Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 89 - 089: Ice Pillar Break Female Division

Today is the sixth day of the Nine Schools Competition, on this day will be held the final round of Ice Pillars Break for male and female division. The quarter-finals for female division are held in the morning and the final round in the afternoon, and for the male division the quarter-final will be held at noon and the final round will be held in the evening.

There is a rumor that can be said as a myth where all of athletes service by Tatsuya will surely come out as the winner and they just lost to each other, it was proven by the fact that First High claim the first, second and third place in the Speed shooting, and the same feat will be replayed in the Ice Pillars Break because the contestants for the quarterfinals three people come from First High and the last one is from Third High.

For the first round of quarterfinals Emilia will be facing athletes from Third High and the second round Miyuki will facing Shizuku. If Emilia winning her match then it can be said First High once again claims the first and second place and make the total point they accumulated in this competition leaving the Third High who is in the second place.

Emilia appearance on the platform make the audience sigh in admiration, her long silver hair is swaying beautifully when the wind blows it, her features are what can be described as a perfect model of woman and just Miyuki who is on par with her on this term even Mayumi says her confidence on herself slightly wavers if being compared to Miyuki and Emilia.

Wearing a red kimono with beautiful flowers drawn on her Kimono complete with red flowers on her hair, she has her hair tied into two twin-tails with make her like a doll, without putting on any makeup her appearance giving the audience an impression of a naive little girl who didn't know the cruelty of the world and make them want to protect her.

"She is more beautiful in that kimono rather than the school uniform"

"Look at all of those men over there, they look like a hungry wolf who is ready to jump at their prey"

"It's more like a fish jump to the frying pan for me if they try to make a move on her"

"Ignorance is bliss..."

The one who is talking is Mizuki, Erika, Leo, and Mikihiko respectively. They're watching over Emilia's match together with Honoka, Shizuku, and Miyuki. Even if their match is held after Emilia's, there is a thirty-minute break before their turn comes so they can watch her match.

"I didn't know why, but I want to rush to her place and hug her," Honoka says it in small voices but she didn't aware it was quite loud and heard by everyone

"Well, I must say, we have the same feeling now" Miyuki agree to what Honoka said and remembering how Emilia personality and how she acts in the school, she like a little girl who just comes out of her house for the first time, curious about everything but also afraid about many things make everyone who close to her wants to hold her hand and guide her.

"It's her charm" after spending quite a lot of time together now everyone knows quite well about Shizuku's personality, so they knew there is no malice on her comment.

Emilia who is the center of attention and admiration of many audiences is calmly waiting for the start signal, the signal lights on both ends of the arena flashed red, Emilia look at the whole arena and nod with a little smile on her face to her opponent, a gentle smile that makes everyone who sees it make them feel warm in their hearts.

A sigh rose from the audience. And not just in one area either, but from nearly the entire arena. Surprisingly, it wasn't just the young men, but the young women who were mesmerized by that smile.

This was no longer the atmosphere expected from mere spectating. With apologies to the other player, the entire audience was fixated on Emilia's every move. The signal light flashed yellow, and just as it turned green—

An intense psion light flooded Emilia's side and now it was covered by mist of ice particles blocking her opponent to locate her ice pillar coordinate and also make her opponent need to use larger amounts of psion than Emilia's of she wants to use magic on Emilia's field, because it was not just mist but also a zone interference area that was a modified magic from Arthur's zone interference area magic.

As the athletes from the Third High shock by this turn of events, more than ten ice spear launch to her side from Emilia's side and destroying all of her ice pillars without she can make any attempt to stop it.

And with that Emilia is qualified for the final round after she is defeating the athletes from Third High without receiving any resistance.


In the afternoon the final round of Ice Pillars Break between Miyuki and Emilia is held after Shizuku securing the third place after she defeated the Third High athletes. At this round, Miyuki still wearing her previous hakui while Emilia is changing to a white kimono with sakura flowers drawn on it, and now her hair is untied with white hair on her hair.

"I think the audience is more captive by their appearance first rather than their magic ability"

"It can't be helped, they're very attractive after all"

Two ladies from the Women's Team brass were hunched shoulder to shoulder in front of a screen at the pavilion. Suzune, who was overloaded with work from the unending stream of results, sighed as she beheld this sight.

"But come to think of this there is a lot of people from the university come to this match"

"It was understandable, Niflheim, Phonon Maser, and Inferno is not a simple magic that can be witnessed every day and use by students on top of that, Emilia's zone interference area magic also gather quite a lot of attention because it was unregistered magic and everyone want to see it personally" Mayumi explained a bit of information she got from her channel to Mari

"It's no wonder of the stadium is very crowded"

"The number viewers on the official website currently reaching more than two hundred million viewers, there are even people who dubbed this match as a battle between Snow White Princess and Yuki-onna" Suzune show her terminal to Mayumi and Mari and the number of viewers is increasing every second like what Suzune said.

"I think Miyuki will not happy if she knows it"

"Let's not tell her and let her focus on the match"

The trio nod at the same time and once again focus to the screen.

At their own platform, Miyuki and Emilia standing calmly and waiting for the signal to start the final, they look at each other with a sweet smile on both of their faces giving several people with special circumstances a nosebleed.

Miyuki Active inferno as fast as she can and Emilia makes several ice flower blooms on Miyuki's side, with the wave of heat from inferno Emilia's Ice Pillars is starting to melt and for Miyuki, she can feel the flower is not just decorations.

Both of them choose to make a defense where Emilia uses magic to make the snowfall on her side and cooling the rising temperature, and for Miyuki she hse data fortification on her Ice Pillars before she switched her magics.

Miyuki compressing and releasing the air and every frail icicle within Emilia's field shattered as one.

But at the same time, Emilia's ice flower explodes and shattering all of Miyuki's Ice Pillars and freezing the air and fire which is the result of Miyuki's magic.

There is nothing left on both side of the area except for several scattered icicles, the jury is confused to decide the winner when Emilia voice out her opinion.

"I'm losing here, from my perspective Miyuki is faster than me when using our last magic"

"It can't be like that, Emilia! It was clearly you're who is faster than me in terms of activation magic!"

"It's fine, Miyuki. It doesn't matter who is getting the first place, if you didn't want to accept it now then you must defeat me completely in the next tournament, but for now, you're the winner"

Looking at her sincere smile Miyuki know there is no way she can convince to rethink it again, so she just let out a sigh and accepts it

"You always think other people first before yourself, sooner or later you will get scammed by other people you know"

"There will be you, Arthur and my other friends prevent it to happen right?"

"You're a hopeless one"

Even if she says that there is a gentle smile on her face, Miyuki very fond of this friend of her. Both of them leave the jury room with their hand intertwine.

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