Starting the fourth generation Hokage

Chapter 80 Medicine Master Kabuto

The border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Continuous peaks reach into the clouds, and at the entrance of a large valley, there is a commercial town.

This unique town occupies a very clever geographical location. It blocks the only access to the valley entrance and is built against the mountain.

Because as long as you pass through this town, you can enter the interior of the Kingdom of Thunder, so this place is also called the west gate of the Kingdom of Thunder.

At night, the streets are lit up with neon lights.

Yunyin, who attaches great importance to the development of science and technology, has great demand for the use of electrical appliances.

Even though most of the villages in the country are located on high mountains, they can basically supply electricity. Therefore, if you can see large lights on the top or mountainside of the mountains at night, lighting up the night sky, then this There must be a bustling village and town everywhere.

In the small town at this time, among the sparse crowds of people on the street, a boy with short white hair and round-rimmed glasses was walking quickly.

Although he pretended to be calm, the peripheral vision he glanced around from time to time, and the gradually accelerating pace at his feet showed that the boy was actually a little nervous inside.

After raising his eyes to identify the direction of the village's exit, the boy seemed to notice something.

He suddenly changed direction, turned around and disappeared into a remote street next to him, and his figure disappeared immediately.

The next second after he turned into the street, two Chunin from Kumogakure jumped out from the crowd not far away from him.

"Strange, where did that kid go?"

One of the two Kumo ninjas, a tall, dark-skinned man, looked around.

After tracking all the way here, I suddenly lost my target. It was really unexpected.

"Maybe we have been discovered. Let's search separately. It should be nearby..."

Another Yun Ninja, who carried a long sword on his back, looked at the road leading to the outside of the village in the distance and the remote alley next to it, and quickly made a decision.

Before leaving, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and said in a cold tone: "In extraordinary times, there are many spies and ninjas in other countries. Don't be soft when you catch this kid."


The tall and strong Yun Ren heard this and grinned, with a cruel look on his face.

He has seen too many spies who were trained by young children in a short period of time. There is no doubt that no matter how old the enemy is, once the spy ninja is exposed, there will be no good end...

The two soon split up.

The tall and muscular man chased into a remote alley, while the Kumo ninja, who was carrying a long sword, chased towards the road leading out of the village.

After entering the alley, since there was no obstruction from the flow of people, Yunyin, who was tall and strong, immediately accelerated his speed and started running wildly.

After passing through a long winding and narrow alley, the long-lost target finally appeared in his eyes.

The Kumo ninja smiled mockingly, and without any hesitation, he suddenly threw out several shurikens and shot them in the direction where the boy was running.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and several shurikens accurately nailed the ground in front of the boy, blocking his way.

When he was forced to stop, the Cloud Ninja behind him immediately caught up with him.

Stopping his body, the boy ran all the way down, looking like he was already sweating profusely.

But the strange thing is that when he saw the cloud ninja who was catching up and blocking his way, he didn't panic at all and remained calm and composed.

A few minutes later, there was a flat land outside the town.

Two or three kilometers away, under a big tree.

There was a short figure leaning against his back.

"I'm so tired. It's obviously already bedtime..."

The short figure under the tree took out a pocket watch, and when he saw the hands on the watch reaching the nine o'clock position, he couldn't help but murmured.

The cold moonlight shines through the shadows of the trees, and a panting figure can be seen. It is the white-haired boy who appeared in the town before.

Running all the way had almost exhausted him.

Fortunately, it is finally temporarily safe. And if nothing unexpected happens, he has now completed his mission of detecting intelligence. He only needs to wait for the arrival of the responder before he can return home safely.

However, at this moment, a cold and slightly mocking voice suddenly made his heart sink.

"Tsk, tsk, you are such a capable kid. I'm afraid the shadow clone you used to confuse us was right?"

Before he finished speaking, a cloud ninja carrying a long sword in the distance came towards this side with a ferocious smile on his face.

His pace was neither hasty nor slow, and he was clearly aware of the state of the boy leaning against the tree.

He has seen many highly qualified child spies, but it is extremely rare for a child spy to be able to use advanced ninjutsu such as shadow clones at such a young age.

Seeing the enemy chasing after him, the white-haired boy forced himself to calm down the fear in his heart and tried to support his body and stand up.

But after trying hard, I had to give up.

At this time, not only was his chakra exhausted, he no longer had the physical strength to support his body and stand up.

Yunyin, who was carrying a long sword on his back, had a disdainful smile on his face after seeing the boy struggling to get up but unable to do so.

He didn't think that even if the child was in full condition, he would be able to escape from his grasp.

"Tell me, do you want to explain your identity and purpose yourself, or do you want me to take you back and torture you until you can't bear the pain?"

The Kumo ninja walked to the foot of the tree, stood in front of the boy, and flexed his fingers.

The smile on his face was even more ferocious, and his eyes were fixed on the boy's movements.

Just waiting for it to instantly subdue the target once it makes an abnormal move. Because he has extensive experience in dealing with spy ninjas, he knows that most spy ninjas will commit suicide.

Although very few child spies have this kind of perseverance, he still has to guard against it.

At this point, looking at the approaching Kumo ninja, although the boy remained calm and composed on the surface, his heartbeat had already accelerated suddenly. Thinking of the detonating talisman hidden in my arms, I couldn't help but start to think about whether I should give it a last ditch effort.

At this moment, a sharp bird song suddenly sounded in the distance.

From far to near, it struck like lightning in an instant, so fast that people couldn't react.


Blood splattered everywhere, and the white-haired boy's face and the bright round glasses lenses were instantly stained and spattered by several drops of blood.

In front of him was a young man wearing a Konoha ANBU uniform and a mask.

Holding a ball of dazzling lightning, he slowly pulled out his arm from the chest of the unprepared Cloud Ninja.

Everything happened so fast that he could only conclude that he seemed to be saved through the scene in front of him.

"Are you Kabuto Yakushi?"

The ANBU boy glanced at the Kumo ninja who was struck by lightning through the heart and fell instantly to death. While dispelling the Thunder Release Ninjutsu in his hand, he asked indifferently.

The white-haired boy probably finally came to his senses and nodded dully.

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