Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 51 Shadow Clone Office

Judging from the current situation, Yin Jiuwei and Yang Jiuwei are indeed different.

At least in terms of personality, they are clearly different. In the original work, the Yang Kyuubi in Naruto's body is very proud and arrogant, while the Yin Kyuubi has been trapped in the body of Minato Namikaze, who is trapped in the belly of the Shinigami, and cannot appear in the world, so he has nothing to show.

"According to my speculation, although tailed beasts are chakra energy bodies with life consciousness, since they have life and intelligence, of course they have different personalities just like humans..."

"So it's not surprising that there are individual differences."

Namikaze Minato thought.

"Wisdom?" Riyin suddenly widened his eyes when he heard this, and asked doubtfully: "Did Hokage-sama say that tailed beasts also have wisdom?"

Her doubts are not surprising, because before the perfect jinchūriki appeared in the ninja world, no jinchūriki could truly understand each other and communicate perfectly with the tailed beasts. Every time the tailed beasts appeared, they were violent gestures of destruction for the sake of destruction. .

So Rione would naturally be surprised to hear that tailed beasts also have intelligence.

"Anything with the characteristics of life naturally possesses intelligence." Namikaze Minato affirmed.

"Tailed beasts are actually just a special kind of life form..."

Seeing that Liyin didn't seem to be leaving, Namikaze Minato smiled bitterly in his heart. It was difficult to drive people away in this situation. Thinking of this, he had no choice but to sit down again.

Rione's eyes were filled with brilliance. She was thinking about what Namikaze Minato had just said, so she almost took out a small notebook and wrote it down.

After starting a conversation, he became even more out of control.

"Hokage-sama, I heard that the armor sealing technique of the eight tails of the Cloud Ninja Village is not as stable as the four elephant seals, but it can let the chakra leaked from the tailed beasts and strengthen the jinchūriki's defense capabilities. Is this true?"



At night, Minato Namikaze returned home, sent Iori away, and after closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he returned to the bedroom, he found that Naruto was lying quietly on the crib and fell asleep early. After feeling a little relieved, Namikaze Minato knew that based on his experience, if he was lucky, maybe Naruto wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night. Come to make a scene.

If you're not lucky, it's hard to tell...

In any case, now he finally has a short period of freedom.

Driving into the study, Namikaze Minato took out the Three Elements Sealing Formation and the relevant scrolls recording the Myojin Gate that he brought home and placed them on the table. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to put the results of the Three Elements Sealing Formation first. The transformation of the boundary is completed, so Liyin, who is busy adapting to the characteristics of the new boundary, will have no time to bother him anymore...

After making up his mind, Namikaze Minato unfolded the scroll and began to carefully understand the principles of the technique and the current distribution structure of the barrier.

After burying his head, it was already late at night when he came back to his senses.

Although he had only read half of it, he already had a rough plan in mind on how to transform it. Raising his head slightly to glance at the clock on the wall, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but sigh.

He always spends his time dealing with village-related matters, and seems to have no time at all to study ninjutsu and practice.

This can't continue like this. Maybe we can try using a shadow clone to work tomorrow...

Feeling sleepy, Namikaze Minato tidied up randomly and immediately lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Fortunately, Naruto did not wake up and cause trouble this night...

Early the next morning, at the entrance of Konoha Village.

A chuunin with long black hair and a bandage across his nose and cheeks slowly pushed open the newly built Konoha gate.

Seeing that there seemed to be no movement behind him, he couldn't help but curse and said: "Izumo, you guy, you've only been on duty for a few days and you're so slack?"

While looking dissatisfied, he pushed open another heavy door alone.

After doing all this, Gangziti turned around and glanced at the chuunin partner with long brown hair wearing a ninja hat and his right eye covered by hair at the sentry post at the door. He was yawning. I feel even more unsatisfied.

The two of them were Gozi Tetsu and Kamizuki Izumo who had just taken up the post of Konoha gate guards.

After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha's jounin and chunin were almost completely reshuffled.

Due to the sacrifice of a large number of elite Jōnin ninjas, some younger juniors had to take their place, and Kamizuki Izumo and Goko Tetsu were one of them.

According to convention, to guard the gates of Konoha, one usually has to be a special jounin, or at least an elite chuunin. With their current strength, they are naturally not qualified.

Because the two of them are only 16 years old now, they can barely be regarded as average excellent chuunin...

Shenyue Izumo sat on a chair in the sentry post, stretched out, but said with a disapproving look: "Those who can work hard, those who can work hard..."

"Zitie, please work hard. It's so early in the morning, and I haven't received any notification of the entry or exit of any special personnel."

Of course, the gate of Konoha Village has access control hours.

Therefore, generally if someone wants to enter or leave outside the access control hours, there will be a notification report, or a specially approved pass, so that they can enter and exit the Konoha gate outside the access control hours.

Gang Ziti could tell at a glance that Shenyue Izuyun obviously didn't know what he did last night, so he looked so sleepy.

But I thought it was still early at this time, and even on the newly built streets in the distance, there were only a few pedestrians, so I didn’t say anything anymore, I just looked at Shenyue Izumo who had started to take a nap again, and said silently. Clean up the front door.

At this moment, two figures, one tall and one short, walked slowly on the newly built street in the distance.

After Gang Zite finished cleaning up in a hurry, he put down his tools. The two of them happened to be walking in front of the gate of Konoha. When they got closer, he realized that the taller one of them was obviously very familiar to him.

"...It's Xuanjian."

Gang Ziti was the first to say hello: "It's so early, do you have any mission to go out?"

Shiranui Genma was holding a senbon in his mouth, wearing tights and a tactical vest, and looked very energetic.

Seeing that the person guarding the gate was actually Gang Ziti, he was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's you, Ziti."

Although the two of them did not graduate at the same time in the ninja school, they gradually became familiar with each other during many missions.

In Shiranui Genma's impression, before the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the guards at Konoha's gate were not the two of them, but two other special jounin, so it was naturally a little strange to see someone change in this position.

"I don't have any missions outside. I came here to wait for someone..."

"Hey, it's Genma. I heard that you were promoted to special jounin a while ago. It's really enviable." At the sentry post not far away, Kamizuki Izumo saw the appearance of Shiranui Genma. , also came out.

"Senior Zitie, senior Izumo..."

Behind Genjian, the slightly shorter Dei Iwashi also came forward to say hello.

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