"It's time to end. Although you are an enemy, you are not bad..."

Namikaze Minato smiled and gave a last glance at the seven clones of Zaemon who were rapidly condensing, and began to form seals quickly for the first time.

So far in the battle, neither Kakuzu nor the two have seen Namikaze Minato use multiple seals. The speed-type ninja began to form seals, which could not help but make them nervous.

Kakuzu, who was holding the line, had a premonition of something at this time and did not dare to continue to wait and see.

With a thought, he will urge the two demon clones beside him to join the battle.

But at this time, Namikaze Minato had already completed the seal.


In just an instant, the two Kakuzu saw that a huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the center of Namifeng Shuimon. In the blink of an eye, this strange shadow expanded rapidly and was quickly swallowed up. Everything nearby, and everything swallowed up by it, without exception, was assimilated into pitch black.

"This is……!!"

Seeing this scene, Kakuzu's green eyes shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly wanted to retreat to avoid the shadow attack.

But Shadow's speed and range were beyond his imagination.

In just an instant, the entire environment at the top of the mountain rock was completely enveloped in darkness. The moment he was engulfed by darkness, Kakuzu's sense of crisis became stronger. Years of rich experience allowed him to immediately take the safest response.

That is, commanding the two demons to decisively stand in front of his own body, and release the remaining demon in his body as quickly as possible without any reservation...

Outside the field, the scene of a huge dark shadow instantly covering the entire mountain rock was clearly visible to others.

Such a weird large-scale ninjutsu, in the eyes of everyone, there is only shock and surprise.

"It's Hokage-sama's dark art!!" Ningzu Lei recognized it immediately.

"It seems that the battle above is about to end..." Upon seeing this, Shiranui Genma asserted with great confidence as if he was determined.

Outside the field, the four Shadow Guards were maintaining the barrier technique of the flying thunder formation to guide the thunder, protecting the severely injured Linjiao in the middle.

Uchiha Shisui, on the other hand, used his unique teleportation technique to create multiple clones and stand in front of Zaemon.

As for the main body of Zaemon, he was still observing the principle of this strange barrier technique that blocked his Rain Blade. But before he could figure it out, more bizarre ninjutsu effects appeared in the direction of the battlefield above.

It's really abominable, it was so close...

The main body of Zaemon was filled with unwillingness. Just when he was about to kill Kirijaku and seize the coffin containing the two tails.

The four Shadow Guards seemed to appear out of thin air, and immediately used a strange circle-shaped barrier to swallow up all his extremely fast Rain Blades. He could feel that this was probably not an ordinary defensive ninjutsu. Moreover, the Sharingan kid who briefly held him back in front of him turned into an afterimage, and sometimes had a physical and weird clone, which was also a little difficult to deal with.

"The Fourth Hokage's Shadow Guards? Although they seem to have some ability, they are just brats. As my opponent, I'm afraid they are not enough..."

After Zaemon slowly withdrew his peripheral vision from the huge shadow above the mountain rock, he was heartbroken and planned to take away the two jinchūriki from the Konoha ninjas no matter what today.

Thinking of this, he suddenly formed a cross seal, and a shadow clone formed beside him to carry out the raiding formation.

Immediately afterwards, its main body's arm suddenly shook, and a group of rapidly rotating water blades immediately condensed on the short knife it was holding. As the rain from the sky gathered, I saw that the group of water blades grew larger and larger, and finally formed A huge cone-like knight's spear.

"This gun has torn apart countless ninjas, and of course today is no exception..."

Let me see if you give up on the Jinchuuriki or die with him. "

After giving a cruel smile, Zaemon finished speaking, then raised the giant water escape knight's spear and charged forward.

This Water Release Spear Cone Technique is one of Zaemon's special skills. During the Land of Rain, many enemies did die under his Water Release Ninjutsu.

In essence, this move is to rapidly rotate and compress the water blade to achieve an ultra-hard water escape physical attack.

The momentum of Zaemon who charged towards him with his gun was extremely astonishing. The tip of the rotating water blade seemed to tear through a rain curtain, and everything around him seemed to be avoiding its sharp edge. But the strange thing is that after using this move, Zaemon's initial speed of charging does not seem to be fast. Instead, it shows a slowly accelerating trend.

"Although it is a water ninjutsu, is it a close combat ninjutsu that can rival or even surpass the piercing power of thunder ninjutsu?

And this puncture force is still increasing under the influence of inertia..."

All Shunshen Shisui's expressions were extremely solemn at this time.

With the insight of Sharingan, he was the first to understand the horror of Zaemon's Water Release Ninjutsu, and that's why he didn't rush forward recklessly. After all, his instant body technique also has a weakness, that is, once it is injured during the materialization process, it is equivalent to the injury to the main body.

Faced with this move, he had no ability to deal with it head-on...

"Captain Genma!!"

As a last resort, Shisui had no choice but to turn his attention to Shiranui Genma in the Shadow Guards and wait for the captain's decision.

On the other side, even though he did not have a Sharingan, the Shadow Guard Captain Shiranui Genma, who had no shortage of combat experience, was also feeling the pressure. All of them, including Tamashiro and Iwaki, all focused on him and waited. It makes decisions.

"There is too much difference in strength. We are indeed no match for this guy..." Dieyiwaxi looked a little miserable while trying to maintain the seal of the flying thunder formation.

Bingzu Leitong directly stated: "Although I don't want to admit it, it is true. I am afraid that as soon as we remove the barrier, the shadow clone of that guy will immediately use the extremely fast water blade attack before. But if we continue to maintain Enchantment……"

"You won't be able to block this melee water gun ninjutsu, right?" Genma, the captain, murmured bitterly.

"Captain Genma, the jinchuriki is entrusted to you. There is no need to consider my life or death..." In the center, Kirijaku, who was protected by the lightning barrier of the flying thunder array, suddenly interrupted.

At this time, his body had been severely injured in many places, and he was already bleeding profusely. However, as the heavy rain washed away, even the blood stains all over his body had faded.

When he was about to lose his mobility, Linjiao tried his best to stay awake and decisively expressed his thoughts. At the same time, he began to remove the coffin from his back with difficulty.

In his opinion, without his drag, it would be much easier for the Shadow Guards to move the protective coffin safely.


But at this moment, the strange shadow covering the entire battlefield on the rock suddenly dispersed, and then there was a huge and earth-shaking explosion.

Before the explosion ended, there was another loud crash that continued.

Mountains collapsed, peaks were broken, lava loomed, and mist shrouded.

This is the scene where everyone is looking at the mountain battlefield at this moment, after the strange shadow dissipates...

What level of ninjutsu can actually melt and disintegrate an entire mountain? Could it be Tailed Beast Jade? But what is that looming magma?

Such a big movement is shocking.

Zuoemon, who was attacking the Shadow Guards, suddenly seemed to have received some information, and his expression suddenly changed.


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