Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop

Chapter 254: raise the flag

The speed of Guanghan Palace has always been kept within the safety threshold, just like this, it is falling towards the moon.

Kyushu News usually has the highest ratings, with an average rating of 3.43-3.71, but the ratings at this moment are as high as 23.6%, which is even higher than the average ratings of the Spring Festival Gala.

Especially after the separation of Guanghan Palace and Chang'e, what is shown on the TV screen now is the scene in the core cabin of Guanghan Palace, where five astronauts are fully armed and sitting on their seats. Due to wearing helmets, there is no Capture everyone's expressions.

Next to the picture showing the five people, there is a demonstration animation of Guanghan Palace landing on the moon at the moment, which is extremely realistic.

When the Guanghan Palace was descending, there were two invited aerospace experts next to the host in the studio, who were explaining the descending demonstration animation.

"Professor Liu, you can see that Guanghan Palace is already landing, but I think our way of landing is a bit special.

In our general perception, don't we generally use parachutes to descend from high altitude? Why didn't the Guanghan Palace use a parachute to land on the moon this time? "

Facing the two guests, the host asked the question. It wasn't that he didn't understand the question, but that he was explaining the problem of landing to the public by asking the question.

The guest who was asked was Professor Liu from the Yuanmingyuan Vocational and Technical College. His main focus was aerospace, and he immediately began to explain the knowledge in this area.

"Everyone should know that there is no atmosphere on the moon, and the surface of the moon is in a vacuum.

Knowing this premise, we are talking about the principle of the parachute, which is actually easy to understand. It is to use the resistance of the air to reduce the speed of descent, so that the speed at which people descend to the ground becomes a speed that the human body can bear.

Of course, the same is true for objects, so in a vacuum environment like the moon without an atmosphere, the parachute will not work at all! "

While the professor was explaining, Guanghan Palace had come to a place ten meters above the ground above the moon, and the operating frequency of the engine at this moment was obviously higher than when it was at high altitude.

At this time, Guanghan Palace did not rush upwards again, but slowed down the speed of its descent in the light emitted by the engine.

Slowly falling to the ground, the scene was similar to that of a waving rocket landing. When Guanghan Palace fell to only one meter from the ground, the light emitted by the engine never disappeared.

Accompanied by the blue light, the Guanghan Palace descended into the air only 30 cm away from the moon surface. At this moment, it can be said that the Guanghan Palace is floating on the moon surface.

It was also when the Guanghan Palace reached a height of 30 centimeters that suddenly appeared many airbag-like devices on the side facing the moon in the shape of a cross.

The current Guanghan Palace is very similar to the air cushion under the hovercraft, but the only difference is that the shape of Guanghan Palace is really different.

At the moment the airbag appeared, it was still 30 centimeters above the ground, but it was filled up by the airbag at once, leaving only five centimeters above the ground.

And at this moment, in the core cabin of Guanghan Palace, Mu Yiwei was controlling all the engines on Guanghan Palace, and at this moment, Mu Yiwei stopped all the engines from working.

Equivalent to one-sixth of the moon's gravity, in the air at a height of five centimeters above the ground, the entire Guanghan Palace was smashed towards the ground, but this did not have much impact on it.

Before the force of the smashing was applied to Guanghan Palace, it was already supported by the air cushion below. Under the weight of Guanghan Palace, the air cushion was expulsing the gas inside.

It was also at this time that under the Guanghan Palace, a lot of landing gear protruded outwards, which looked very much like a cannon garrison.

When many shovels on Guanghan Palace fell to the ground, it was also supported by the shovels at this moment, and the air cushion was no longer under pressure, but at this moment the air cushion began to be gathered into Guanghan Palace by a device inside the Guanghan Palace.

These air cushions will still be of great use in the future, so at this moment, it is impossible to see that these air cushions are just covered by the Guanghan Palace. Every material that followed them to the moon has its own uses, and some are not only is one of a kind.

For example, the air cushion, the current area of ​​the air cushion, will be disassembled and reassembled by the five people in their subsequent work to reassemble the soft-surface airbag cabin, just like the leaky cabin in The Martian. (If you haven’t seen The Martian, don’t watch it. This film is old and has emulsification problems.)

With the help of these materials, the area of ​​Guanghan Palace will be enlarged even more. Of course, the difficulty is also conceivable, after all, only five people are doing such a project.

After returning to the Guanghan Palace itself, and retracting all the air cushions at the bottom into the body, the Guanghan Palace, which was originally supported by the hoe, is also controlling the **** to lower its height.

When the main body of the Guanghan Palace landed on the ground, the **** stopped the recovery action, but changed to a state of using the principle of the electric hammer to pierce deep into the moon.

Under the action of this impact force, the **** penetrated deep into the ground, but the Guanghan Palace was not lifted up because the **** was stretched out again, and it still landed on the moon calmly.

Turning back to the earth, at this moment, the ratings of the Kyushu News Channel are simply off the charts. Not only the common people in Kyushu are watching, even the old molds on the other side of the ocean are also watching.

On Nasa's side, Nasa, the old molder, when the Guanghan Palace landed on the moon, they were in the daytime. In a huge conference room, almost all relevant experts were watching Kyushu News in this conference room.

When they saw Guanghan Palace landed on the moon as a whole, and there was no slight difference in the middle, the expressions on their faces were as if their father had just died.

They all looked sad and sad, but there was no way to counter the Guanghan Palace's landing on the moon, because they had already missed the best time to attack.

If it was when Guanghan Palace and Tiangong were first discovered to be separated, they would still be able to collide with Mr. Lycomas' Starlink satellite.

Anyway, Starlink always had problems before, and I just made up a random reason, saying that the Starlink satellite was out of control again, which was an accidental collision, and they apologized for the death of the five Kyushu astronauts.

As long as you hold the lake, you can probably pass it.

Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, there are only some small frictions between the two sides, and these are still bearable.

But this kind of opportunity has been missed, and now the Guanghan Palace in Kyushu has landed on the moon.

They don't have much to do, and even if they do, it's not worth the loss.

So they can only stare blankly, there is nothing they can do.

Now they, Nassar, are also waiting for news from the Black Palace. As long as the Black Palace agrees to increase support for returning to the moon, then they will have money to burn in the later stage, and the plan to return to the moon will be accelerated.

The current method is to use righteous means to catch up with Kyushu's progress on the moon.

At the very least, the goal is that Lao Mei also establishes a lunar surface base on the moon.

General Yang Dawei, as the first astronaut from Kyushu to go into space, although he is no longer in the front line of spaceflight, but transferred to a management position, he is still very envious of the five people who can now land on the moon.

Now he is in the Jiuquan command center, paying attention to what happened on the moon all the time, and he can't help but feel a little regretful.

Thinking of his age, and the injuries he suffered when he ascended to space for the first time and landed, he never had the chance to return to space.

He is the hero of Kyushu's manned spaceflight, and of course he has made valuable contributions to the follow-up astronauts.

Seeing the five astronauts with their backs landed on the moon at this moment, an indescribable pride spread in his heart, and he felt that everything he had done before was so worthwhile.

And at this moment, in the eyes of ordinary people, the landing of the Guanghan Palace on the moon is really a great feat. Although Lao Mei has already landed on the moon before, what does that represent?

Now Kyushu's own astronauts have come to the moon, and they are one step closer. Kyushu will have a semi-permanent base on the moon in the future, which is even more awesome than the people of the United States.

Anyway, for the general public, as long as our Kyushu is better than you, we are happy and proud, and have no other ideas.

But on the surface of the moon at this moment, the Guanghan Palace stopped in place. After the shovel was deeply driven into the moon's ground, there was no other movement for more than ten minutes.

But inside the Guanghan Palace, the moment the five astronauts landed, they began intense preparations for landing on the moon.

After sorting out the equipment he needed to use later, Mu Yiwei took one of the astronauts to the cargo warehouse and took out the parts of a modular electric lunar rover.

The size and weight of the lunar rover is actually not light, but with the addition of their power armor, the weight is not a problem at all, but the size is limited and only two people can carry it.

The three astronauts who remained in the core cabin controlled and opened the solar panels in the core cabin at this moment, and began to provide energy to Guanghan Palace.

As for other cabins, since they have already landed, they do not have the conditions to deploy the solar panels, so there is no way to deploy them.

In the subsequent construction of the lunar base, the astronauts will remove all the sail panels and reassemble them into a lunar solar power station to provide energy for the Guanghan Palace.

Carrying things back to the core module, the other three were already ready to land on the moon. Just waiting for Mu Yi to come back for the two of them.

When all five astronauts got together, each holding some lunar landing equipment that will be needed later, they were walking towards the cabin that served as the exit hatch of Guanghan Palace.

When they came to the airlock room at the exit hatch, the air inside the airlock room was also pumped into the Guanghan Palace. At the moment when all five people were ready, Mu Yiwei stood at the door of the airlock room and used a crowbar to close the door. Little by little it opened.

Just like going out of the cabin in space, the remaining gas in the airlock escapes on the moon, the hatch is completely opened, and the five people who are ready, led by Mu Yiwei, step by step from the Guanghan Palace to the moon. The moon goes down.

After they landed on the moon, everything that happened on the moon was relayed by the satellite and transmitted back to the earth. Now the Kyushu news station is broadcasting live on the moon in real time, but there will be a delay of more than six seconds in the middle.

And Chang'e, who stayed in the sky above the moon, is equivalent to a relay at this moment, sending signals to the earth.

Standing at the door, looking at the scene outside, Mu Yiwei took a deep breath in the space suit, and the exhaust gas sprayed on the helmet mask, and the water vapor condensed on the mask to form a mist. The ventilation system blows dry away.

Enduring the excitement in his heart, Mu Yiwei took his left foot out of the cabin door, then tightened the things he was holding, and stepped out with his right foot again.

When both feet were on the lunar surface, Mu Yiwei couldn't tell how excited he was. After calming down his mood, he quickly walked aside and gave way to the exit.

He flashed the exit, and the other four astronauts also got out of the hatch. In less than a minute, the five astronauts stood on the moon, facing the direction of the earth, and lined up in a neat line.

Mu Yiwei also took advantage of this time to take out an 11-meter-long telescopic flagpole that he brought with him. Under the powerful power of the power armor, the bottom of the 11-meter-long flagpole was deeply inserted into the lunar ground.

In the end, the flagpole was only exposed to a height of nine meters. After the flagpole was ready, the five people raised the flag for the first time on the moon in front of the flagpole.

In the helmets of the five people, the sacred and solemn national anthem resounded, and the national flag was also pulled by Mu Yiwei, and accompanied by the national anthem, it reached the top of the moon.

This is the first time that the red five-star flag has been raised on the moon, which represents Kyushu's conquest of the unreachable moon, and it is also a symbol of Kyushu's official march into the space age.

After the national flag was hoisted, Mu Yiwei and the five people stood still in front of the national flag for five minutes before starting the next task.

"Haha, our national flag is rising on the moon, so can we say that?" Mu Yiwei asked the four of them jokingly when he asked this sentence , the response of the other four people was not slow, and they immediately returned: "Yes, yes, the moon has been the territory of Kyushu since ancient times."*4.

This picture and the conversation between them were transmitted to the earth after a delay of six to fifteen seconds, and all the people who were paying attention here heard their words.

And in the webcast room of Kyushu News Station, the bullet screens seemed to be crazy, jumping out one by one.

【God **** since ancient times~】

【Hey, I like this team of astronauts so much~】

[Same as above, these words really speak to my heart, since ancient times, these words have really come to an end. 】


After the joking conversation between the five people was transmitted back to Earth, the entire Kyushu network was filled with joy.

But these words were so piercing to Wai Guoren's ears, and the glass heart couldn't jump immediately. For the words Mu Yi said for the five of them on the moon, they were just playing tricks, but the old mold Netizens and many media couldn't sit still.

Then there was a debate about who the moon belonged to.

-----Off Topic-----

The five-star red flag flutters in the wind~

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