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In the 900th year of the New Year, Shuangzhou border army camp and prison were established.

The border is bitterly cold, the prison has no windows, and there is no sunlight all day long. The cold brick wall was filled with moisture, and Shen Ming sat slumped in the corner, feeling completely cold.

The pain in his head gradually dissipated, and he finally accepted the reality of his time travel.

A car accident caused Shen Ming to travel back in time to a fifteen-year-old boy with the same name.

The previous owner was the young head of Shen's Trading Company in Beijing. His mother died in childbirth and his father died a year ago.

In order to seize the family property, his second uncle bribed the government to have him imprisoned and sent him to Shuangzhou to guard the border.

Several lines of information appeared in his consciousness:

[Name: Shen Ming]

[Talent: None]

[One talent point is automatically generated every day, and there are currently 5,800 talent points that have not been collected. 】

[Talent replicator level one, can copy white and green talents. Upgrade progress: 0%/100%]

"What is this?" Shen Ming was about to study, but was interrupted by a thunderous voice.

"Thief Peijun, have you offended this prisoner? Otherwise, why would he include your name in the martial arts test list for no reason?"

Through the dim firelight in the prison, Shen Ming saw a burly soldier in the adjacent prison.

The stubble on his chin was glowing green, and his appearance was extremely fierce. He was watching the fat chicken next to him swallow his saliva, but for some reason he was also imprisoned.

The martial arts test involves fighting monsters. If you survive, you can be promoted to a third-class soldier, and your life will be much easier.

Shen Ming was in frail health. Although he did not sign up, the prison hierarchy forcibly submitted the list. The fat chicken next to him was his last meal before taking the exam.

New reminders appear in the information in consciousness:

[Discover the white talent, and it will cost 1,000 talent points to extract. 】

[You need to touch the opponent's body to copy the talent. 】

Shen Ming raised his head and looked at the soldier in the adjacent cell. There was a white square frame floating strangely above his head. Take a closer look at the contents:

[Talent: Intermediate physique (white entry): He is born with great strength, rough skin and thick flesh, and is a natural warrior. 】

"As long as you touch the other person, can you copy this talent?" Shen Ming, who thought he would die tomorrow, suddenly saw hope of living.

"Military Master, I can't finish this fat chicken by myself, how about I share it with you?" Shen Ming suppressed his excitement, picked up the fat chicken wrapped in oil paper on the ground, and said seductively.

"Your body is weak and you will have a narrow escape from death in tomorrow's trial. You'd better keep it for yourself! It's better to be a dead ghost!" Although the soldier said this, his eyes were glowing with green light.

He committed a crime and was imprisoned. He had been without food for several days, and the fat chicken in Shen Ming's hand was quite tempting to him.

"It doesn't matter. I have a small appetite. If I can't finish it, it will be a waste!" Shen Ming stood up and walked to the edge of the adjacent cell. He opened the greased paper and the smell of fat chicken came out instantly.

Unexpectedly, this soldier was extremely principled. He turned around and walked away without replying, without even looking like he was tempted at all.

"Why don't you be so principled!" Shen Ming sighed secretly. This white talent will determine his life or death in tomorrow's trial. He must get it!

He decided to use ruthless tactics and took a bite of the fat chicken, making an exaggerated chewing sound. His mouth was full of oil for a moment, hoping to continue to seduce the soldiers with his eating appearance.

But he saw the soldier squatting down, picking up the food bowl on the ground, turning around and handing it to Shen Ming...

But it's not that he has principles, but he wants to use the utensils to divide the fat chicken...

Seeing Shen Ming chewing chicken with his mouth full of oil, he was stunned. Doubtfully said:

"Didn't you say you wanted to share the food with me? Why did you have to eat it first?"

"This is embarrassing... I thought you were very principled." Shen Ming cursed in his heart.

The atmosphere was awkward for a moment. The two stared at each other for a long time through the wooden fence of the prison.

"It doesn't matter!" Bing Han looked very hungry. He stretched out his thick arms and snatched the fat chicken from Shen Ming's hand. He tore the chicken in half. After hesitating for a long time, he still gave the extra half back to Shen Ming.

"You have to take part in a trial tomorrow, so eat more to preserve your strength and have a better chance of surviving!"

The oily palm touched Shen Ming's fingers.

The soldier was about to gnaw the meat in his hand, when a shout interrupted him.

"Wu Feng! You can go out!"

With a "clang" sound, the door of the prison cell where the soldier was located was opened, and a sergeant dressed as a sergeant came forward, covering his head and face with a scolding:

"You stupid brute! You know how much effort I put into fishing you out! Why don't you follow me out quickly!"

The soldier named Wu Feng looked at the fat chicken in his hand with great reluctance. But he resisted swallowing and handed his half back to Shen Ming.

Get it right

He rubbed grease on his clothes and walked out of the prison, but he didn't show any sign of the visitor.

Both of them were professional soldiers and acted competently. They walked out of the prison in a short time.

"This soldier named Wu Feng is a good person! This time I copied his talent. If I can survive, I will treat him to a meal!" Shen Ming felt funny and hurriedly checked his talent panel:

[Talent extraction completed, do you want to copy? 】

"Yes!" Shen Ming chose decisively.

[Name: Shen Ming]

[Talent: Intermediate Physique (white entry): You are born with great strength, rough skin and thick flesh, and are a natural warrior. 】

[Two talent points (+1) are automatically generated every day, leaving 4800 talent points. 】

[Talent replicator level one, upgrade progress: 25%/100%]

A strange energy filled Shen Ming's body, and he was in full condition instantly. Although the physical appearance has not changed at all, a huge force fills the whole body, the muscles and bones have become stronger, and the defense has increased a lot.

"Wu Feng is tall and tall, and he seems to be very capable! I think it's probably due to his white talent!" Shen Ming felt the changes in his body, clenched his hands, and punched the prison stone wall.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the cell where he was located shook slightly.

"Such power! I couldn't have imagined it in my previous life!" Shen Ming touched his fist, but he didn't feel much pain.

There was no talent displayed on Nadu's head just now. Shen Ming judged that the ability that could be recognized as talent by the system must be extraordinary.

There was no sleep that night until the prison commander opened the cell door and handed over the prisoners who participated in the trial to the soldiers.

As several vehicles pulled by blindfolded horses slowly drove in, they were all escorted to the martial arts arena.

In the cage on the car, there are dozens of gray-white beasts, called rhinoceros beasts, which are not ordinary monsters. Ao Quan is about the size of a leopard, but it has no hair on its body and is covered with rhinoceros-like skin.

Although this monster has no rank, it is extremely ferocious. It appears in groups and even bears in the mountains have to retreat.

They have been starved for several days, and although their fighting strength is greatly reduced, they are even more ferocious.

Officers and soldiers from other battalions also came one after another at this time and began to place money and bet, and actually opened a gambling game.

In the bitter cold at the frontier, this was one of their rare recreational activities.

Shen Ming mingled among the prisoners and slowly walked into the martial arts arena surrounded by high-pitched voices and iron bars above his head.

A burst of louder exclamations suddenly filled the entire martial arts arena.

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