Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 54 - 054: Alfheim

In one month the water passage that will connect the tigracy river with the city is complete and at the same time Arthur also complete build a mining city in some place near the Elior forest where there is a magic crystal mine and other minerals can be excavated from there.

He sends all of the peon and some of the master artisan and metal specialist there with the raging miners and let the other monster stay in the city for teaching the citizens about their knowledge.

For the main city, Arthur decides to use "Alfheim" as the name of the city, the name come from Norse mythology and also known as Land of Elf.

"Well it a bit tragic when the one who rules it is a half-elf and the rest of the elf is frozen in the Elior forest"

From what Arthur knew, the only way to unfrozen the elf in the Elior forest is using dragon blood, but there is no proof about this idea.

"system, are you have dragon blood in the store?"

^There is none, dragon blood is too precious, so even if there is one in the system you can't afford it^

"Can't afford... well then let it be, I think this will be a time for Crusch and Anastasia reach the city"

This is a part of Arthur promotion in the throne room so from the news he received from Crusch there is some noble who want to help in the process as a way for them established a connection with Arthur.

And from Anastasia side, she is giving him an accountant book where all of that used and gain from their join business. Arthur believes Anastasia will not deceive him because for merchant trust is something that very important.

Arthur also use this opportunity to contact Reinhard and request his help for gathering children that are willing to study in the school he built in Alfheim and if the parents didn't want to let their children study in Alfheim because they didn't want their children going too far he can offer the children family move to Alfheim together.

And for the teacher and other personnel? Just buy homunculus from the system will do.

Arthur teleport to the city gate and he can see there is a convoy of dragon carriage across the bridge. For the male homunculus, he makes them wear Mikaela vampire uniform and for female homunculus, Arthur makes then wear Shigure demon army uniform. He is already pirate Shinya appearance so why not pirate another think? That's what comes across his mind when he buys this from the system.

Arthur makes all of the homunculus waiting with him here except for the homunculus that gives explanations to Emilia in the castle about all of the information of Alfheim she needs to know.

Emilia comes to the Alfheim a week ago, and Arthur needs three days to act as her tour guide bringing her to every corner of the city.

The homunculus itself have a role as a government official of the Alfheim, Teacher, and several other job Arthur needs as the foundation of Alfheim.

The homunculus is installed with the basic knowledge that classifies as politics, economy, education, agricultural and etc.

He needs information about it because with his appearance there is a lot of things that change, the death of Ley Batenkaitos is something that didn't happen at this time in the anime.

So there are many possibilities that from here onward everything will be unpredictable.

Crusch and Anastasia come put from the dragon carriage with the help of Charles.

"Welcome to my humble city, Alfheim"

Arthur greets them and all of the homunculi bow their head politely.

"Alfheim... what the meaning of this name?"

Crusch asks curiously

"The land of the Elf... that's what it means, well there is just one Elf for now and half-elf. But she is the real princess of the elf"

Anastasia and Crusch are taken aback by Arthur answer, he makes this grand city and decides to dedicate it for Emilia.

"You're very bold one" Anastasia shook her head and smile at his way to support Emilia

It's really a wonder how someone like Arthur choose to support Emilia.

Arthur brings them entering the city used special carriage prepare for bringing them to the castle and show them the beauty of Alfheim.

"That looks very expensive, are you didn't afraid someone will crush it?" Anastasia makes a comment when she sees a statue with a height around three meters in the center of the plaza.

The statue model is Emilia with both of her arms clasps in front of her ċhėst like praying and a gentle smile on her face with a caring look that feel from the eyes.

"In this world just Reinhard who can destroy it, that is if he draws his sword" Arthur replied confidently

The material for making this statue is special material he bought with a very high price because he wants everyone who sees it can remember here so the statue needs as real as possible.

And there is the special ability from this statue, all of living beings within a kilometer of this statue can feel calm and relax and there is also a small amount of healing magic radiate from the statue.

"You're work really hard to make people can accept her, right..." Crusch can see Arthur intentions for making this statue here.

Honestly, for her, there is no benefit for being prejudice to other people because of their status or bloodline because that's not what makes people have a worthy in her eyes.

"The one who will govern this city is Emilia, so I need to make the people who want to live here didn't look at her as a split image of the witch of envy but look at her as a person who governs this city and let them live comfortably here"

"I will be honest here, this city is more beautiful than Priestela. How much you need to build a city like this?" Anastasia look around the city with amazement

Nearly all of the thing in here is made from crystal and the road itself is cover by transparent crystal where there is water flowing under it.

A group of fish with different colors swimming around happily, flower blossoms in several places and the green lush tree that grown very tall make this city become more beautiful.

"It seems like I can't get good land here for headquarter" Anastasia has a bitter smile on her face because she is aware it was nearly impossible for her getting land here for her small ȧssistance.

"You didn't need to worry, I make a headquarter for you in the east part of the city. There is a harbor with water passage that connects to Tigracy river so you can access Kararagi using a boat from here. You also didn't need to worry about demonic beasts because as long as there is a row of a great tree like what you see in the border of my territory there are no demonic beasts that brave enough to pass it. Well you still need to worry about people though"

Anastasia opens her mouth but didn't know what she needs to say, what Arthur give to her is very valuable because with this grand city like Alfheim a strategic place will have a very astronomical price.

"You're Emilia's friend so I can't stingy to you" Arthur smile and look to the castle direction "And you mustn't think it as a bribe, that girl has a very very little amount of friends so I hope you can get along better with her if you live in the same city"

"You act like her father, you know?"

"I will more appreciate if you didn't say it Crusch. Oh there is also mansion for you in the west part of the city, there is also a harbor there I hope you will like it if you want you can station your private army there because there is enough area with several empty houses for people living there"

"You didn't accept 'no' as an answer, right?"

"I just accept thank you as an answer"

"Then I very happy with your gift, and I will say thank you personally to Emilia"

The three of them converse along the way and without they know they arrive in front of Castle, the highest place in the Alfheim.

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