Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 77 - 077: Rooftop

The temperature in the room is very cold, and the appearance of the ice skeleton make it like a scene in some of the horror movies, Hattori didn't dare to make any sound because he tried to move his neck before, but the scythe that just grazed a little on his skin make the blood come out.

"Arthur, you can't use magic like that. I know he is at fault here but there is still another way to handle it, right?"

When there is no one who is courage enough stop what Arthur doing, there is an angel voice break the tension inside the students' council room, she walks and stop in front of Arthur and crease his cheek.

"There is Mari-senpai here, so you need to hear her instructions before doing something, you can make her feel hurt if you ignore her. There is also Mayumi-senpai here, she is Hattori-senpai superior so she is the one who more appropriate to punish him, if you're the one who punishes Hattori-senpai then you also didn't put Mayumi-senpai on your eyes, and I didn't like it. Why do you like that? It's very rare for you to upset like this... if there is something bothering you, can you share it with me? Even if I can't help you solve your problem, at least I can become a good listener for you" Emilia's voice is like how she treats a child who is throwing a tantrum, soft, gentle and patient.

"I'm sorry... I make you worry again, maybe I need a fresh air" Arthur held Emilia's hand and press it to his cheek before letting it go and bow to Mayumi and Mari direction. "Mayumi-senpai, Mari-senpai, I apologize for my rudeness. If there is something you need from me, I will be at the rooftop cooling my head"

Arthur turned his back and intended to leave the room but he is stopped in front of Tatsuya

"Tatsuya, I didn't know why you always look at yourself as inferior to other people. You're a great magician on your own way, what you are doing with your self-pitying is make Miyuki worry every day" Arthur stop talking and look straight to Tatsuya's eyes and patted his shoulder "you have a battle waiting for you, show them a glimpse of your power, make Miyuki proud have a brother like you, and make me feel better a little if you can, there is no chance I will let a random person mocking my friend, but I will leave it to you for now"

"... I understand" there is an understanding look on Tatsuya eyes "I will not make you disappointed"

"Yes, you better not make me disappointed" Arthur close the door and leaving the room, there is just one person who understands the meaning behind Arthur words to Tatsuya.

"Thank you..." Miyuki muttered it under her breath without anyone heard it

"Vice-President Hattori, why don't we have a mock battle?" Tatsuya take several steps forward and look at Hattori with an unwavering gaze


The people who were lost for words from the surprise request were not limited to the challengee, Hattori, alone.

Mayumi, and also Mari, looked at the two of them in dumbfounded amazement from the unexpected daring retaliation.

Under everyone's gaze, Hattori's body started quivering "Don't be too conceited, for a mere reserve!"

"What's so funny?!"

"You sure quite work up for fighting against me, Are you by chance... scared of me?"

"...Fine. I'll give you a good lesson on what it is to know your place." Under Tatsuya mocking tone Hattori gritted his teeth and accept Tatsuya challenges

"As it is, I think that we won't know each other's anti-personnel battle skill without fighting. It's not like I want to become a Public Morals Committee member but... I need to answer to people who believe in me properly"

"So this is your answer?" Emilia asks with a forced smile, and she seems didn't intend to wait for Tatsuya answer "well, Arthur is right, sometimes conflicts are unavoidable. But from conflicts there is a chance to establish more strong relationships, I hope after this fight you and Hattori-senpai didn't hate each other and have a good relationship in the future" after finishing what she wants to say, Emilia leave the room and try to search for Arthur.

And under Mayumi and Mari Authority, the duel between Tatsuya and Hattori will be held at the third training room.


This is Emilia first time wandering alone in the school so she is head to the wrong way several time before finding the staircase leading to the rooftop where she finds Arthur there who sit on the end of the roof is gazing at the forest behind the school.

Emilia walk to his back, kneel and circling her arms on his neck and rest her head on his shoulder, she entrust all of her weight to him, it makes him look like giving her a piggyback if he is in standing position.

"What makes our little Arthur upset? Can you tell Onee-san here?" She uses a playful tone and it makes a smile appear on Arthur's face

"Who is this Onee-san? I can't see anyone like that around here" Arthur grasp Emilia's hand that hanging in front of his ċhėst and play with her dainty fingers.

"Well, you can see her now?" Emilia adjusts her body and makes it move closer to Arthur, she also stretches her neck a little and makes her face come closer to Arthur's face.

Her long silver hair is swaying beautifully when the wind blows it, and her purple-blue eyes are more beautiful than the most beautiful jewel he ever sees. Her snow-white skin is glistening under the light of sunset, her lips were like the world's most delicate petals and her nose was of the most beautiful of sculpted white crystal. When all of this accompanied by her gentle smile make Arthur can't resist the temptation and planted a long kiss on her forehead.

Emilia closes her eyes and just open it when she can't feel Arthur's lips again on her forehead, she smiles at him and pinches his cheek a little.

"You can't make a sudden attack like that, Arthur"

"It can't be helped... you're too beautiful after all. Really I can't find a reason why they hate a beautiful and lovely girl like you?"

"What a glib tongue you have there..."

"Am I make you remember some unpleasant things?" Arthur asked her worriedly, but what answer him is a little kiss on his cheek

"Well, what happened in the past make me can meet you, so I will treat you as my reward for all of those hardships" Emilia hug Arthur tighter and enjoying the feeling that rose inside her heart

Arthur and Emilia didn't say anything, they just stay like that and feel each other heartbeats, Arthur kiss Emilia's hand and held it tightly.

This scene is like something that comes out of a painting, a pair of lovers spend their time together and watching the sunset together with their body is very close and nearly merging.

This scene makes Tatsuya stop his foot from taking another step for reaching the rooftop.

"What makes you stop, Onii-sama?"

Miyuki didn't have a unique vision like Tatsuya so she can't see what happened in the rooftop that can make her brother didn't walk any further.

"It's better if we didn't bother them for now, they have their own problem too"

"So, Emilia and Arthur are there? Well, if it was like what Onii-sama said it's better if we going back now" Miyuki have an understanding look and follow her brother advice but there is another idea come to her mind

"How about we wait for them at the entrance school? Let's have a party for Onii-sama and Arthur acceptance as new members of the Public Morale Committee! We need to inform Erika and the rest too" Miyuki convey her idea excitedly

"That's good ide, I will inform they then" for Tatsuya, there is just a green lamp for everything she wants, there is no such thing as orange or red light.

"Then I will tell Shizuku and Honoka too"

In term of speed and complexion of magic, Arthur is above her, who is seen as a great magician from her main family, and Arthur cast his magic without CAD om top off that. But it didn't make her view him as a competitor or a rival, it makes her have a new respect for Arthur who is treating his brother as a genuine friend.

Fifteen minutes after Tatsuya notified Arthur about the plan for dinner together, he arrives at the school entrance with Emilia. The group makes their way to the previous restaurant, at the very back of the group Tatsuya and Arthur walking side by side.

"So, there is no opposition again for your appointment?"

"Thanks to you there is none, and other members of the Public Moral Committee accept me quite warm"

"What do you mean as thanks to me? It was something you got with your own effort, that is nothing to do with me"

"Except for my martial arts, I didn't know why you believe in me so much"

"Like what I said, don't belittle yourself like that. With your two innate magic, there is no one who can beat you, and with your eyes, there is nothing that can escape from your eyes"

Tatsuya stops walking and looks at Arthur with sharp eyes, but Arthur didn't bother with how Tatsuya look at him, he turns his back and facing Tatsuya and meet his gaze.

"What the-"

"You're not the only one with special eyes, Tatsuya. As I said, don't belittle yourself anymore. You're protecting this country from invasion in Okinawa, even if you mask it as your personal revenge there are still people who are grateful for your participation in that battle, without you the story will progress into different future, and maybe this country will not be called Japan again"

A pair of golden eyes that staring at him makes Tatsuya feel there is nothing he can hide from that eyes, the golden eyes revert back to the usual blue eyes and there is a pat to his shoulder waking him up from his shock.

"Let's go, we have a party waiting for us"

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