Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 33 - 033 : The Conference

"I understand the captain wants to tell his story, but as folks say in Kararagi, time is money."

In contrast to her gentle tone and docile face, her request was as straight and to the point as a fastball. She put her Dragon Jewel away and smiled softly.

"If you're repeating what we already know anyway, I'd rather hear more about why we're here."

The demand by the girl with a peculiar accent seemed to rock Marcus back on his heels.

"She sure have a money making mindset..."

Arthur remember this part.. well but in the anime Anastasia didn't have good attitude to Emilia so he hope she is a bit different.

The next girl over said, with a clear voice that echoed across the surprised occupants of the throne room, "She has a point."

As Anastasia crossed her arms and tucked in her chin, the green haired girl offered her agreement. Marcus appealed to her, "Crusch-sama, the head of the House of Karsten should not be…"

"Formalities may be important, but we don't have all the time in the world. We should touch upon the reason for our being gathered as quickly as possible. In fact, I have largely guessed already."

The girl Marcus addressed as Crusch closed one eye, surveying the Council of Elders with the others. Miklotov let out a sigh of admiration.

"As expected of the Duchess of Karsten. So you already understand the meaning of this gathering?"

"Yes, Lord Miklotov.—A banquet, yes? We shall eventually be rivals, but there is still much we do not know about each other. By sitting us at the same table to exchange toasts, we may gain some understanding of the character of our competitors…"

Crusch had decided the occasion was a particularly formal banquet when Miklotov interrupted.

"No, that is not the case."

"Ferris, this is not what you told me."

"Oh no. All Ferri-chan said was that they're bringing lots of food and wine into the castle so maybe they're going to have a banquet. Oopsie."

"I see, I ȧssumed too much. I'm sorry for doubting you."

It was an odd kind of master-servant banter, without much affection. Crusch faced the front again, letting out a small sigh as she put that brief conversation behind her.

"And so, with some embarrassment, I take back my previous statement."

"Oh my, Lady Crusch, you're being way too manly…!"

Anastasia clapped her hands in search of agreement from the other candidates.

"Hey now. Just because Crusch backed off doesn't mean my opinion's changed. Everyone knows the gist of this royal selection thing by now, right?"

Crusch nodded in reply to the question, but Priscilla rudely blew it off with a small snort. Then, Emilia raised her hand a little.

"I think th-that we should listen to the full story."

Anastasia want to said some hars word but when she take a glimpse of Arthur, she hesitates a bit and said "Arthur and me still have some business, if we can save a little time here, we can discuss a lot lof things after this"

"Eh? There is such a plan? I didn't know about it, i think what you and Arthur talk about is not today"

Emilia replied with flustered look and Anastasia have disbelief look all of her face

"So you didn't even know what he arranged for you? Really it's very envious..." Anastasia look like honest with her word, because she didn't know, how Emilia can have a knight who arranged everything for her without she even know about it, as a merchant she is put a lot of attention to the news so she also heard about Roswaal who transfer ownership of barren land near Elior forest to Emilia for her training and test, but with how her act now, Anastasia sure, all of this is arranged by Arthur.

"Then ...then.. what we need to do?"

"Really... you're depend too much on him.. well it's fine, you can continue, Marcus" Anastasia feel helpless with how Emilia didn't know a single thing that her knight doing for her.

Marcus continue his speech and when all of story thing is complete —Anastasia—rubbed her forehead and looked back up to the Council of Elders.

"Anyway, if there's still more, can we get on with it? I don't have forever, and I got a lot to do later. You old men with the purse strings get what I'm saying, right?"

The rudeness of Anastasia's statement stirred the room up. But Anastasia seemed to have a very good read on her position, and the Council of Elders showed no sign of irritation.

"It pains me to take so much of your busy time, Anastasia-sama, but I must ask you to remain with the conference a little longer. After all…this day shall be marked in the history of the kingdom."

The statement triggered an ambiance that compelled everyone to stand a little straighter.

And moving the proceedings forward was Priscilla, pushing out her ċhėst without a single ounce of shame.

"So history shall move, you say, old fossils? In other words, you mean that, yes?"

Miklotov replied to Priscilla's quiet question with a small nod from his perch. Then, the eyes under his thick eyebrows sought Marcus. The look was some kind of signal, as Marcus saluted and suddenly bellowed across the chamber.

"—Knight Reinhard Van Astrea! Come!"

Reinhard, seemingly having waited for the call, replied, "Yes, sir!"

He advanced straight forward, saluting the four candidates before standing

to attention before Marcus and the Council of Elders.

"Very well, Reinhard. Report!"


Marcus took a step back and yielded the center of the platform. With all eyes upon him, Reinhard stepped forward and faced the Council of Elders without a single trace of timidity.

"Esteemed members of the Council of Elders, I am Reinhard van Astrea of the Knights of the Royal Guard, here to report that my mission is complete."

Miklotov instructed, "Mmmm. Say it so that all may hear."

Reinhard turned around, looking over everyone in the room.

"—We have finally found the fifth candidate to become Dragon Maiden, and monarch."

The ranks of knights stirred and formed a space between them. The expressions of the candidates changed, registering strong emotions: determination, delight, tedium, and bewilderment.

"Bring her in," Reinhard curtly called.

Receiving his command, two guards before the entrance saluted and slowly opened the doors. Beyond them a girl, accompanied by ladies-in-waiting, was led into the throne room.

The hem of her light yellow dress fluttered as her high-heeled shoes stepped upon the carpet. Her scrupulously arranged blond hair practically sparkled. The girl was remarkable for the strong determination in her red eyes and the impish appearance of her snaggletooth smile.

She looked so different that he almost doubted what he was seeing. He couldn't help but be lost for words.

With audience paralyzed by surprise, the announcement seemed to echo against several times over.

"This young lady who seeks the crown is called Felt-sama."

Arthur feel curious how Reinhard bring this greedy cat to this room and force her to wear the dress, someone with her personality is won't easy to persuade.

The show is happening, Felt ȧssault to Reinhard, her violence greeting to subaru and in the end she laid her eyes on Arthur.

"Eh? You're also here?"

"I'm with her so ofcourse i will be here" Arthur replied while pointing his chin to where Emilia standing with the other candidates looking at her.

Emilia, realizing who Felt was.

"That girl…from back then…?! That's why Reinhard was so surprised…"

From Emilia's point of view, Felt had gone from the thief of her badge to her rival for the very throne.

The other candidates, the knights, and the nobles all displayed appropriate reactions to the newcomer's crude behavior, none friendly. Under the austere stares, Felt clicked her tongue rudely.

"So what do you want me to do here?"

Reinhard replied, "'Act more like a lady,' I would like to say, but instead, I would have you hold this."

Felt scowled at Reinhard's joke. Reinhard took a dragon emblem out of his pocket and deposited it in her palm. The gemstone immediately emitted a white light.

"I thought this back when I stole one of these, too, but these are strange rocks. Why do they glow?"

Felt had blithely said something very dangerous. Marcus seemed to notice her careless statement.


But Reinhard immediately followed up, "As you can see, the Dragon Jewel acknowledges Lady Felt as a maiden. Now that her participation has been confirmed, I believe that this royal selection now begins in a true sense."

Marcus put a hand to his ċhėst and knelt down on one knee. Reinhard followed suit, then all the Knights of the Royal Guard.

The knights reported their mission was a success. Thanks to their efforts, five Dragon Maidens had been found—in other words, the candidates for the next queen of Lugunica had been ȧssembled.

Priscilla remarked, "I see. Thus, this day will go down in history."

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