying sleep yesterday thanks to you"

"If you said it like that, i feel embarrassed for unknown reasons " replied Emilia with a light blush on her face "where do you go yesterday?"

"I walking around aimlessly and in the end i was talking with someone and when i realized it was already very late before i comeback "

"You make me worried you know, i didn't know where you go so i can't search you, in the end i just can waiting for you here"

"I'm sorry, and thank you for worrying me"

"Well at least you know you're wrong, so can you leave me alone now? I need go to bathroom now"

"Well i will go then if you won't invite me in"

"Just go already!" Emilia throwing her pillow but Arthur already leaving the room.


Arthur met with Roswaal who just arrived at the house when the breakfast time is over, so Arthur decide to talk with him about his last night plan.

"Sooo, what you neeedd from me? Iiiits seem you're very serious"

"If you know i was serious can you stop talking like that?" Replied Arthur exasperating

"Weeeell this is my hobby so please tolerate it"

"Whatever, Roswaal, i won't said i know your intentions to support Emilia become a queen but i just want to know, do you seriously support her or just play around?"

"Ofcourse I'm serious, i have my own objective so i was serious here"

"Then if you serious, please make an official statement that you, Roswaal L Mathers, give your land with size of ten square kilometers to Emilia, and you will not interfere with anything she is doing there, and you will said it was a way for you to support her and this land will be a test for her ability to govern and make development in this piece of land"

"In other hand this land is my way to prove my loyalty and sincerity? Then that's not problem, i can give her a place to develop"

"I slightly surprise you agree easily "

"Ram already talk to me about your project in the village and now look like you make a bigger target so if it really can make her have an increase in her value than that's fine"

"Well i want to warn you to not treat her as an object, but i will let it slide for now. I will leave now, please release the statement as fast as you can and make a necessary document to, so someone who didn't like her will not tey to find a fault from this"

"Yooou can leave it to me, i will complete it as faaaasst as possible"

Arthur teleport to the village and there he summon Baal and Sezan

"I solve the problem of the ownership , so i hope you two can help me to overseeing everything here"

The two of them just nod as confirmation and waiting for further details

"System i think the monster you give me is to expensive if it's Similar with the original"

Arthur feel embarrass because he complain about something he didn't even know it's Similar or not, after read the description carefully he now feel his system point didn't go for nothing.

"System use my random system point card"

Arthur feel if he want to make a great city he mustn't stingy so he will gamble it now

^you receive 249,787,120 system point^


This is a very huge amount of system point, and it's seem this is really like a jackpot, because it double the highest system point he have before.

Arthur decide to make a grand city in the place Roswaal give to Emilia, this is a place that not to faraway from Elior forest.

"System give me a master architect, four thousand peon, thousand master Artisan, thousand metal specialist and two thousand raging miners"

^deducting 45.020.000 system point from host, you can summon the monster anytime^

"Baal, Sezan, we have change of plan, you will complete the previous projects in this vilage and go to the place Roswaal give, i will go there first and start the city project, you can come after your work here complete"

Arthur take out his knife and throw it to the sky before he disappears using hiraishin no jutsu and after he arrive at the place Roswaal said he summon all of the monster and tell the master architect how he want the city is build but the master architect said he need to double the number of worker if he want complete the city much faster so Arthur once again spend forty five million system point.

Crusch have a house of karsten and it's history, Priscilla have Barielle house and Anastasia have hoshin trading company as support, so Arthur want a grand city that can be proud of for Emilia support.

He also order several things from system for the construction necessities.

"Let's make it more grand then any other cities in this kingdom"

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