Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 42 - 042: The White Whale

Crusch who leading the expedition force wears a white armor that composed of three colors, white, dark green, and gold. This is armor she gets from Arthur, this is an armor used by Titania from fire emblem and Arthur just change the red color to dark green matching it with Crusch hair color.

For several days many magicians pour their mana to this armor because from a note left by Arthur this armor can deploy a one-time barrier, and the damage it can defend depends on the amount of mana within this armor. So for protecting their matriarch, the people from Karsten household suck dry every single drop of their mana for today expedition in case something gone awry and endanger the safety of their matriarch.

She gathered her troop under the shadow of a flugel tree and waiting for the appearance of the White whale, honestly, she is can't just stand here and waiting because it can affect mental of the troops to wait without exact time how long they need to be in high alert.

The one who still acts like usual is just a couple of spirit, Kise and Ludwig. Many people think it's a very strange couple where the female is tall and beautiful but the male is shorter than her, but can't be denied they look love each other deeply.

"Something big is coming to our way"

Kise stood up and said it to Crusch.

"The white whale?"

"I didn't know, I never see it before so I can't be sure"

"Soldiers! Arm yourself and prepare for battle!"

Crusch decides to believe her and apologize later to her troops rather than they are unprepared when the white whale really appear.

There was no change in the silence that had descended over the Liphas

Highway; there was no sight of the enemy in the landscape around her.

shadow to fall over the plains, but—


Looking up, Crusch instantly cursed her own shallowness.

The moonlight vanished as a shadow fell over the plains.

The altitude of the cloud intercepting the moonlight was gently

descending, coming before their eyes.

—But a cloud, it was not.

There was a demon beast, floating in the sky in the form of a gargantuan fish.

As Crusch suċkėd in her breath, virtually everyone in the expeditionary force came to the same understanding. Then, as if their minds were one, they tossed their gazes toward Crusch.

They had succeeded in taking the initiative, catching the White Whale at the moment of its appearance. All that remained was to launch a surprise attack as planned, seizing control of the front.


Crusch breathed in as if to settle her heart upon the first command to


The White Whale had yet to notice the puny beings arrayed against it. The way the White Whale was moving its enormous head was as if to check where it was. And as it acted thus, its guard was down, full of openings—

That settled it for Crusch.

"—All hands Full-scale attack!!!"

Before anyone launches their attacks Kise make a horizontal slash with her scythe and from that move launching sharp energy that getting bigger the more range it travel and when it hit the white whale the slash, cleaved the

solid, stone-like hide, drew blood from the White Whale's enormous frame.

The scream of the White Whale resounded across the plains shock with this surprise attack. Not just the beast but even the expeditionary force is taken back with this attack and the source of the attacks Kise let out a breath and resting her scythe on her shoulder.

"This is just one time attack, I can't launch it again with my lord in a faraway place. The wound is unhealable so it can make our chances to win is larger"

"That already very helpful, Launch the night repel!" Crusch give her command

White light exploded in the sky above, and that white glow instantly

burned the night away.

All trace of the night had completely vanished from the Liphas Highway.

Whatever had happened during those several seconds, the worlds of night and

the day had swapped places, and light as bright as midday shone onto the


special magical stone with an effect called Night Repel had been launched to shine in place of the purportedly sunken sun. The effective range was the area around the Great Tree, and the time limit

was a bit under an hour—more than enough time to end the decisive battle.

The White Whale's enormous frame shuddered as it bellowed, seemingly

enraged at having been dragged out of the night sky.

The roar it unleashed surpassed the level of noise, closer to an act of raw destruction. The atmosphere rumbled, frightening even the trained land

dragons, causing them to roar violently.

Though it appeared to be bleeding from its unclosed wound, it's swimming showed no effects from the wounds. The White Whale's head traversed

the sky over the plains, calmly gazing down at the puny humans daring to

challenge it.

The White Whale: Just as its name suggested, the demon beast's figure

was covered all in white. Countless body hairs sprouted from a hide that

resembled finely chiseled bedrock. The pectoral fins extended from the

underbelly like grim reapers' scythes, with the smaller dorsal and caudal fins

shaped similarly.

The White whale recognizes the one who wound it and swimming to Kise, but before it can come near to Kise a row of sharp earth pillar rise from the ground and aim to the jaw of the white whale.

"Who permits you to try attack Kise?"

Ludwig raises his hand and earth pillar that success avoided by the White whale explode and become shrapnel that scatters to all of its large body and draw more blood from it.

"I can't let the two of you become Center attention this long!!!"

A moment after the valiant heroine's voice, the White Whale's head was

shallowly cut by a single, horizontal slice. The invisible slash stopped the White Whale's initial response; with its

movement halted, more attacks followed. The magic crystal cannons went to

work, concentrating firepower on the White Whale and landing hit after hit, causing its altitude in the sky to drop as the damage and agony to the demon beast piled up.

The White Whale was at the same height as a cloud, but so long as its head was not pointed straight up, it was—

"Within…blade distance"

"I will help you, old man"

Wilhelm jump from his land dragon, but before his foot touches the ground an earth pillar raise from within the ground and propelled him to the same height with the white whale.

The sight of the flash of metal rending the white, stony hide with such

ease made the sound of cannons, echoing across the battlefield, vanish.

This was no spell, no magic crystal cannon, nor even the slash of an

invisible blade, but human training, proof that steel swung by man could

reach even the demon beast.

Proof that human willpower, expended over the course of many years, had

indeed reached the Demon Beast of Mist.

As the figure straightened his back, the White Whale twisted its body,

trying to fling off the figure that had embarked upon the tip of its head. The

White Whale let out a groan as it barrel-rolled in midair.



The White Whale arched as it screamed in pain, its tail dancing wildly in

the sky.

A single, horizontal cut was added to the vertical one from before, carving

a cross-shaped wound into the White Whale's brow; the figure stomped on

the White Whale's back with a light sound of his foot.

Malevolent laughter came over the Sword Devil as bloodlust glimmered in his blue eyes.

"Here you shall fall, and your corpse shall rot—filthy monster!"

Spitting those words out, Wilhelm poised his swords as his

body became the wind drawing more wound on the beast enormous body.

"Meteor belt"

Ludwig makes uncountable rock with different size floating around the White whale when his allies wondering what is the purpose of this move a shadow move using the rock as her foothold and launch an attack to the White whale from any direction she wishes.

Wound after wound is open here and there on its body, Wilhelm also uses it as a foothold before he jumps again to the White whale if he is thrown out of it body.

Ricardo leads his mercenaries members to participate in this fight riding Liger, even if they didn't inflict a large wound like Kise or Crusch and they also didn't fight brutally like Wilhelm, their number alone makes up for their shortcomings.

Crusch can't participate because she doesn't want her attack to become a friendly fire, so she decided to order her troops to load the magic crystal Cannon and for mage prepare their strongest attack.

The performance of Wilhelm and Kise is outshined Ricardo and his team but the one who stole the attention of Crusch is Ludwig, who control the scatter rock floating around the White whale. With how he controls where the rock will appear he indirectly controls the whole fight, Ludwig not just make them have a foothold to reach the white whale he also will make a rock barrier if someone is target by the white whale.

Great control and manipulation of earth magic, can create opportunities for an ally to launch an attack and can make a cover if someone is in a dangerous situation, he is like a commander who oversees a whole fight from behind and makes sure there are no casualties from his side.

"The weakest faction... There is what other people think about Emilia but...This was the truth"

Crusch can't help to think about opinions of noble in the kingdom, they think Emilia just have the support of Roswaal. But at the conference, she accompanies by a knight who is on par with the sword saint, she also has a great spirit as her guardian. And now appear a close combat fighter and a great magician who can act as a commander of the battlefield.

"Really, he can turn the tide with just his power alone"

Even if Crusch drowns on her own mind the battle still continues.

"Let make that beast crash to the ground"

Crusch decides to start another plan, even if they can lead the battle now, they also need to calculate stamina and mental of the one who fights in the frontlines, so the opening for the second round starts.

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