Starting Life In Another World

Chapter 94: Hmmm... Whatever

Today Emilia will participate in the Mirage Bat or also known as fairy dance event along with Miyuki, Emilia will participate in the first round and Miyuki in the second round. Wearing the special uniform for Mirage Bat Emilia is the embodiment of the fairy itself, she has her hair untied and it swaying beautifully when the breeze blew her hair, her hair grown quite long nearly reach her thɨġh and cover her bottom.

Well, she is a half-elf in the first place the other half of her bloodline is a race that also known as a fairy so it was understandable if everyone says she is an embodiment of fairy.

Before the start of match Arthur uses his eyes and scanned Emilia's CAD and didn't find anything wrong with it, he needs to do it because the one who responsible for Emilia's CAD is not Tatsuya but Azusa. Maybe No Head Dragon is given up to interfere any further or they didn't think Emilia can advance to the final round Arthur didn't bother with it as long as they didn't cross his bottom line.

"And here I think I will have a peaceful day..."

When Arthur arrived in the arena for Mirage Bat event Echidna told him there are ten people whit different flow of magic with the normal magician.

"That's the product of an experiment called 'generator'... can you take care of them? I'm slightly lazy today"

Arthur is in the highest place for the spectator along with Abby and Echidna who just arrived to inform him about the abnormality she found out in the arena.

"But I'm Lazy too..." Echidna looks at Arthur with a playful smile while supporting her body with handrails "Maybe I will throw them out of this arena?"

"They won't die just from falling to the ground"

"If you permit me I can handle it for you, Arthur-sama"

"You can handle them, Abby?"

"Even if there is hundred of them it was not enough to challenge me" Abby smile confidently to Arthur

"Then I will leave it to you" Arthur choose to believe in her because from her status she is the best in term of close-quarters combat compare to all of his other contract spirits

"Then I will throw them in the same direction to help you" Echidna take a seat beside Arthur "It was me who found out them at first so at least I need to help you"

"Thank you, I very appreciate it"

"We need to wait for them to take actions first, we will act when they lift the limiter"

Emilia is come out as a victor and claim the first place for the first round and has the right to advance to the final round when the event where Tatsuya ȧssaulted the spy in the CAD examination pavilion who disguised as a staff Emilia takes a rest to accompany by Arthur in her room.

It seems they didn't think Emilia will advance to the next round so they choose to tempered Miyuki's CAD but Unfortunately, they pick the wrong target and with that they successfully invite a demon to pay them a visit.

Seeing there is no other choice except to abort the tournament forcefully and minimize their loss No Head Dragon lift the limiter in all of the generators they send to the Mirage Bat arena.

But when all of the generators come out of the corridor where they're hiding previously they're not appear in the crowd area but instead they're quite far away from the ground outside of the arena, it was Echidna's short teleportation magic because if she just threw them out of the venue with normal magic like weight type magic then the sight of ten men's thrown out of venue together will attract a lot of attention.

When the ten generators realize they're in dangerous situations they active their magic to minimize the impact from crushing to the ground there is Abby waiting for them with a plain white sword in her hand.

There is no fancy movement or anything but her sword speed is very fast at the same time she sheathed her sword again all of the generators fall to the ground with all of their limbs disintegrated become ash and there is not even a drop of blood spilled to the ground.

"Who are you?!"

"Don't make any suspicious movement! raise both of your hands and place it behind your head!"

"Wait, I know her"

But the scene they witnessed with their own eyes is not something they can believe easily because what they can see is a beautiful girl in butler suit unsheathed and sheathed her sword just for a moment and all of the generators have their limbs is severed cleanly and can't move again.

Clearly, the girl in front of them is more dangerous than the generators if they can't make any retaliation and resistance to her.

"I'm Abby Rosselia representing my master Arthur Spencer to expresse our support to keep the safety and stability of this Nine Schools Competition, and also my master says he apologizes for taking action without confirming it first to the military side all of you representing because he didn't want there is victim appear because he late to take action" Abby bow a little and explain it to the three of them

"I'm a major, Kazama Harunobu. Please tell your master we're from Japanese government and military feeling very thankful for his help, even if they're just generators if the ten of them rampage at the same time then there is no way we can prevent victim to appear" Kazama come out of the hotel after he received an information from Kyoko if there are ten generators in the venue so their original plan is to take out the battle outside of the venue so he is on his way to outside when he is also watching how Abby take care all of the generators easily.

"I will convey it to my master, I think he will happy to know if you didn't offend because of his rash decisions"

"There is no way we will mad at someone who helps us to keep the safety of people here"

If there is no other thing you need from me, please excuse me because I need back to my master side"

When Abby enters the hotel Kazama commands his members who at first intend to fight the generators cleaning the area and back to his office.

"What are your opinions, Sanada?"

"It's not something like mist dispersion... it was something different, I didn't know what it was. Maybe it was some new magic because like we know there is quite a number of new magic is come out of their companion" Sanada didn't need for Kazama to explain what he ask and answer after he thinks about it carefully

"Echidna it is?" There is a file about Arthur, Emilia, Echidna, and Abby in front of Kazama prepare by Kyoko

"Yes, other than her magic she is also known to develop several new magic and also modified several magic, she is also known as The Omnipotent Magician after her mastery all of the type magic no matter it was modern or ancient magic when the terrorist incident happened in the First High is known to the public"

Kazama read the file and heard suggestions give by his subordinates without giving out decisions, and after several minutes of silence, Kazama put the file back to the table and announce his decision.

"We didn't need to interfere with them for now, they show us if they didn't have hidden motives fo our country, at least for now. Tatsuya is also quite close to them so we didn't need to worry for now"

On the screen, there is footage of Abby's attack on the generators but even after they play the video at the lowest speed what they can see is she unsheathed her sword and sheathed her sword again.


The final round for Mirage Bat is already starting, because of Miyuki use a new CAD for using flying magic in the previous round now all of the contestants use CAD for flying type magic except for Emilia.

It's like in the original where other contestants can't keep up with the psion need for supporting flying type magic continuously so, in the end, there is just Miyuki and Emilia who still compete for the first place.

Mari and Mayumi watching the match from the audience seat and amazed by what they see in front of their eyes.

"Miyuki's psion and ability to maintain flying type magic for very long periods already amazing but Emilia's speed in activating her magic is more amazing"

It's not like Azusa can't copy the magic sequence for flying type magic or Tatsuya didn't share it to her but it was Emilia who wants to fight against Miyuki who uses flying type magic without using it herself.

Instead of using flying type magic Emilia use variations of magic like weight type magic, speed type magic, and s1he also conjure ice crystals in the air to act as her foothold.

With her nimble body support by speed type magic, she is very fast-moving from one place to another and faster than Miyuki who use flying type magic, in the end, it was Emilia who claims the first place with a difference of fifty points with Miyuki.

Even if she loses Miyuki didn't feel dejected because she is fighting with all of her abilities instead she is very happy because she can find someone who can make her feel very competitive and achieve greater things together

"So it was a happy ending?"

"For us, because tonight will be a nightmare for some people"

Arthur and Echidna seat together and have snacks in their hand prepare by Abby previously.

"It's not that hard, Arthur-sama. But it was fine just to leave the rest to the military?"

"It's fine, there is no way they can escape from Japan after they're targetting Miyuki, you must leave it to other people if they can handle it" Arthur smile and sit comfortably and look at the platform where Emilia and Miyuki standing together "If other people can do it, then let them do it"

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