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The northern wasteland is bleak, with long, narrow and boundless peaks that outline the shape of a blade.

The setting sun was like blood, reflecting the muscular body of the headless armored bear.

Old Man Jiang held a knife, stepped on the corpse of the monster, and chopped off its head with just one move.

Shen Ming speculated that Old Man Jiang must have hidden strength, but he did not expect that he was so strong.

The old man and the young man stared at each other, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Bury the corpse of the monster first, and we'll talk about the rest later." Old Man Jiang was the first to break the silence, his body stooped.

Shen Ming nodded, picked up the sword and started digging a hole.

It was cold in late autumn, and the soil was frozen hard. Fortunately, both of them were very human, and they quickly buried the bodies of the armored bear and rhinoceros.

On the way back, it was Old Man Jiang who spoke first:

"You must not mention today's matter to others."

"I know it."


"You're not curious about me at all?"

"Curious people generally don't live long."

Old Man Jiang smiled. He liked Shen Ming, a smart young man.

"I rescued you this time, and I fulfilled my last bet, but you still owe me one thing you haven't done yet, so don't lie."

Shen Ming didn't reply, which was regarded as acquiescence.

After a moment, he asked:

"Mr. Jiang, what is that musk stone?"

Old Man Jiang was full of pride. He had been frustrated by Shen Ming many times, and he felt happy when he saw the other person's background and asked for advice.

"Muskey stone is an elixir refined by an alchemist using stones from the body of a demonic beast called a musk bear, along with dozens of materials.

Usually, knock down a little bit, grind it into powder, and drink it to make men become more powerful. "

"Aphrodisiac?" Shen Ming was stunned.

"You are right to say that, but this thing also has a common name, called the Demon Lure Stone."

As soon as Shen Ming heard this name, he already understood in his heart that this was someone who deliberately wanted to harm himself and hid this thing in his luggage.

"Boy Shen, your enemy has a lot of background!" Old Man Jiang said solemnly.

"How can Mr. Jiang see you?"

"To my human race, musk stone is colorless and odorless. But it is fatally attractive to monsters. The main material for refining musk stone comes from the musk bear. What level of monster is that musk bear?"

Shen Ming had only read information about the monsters in the north, but he didn't know that the musk bear was born in the south.

"Sixth level." Old Man Jiang lowered his eyes:

"And the stones of this musk bear are very rare. Not every musk bear has stones. Do you know how much the musk stone in your hand just now is worth?"

Shen Ming remained silent.


Old man Jiang wanted to show off, but Shen Ming didn't answer. This made him feel a little uncomfortable, and he coughed twice:

"Aren't you curious? Ask me. I'll tell you if you ask."

"I'm not curious. Curious people don't live long." Shen Ming suppressed a smile.

Old Man Jiang felt that half a mouthful of blood was stuck in his throat, and he was just one breath away from spraying it all over the young man's face.

In the end, Shen Ming did not ask how much the musk stone was worth. Old Man Jiang gritted his teeth and refrained from saying anything in order to maintain the image he had finally established.

When the two returned to the camp, Shen Ming gave Old Man Jiang the remaining half of the bottle of wine that day.

Old Man Jiang accepted it calmly, thinking that he was thanking him for saving his life, but he didn't want Shen Ming to take out the body of a sable beast and ask him to help skin and tan it.

The old man was so angry that he frowned.

It is my blessing to know you.

"The sable beasts are so small, I'm afraid I won't be able to hunt more than twenty of them to make one piece of fur!" Shen Ming thought about it, turned the bag upside down, and inspected it carefully.

This field reconnaissance was full of dangers. If he hadn't been careful and would have dragged Old Man Jiang along with him, his life would have been at stake.

He estimated that such rare objects as musk stones had aphrodisiac properties and were worth no less than a thousand gold.

If the person who harmed him was willing to pay such a high price, the only person who could be bribed to take his life was someone like Liu Jieyun.

"I'm still too weak!" After this battle, Shen Ming's heart was in crisis, and many plans had to be advanced.

He took out a small object from his arms, pink with black spots, but a small piece of musk stone.

When he was burying this thing, he took advantage of old man Jiang not paying attention and quietly knocked off a small corner. The smaller the size of this musk stone, the less attractive it is to monsters.

After that, he and Old Man Jiang would go out to explore every day. With a free thug by his side, he could speed up the efficiency of hunting monsters and earn talent points.

In order to harm him, his second uncle spent a lot of money to buy the musk stone, but he never thought that it would actually help him.

"Just be more careful in the future and hug Lao Jiang's thighs more!" Shen Ming lay on his side on the bed, constantly recalling in his mind who

Touched his own luggage.

Unconsciously fell asleep.

In the next few days, Shen Ming and Old Man Jiang went out to inspect the area around Daozhailing every day.

Shen Ming wanted to enter Daozhailing directly several times, but was blocked by Old Man Jiang.

Along the way, we frequently encountered first-order monsters, and occasionally second-order monsters. Shen Ming made reasonable use of Old Man Jiang's free labor, and finally made up for it himself.

Very rewarding.

There are many parts of the monster's body that can be used as materials for refining weapons and elixirs, and are of great value.

Old Man Jiang did not want to reveal his strength, but none of the corpses were left behind and they were all buried on the spot. But it also suits Shen Ming's wishes.

[Kill the Rhinoceros and get 10 talent points]

Shen Ming used his sword to cut off the head of the seriously injured monster, and he happily raised his talent points by ten points.

Old Man Jiang shook his head as he watched.

After a night of thinking, Shen Ming informed Old Man Jiang that he was carrying a small piece of musk stone.

The two are now familiar with each other. Although Old Man Jiang hides a secret, he is a good person. He does not want to conceal the matter and cause misunderstanding between the two.

"Boy Shen, you said that in order to avoid being pursued by your enemies, you need to hunt monsters to increase your strength. I believe you.

But every time you just ask me to beat the monster half to death, and then come back to hit you, this makes sense! "

Old Man Jiang sat aside and took a careful sip of the white wine, which was given to him by Shen Ming.

Shen Ming didn't answer, so he dug a hole on the spot and buried the monster's body.

Killing a first-level monster can get ten talent points, and killing a second-level monster can get fifty talent points.

It's a pity that we didn't encounter the third stage monster.

Shen Ming was curious about Old Man Jiang's strength, but he would never ask about it.

After burying the body, Shen Ming motioned to Old Man Jiang to move on.

Old Man Jiang had no choice but to let Shen Ming show off the musk stone. Although he didn't understand why the other party was so obsessed with hunting monsters, he didn't ask.

There are still more than twenty days left for the field development trial training, and then they will have to hunt together with a large group.

Shen Ming must seize this period of time to gather old man Jiang's wool and improve his strength.

These days, he occasionally received letters from Wu Feng, but he never thought that that rough and giant man could also write.

In addition to letters, I also received a small pot of wine from Wu Feng.

Alcohol is forbidden in the army. He is a soldier of the capital, but he occasionally gets some rewards, but he is willing to share them with himself.

Shen Ming felt warm in his heart.

But it was this jug of wine that made Old Man Jiang willing to be a thug.

Before you know it, one month has passed, and the monster hunting team has two days of rest.

One part of Shen Ming's plan is also ready to be completed.

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