Li Zhenhua's progress in sign language learning is very fast. In the virtual laboratory, he read the sign language learning books, and waited until the daytime to read the news about sign language. Combining the two, in the next week, his sign language will be improved. able to communicate.

After being able to communicate in sign language, he immediately went to the gorilla, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and communicated with the gorilla.

After some communication with George, he finally got the exact information from the gorilla.

This gorilla named George, in his group, does not have any orangutan outstanding performance, that is to say, other orangutans have IQ, but none of them are high IQ.

In fact, Li Zhenhua has also realized now that gorillas do not exhibit high intelligence without being domesticated by humans. Everything must be learned and developed through a consistent brain to reach the level of gorilla's current state. this situation.

The scientific research team sent to Gabon also came to the same conclusion as Li Zhenhua.

But these scientists wanted to do some experiments. With the cooperation of the Gabonese government, they introduced a total of ten pairs of orangutans to Kyushu. They planned to carry out this experiment from the birth of life after returning to Kyushu.

After the ten pairs of orangutans came to Kyushu, they carried out the breeding of the young orangutans, and arranged for these young orangutans after they were born, so that they could completely simulate the growth of human babies.

And during the growth of these orangutans, sign language training is given to the young orangutans, which can be said to completely reproduce George's growth trajectory, and I want to see if another George will appear.

It can be said that the time span of this experiment is very long, and the Kyushu family can support it. The Gabonese government in Africa cannot afford it at all.

And this experiment was carried out secretly in Kyushu without the knowledge of others.

When Li Zhenhua finished chatting with the gorilla, he realized that this was just a special case. After understanding this, somehow he felt as if he had put down a big stone in his heart.

And after he let go of his worries in this regard, he also used sign language to collect a lot of feelings from the gorilla George during the use of the mechanical prosthesis.

Of course, these feelings only represent the orangutan’s, and are just a reference to the human body. With the support of these data, many experimental subjects have seen it, and they are also full of confidence and hope for this project.

Before he knew it, another half month passed. During this period of time, he manufactured the robotic arm for Wei Jiang, the first clinical experiment subject.

As for why Wei Jiang was chosen as the first subject, it was because the position of Wei Jiang's lost limbs was very similar to the surgery performed on the gorilla before.

For this reason, Wei Jiang was chosen as the first experimental subject just to be on the safe side.

He was already very familiar with the design and manufacture of mechanical prosthetics, and he built them with ease, without any problems in the middle.

When he finished manufacturing Wei Jiang's mechanical prosthetics, he originally planned to strike while the iron was hot and take advantage of the victory to finish all the prosthetics of other experimental subjects in one go, but the workshop director of the J-36d in the middle found him.

He brought him into his own office, and poured him a cup of tea. Looking at his workshop director opposite, with an anxious expression on his face, he was also very curious about what happened.

"Look at your anxious face, what's the matter? What makes you so anxious, is there any problem in the manufacture of J-36d?"

The workshop director saw the calm look on his boss's face. Somehow, the anxiety in his heart was relieved at this moment, and then he calmed down, and then said to him: "Boss, it really is the manufacturing of J-36d." There is a problem, now our production capacity is seriously insufficient, this is why I am anxious."

Hearing what the workshop director said, he thought carefully about the mechanical configuration in the workshop. According to his experience in supplying the military in the past, the military should not rush it, and there has never been a shortage of production capacity. At this time, his Curiosity is really mobilized.

"Tell me about it in detail. I just estimated that we have provided half a squadron of aircraft to the military recently.

According to common sense, they shouldn't be in such a hurry. Did something happen that I don't know? "

The workshop director smiled wryly. He heard what the boss said, so he knew that the boss must not have paid attention to the news recently, so he had this doubt. If he had followed the domestic news, he might have taken the initiative to go there.

"Boss, you must have not paid attention to the major events happening in our country recently! Let me tell you first.

More than a month ago, our domestic netizens had speculated on the launch time of the fifth carrier. Not long ago, the launch time of the fifth carrier was finally determined.

As for the launch of the aircraft mother, everything on the ship is new, and the aircraft used by this aircraft mother has also been confirmed. The J-35 will be a twin-engine medium-sized fighter at the c position, and our J-36d will also be on the ship. , and the J-35 form a high-low match at sea.

So at present, all the J-36s we have produced are reserved for the 005 aircraft mother. It is expected that there will be 24 J-35s, 48 ​​J-36s, 84 early-warning command helicopters, anti-submarine helicopters, and search and rescue helicopters on board.

Therefore, we will be under a lot of pressure to manufacture the J-36 in the future. We must manufacture all 48 J-36s before the aircraft mother is launched. "

005 going into the water? The dumplings are released really fast. I remember that 003 just launched into the water four years ago, 004 launched last year, and 005 will be launched this year? Really complied with that sentence, the launching of a ship is really like dumpling.

Even though he thought so, he also began to think about how to improve the production of the J-36. In any case, he had to get all the carrier-based aircraft on the J-Mother before the 005 aircraft mother was launched.

"When you say that, I understand. So, have the fighter planes requested by the Air Force stopped now? Has the 005 aircraft mother been the main focus during this time! The Air Force won't destroy us!"

"Now everything has to give way to 005, so the Air Force will not rush us, but after the end of providing carrier-based aircraft to the aircraft mother, the Air Force will probably come to us, so it is our priority to increase our production. The most important thing to solve.” Then another question was asked, and the workshop director returned immediately.

Li Zhenhua remained silent and did not speak any more. He just thought about how to solve this problem in his own mind. It was not an easy task for him to come up with a complete countermeasure all of a sudden.

After thinking for a while, he was also at a loss. He couldn't figure it out. He suddenly raised his head and realized that the workshop director was still waiting for his answer.

"Um~, you go back to host the production first, you suddenly asked me to come up with an idea to solve the problem, I can't think of it for a while, so let me think about it!"

After speaking, he was immersed in thinking of a solution again. After receiving this answer, the workshop director quietly withdrew from the office without disturbing him.

After the workshop director left, he couldn't find a way to get along after thinking hard, and he couldn't get along with him anyway, so he started pacing in the office.

After walking several laps, he became more and more irritable as he walked, and accidentally bumped into the Chi You powered exoskeleton displayed in the office. The head was patted.

After taking pictures of his own forehead, he muttered in his mouth: "Oh, I'm such a waste, how could I forget this thing? The reason for developing the powered exoskeleton in the first place was because of this consideration. How come the critical moment Can you just ignore him?"

His collision really made him come up with a method, which is to assemble the powered exoskeleton to every worker in the aircraft manufacturing workshop. I believe that after the powered exoskeleton is assembled in place, the time for aircraft manufacturing will be saved. Go more than half.

You must know that the powered exoskeleton is not only able to carry large parts, but also its accuracy is extremely good. Li Zhenhua has completely tested it himself. Wearing the powered exoskeleton, he has really transformed into a high-precision machine tool It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a human flesh industrial hen.

Now that the accuracy can be guaranteed, the output of the J-36 will explode when the powered exoskeleton is assembled to the workers.

After he had a plan machine countermeasure, he immediately went to the aircraft manufacturing workshop, found the workshop director and told him the countermeasure he had thought up.

The powered exoskeleton is really useful this time. Not only can it contribute to defending the territory of the motherland, but now the work of manufacturing national defense equipment is also indispensable to the powered exoskeleton. This is really a jack-of-all-trades equipment.

In fact, we are in the current era. If we go back 20 years, it is very likely that the powered exoskeleton will no longer be an inaccessible thing, and it may be used by ordinary people when they are working.

Chi You powered exoskeletons were urgently called up by him and distributed to every aircraft manufacturing worker. With the addition of my powered exoskeletons, the manufacturing speed of the J-36 fighter has indeed accelerated a lot.

After solving the problem of insufficient production capacity of the J-36, he once again devoted himself to the design and manufacture of mechanical prosthetics for the follow-up experimental body.

Dr. Fang has not been idle during this time. After confirming the subject of the experiment, he has carried out a comprehensive examination of Wei Jiang's body, and is trying his best to perfect his own operation plan to ensure that the operation is foolproof.

Speaking of his mood at this time, he was still a little nervous. Although he had performed more than 20 such surgeries before, the next one was indeed of great significance to him.

You must know about the surgery that will be performed later. After all, the subject of the experiment was changed from an animal to a human for the first time. The change of the subject of the experiment made him nervous involuntarily.

The mechanical prosthesis was manufactured by Li Zhenhua, and then sent to Dr. Fang. After he got the mechanical prosthesis, he immediately sterilized it in all directions. After all, it will be implanted into the human body later.

Dr. Fang was preparing the operation plan, and felt that the time was ripe. He immediately found Li Zhenhua, who was like a tool man, who was manufacturing the follow-up mechanical prosthesis, and explained to him that the subsequent operation could not continue to be performed at the Kyushu Divine Beast.

The operating room they used before was too low in terms of cleanliness to meet the standard for human use. It was okay for animals to perform surgery, but it was a bit low for human use, so their surgery site had to be re-opened. Find.

After listening to Dr. Fang's words, Li Zhenhua immediately called the fat man Liu Xiaodong over, told him the problem, and immediately he and the fat man left the Kyushu Divine Beast Company with Dr. Fang.

Two bulletproof off-road vehicles escorted a bulletproof car at the front and back, drove out of the Kyushu Shenshou Company, left the company to the main road, and then drove towards the county seat.

When the two came to the county seat, they first came to the seat of the county government, picked up the deputy county magistrate in charge of health, education and other departments, and then went to the county people's hospital.

Accompanied by the deputy county, it can be said that the county people's hospital is unimpeded, and the director of the hospital also came to accompany Li Zhenhua and the others to visit.

Of course, they mainly visited the hospital and the ICU ward to see if they could meet Dr. Fang's usage standards. If they could, then the subsequent clinical trials would be carried out at the County People's Hospital.

If you can't meet Dr. Fang's requirements, then you have to go to the nearest county-level city of Qinglin to have a look. If you still don't meet the requirements there, then continue to look for a higher-level hospital.

Fortunately, with Dr. Fang's visit, the condition of the county hospital's operating room is quite good, and the ICU is also extremely qualified.

From Dr. Fang, I learned that the operating room and ICU are all qualified, so the next thing will be simple.

Liu Xiaodong assisted Li Zhenhua and Dr. Fang, and started discussions with the county hospital and the deputy county magistrate about renting the hospital's operating room and an ICU.

There was no difficulty in the middle, so they rented the required operating room and ICU. As long as the cost of use was not much, the county donated five white tigers as daily official vehicles.

After everything was ready and Wei Jiang's body was in the best condition after being recuperated by Dr. Fang and others, the first mechanical prosthetic human implantation operation began in the rented county hospital.

This operation was not open to the doctors of the county hospital because of confidentiality, just like the director came to ask and did not agree, and those who watched this operation were only those who participated in this project those people.

Of course, there are also experimental subjects who will undergo implantation surgery, just like Wei Jiang.

The operation went very smoothly, because Dr. Fang and the others had already made the operation plan to the extreme, so there was no mistake in the middle.

In the operating room, the moment Dr. Fang sewed up the last stitch on his arm and bandaged his arm, everyone who watched the operation stood up and applauded.

Although Dr. Fang couldn't see it in the operating room, Dr. Fang still seemed very excited at the moment. After all, the significance of this operation is quite extraordinary, and it represents the first operation on the human body.

Human beings have come to the forefront of the world in the field of prosthetics, and there are better choices for disabled people.

Li Zhenhua looked at Wei Jiang who was still lying on the stage, but he thought of something else.


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