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Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of Rites, was called Song Pin, and he was born strong and strong.

He speaks in a measured manner and behaves in a precise manner.

At this time, Shen Ming was explaining the etiquette of meeting the saint.

Really red tape.

Shen Ming tried hard to concentrate and barely remembered it.

"Mr. Shen, if the Holy One is free in the near future, he will tell you that you must not go out these days and stay in this other courtyard to rest. Otherwise, we will not be able to find you and it will be difficult for the Holy One to explain."

Song Pin's attitude was very official, just like his actions, he was impartial and lukewarm.

"In addition, the etiquette for meeting the Holy Spirit that I just told you is all written in this booklet. You should read it more when you have time, so as not to be disrespectful in front of the Holy One."

"If you didn't give me the booklet earlier..." Shen Ming cursed and put down the notes he was taking.

After Song Pin left, Shen Ming took Man'er for a walk.

It deserves to be called a royal garden. Although it is just a palace for receiving dignitaries, it is also extremely exquisite.

The pavilions are handsome and the waterside pavilions are quiet;

The lush sloping branches of the plants and trees have their own charm; the flowers in the garden are blooming and full of charm.

The patterns among them are scattered and well-organized, and they are in harmony with the rules; there are also rockery rocks, rugged rocks, emitting mist, and they are not like the human world.

This kind of style is not comparable to Han Zhuangshi's manor outside the city.

It is impossible to go out now. If Emperor Daxin wants to see him, he wants to see him immediately, and there is no delay.

Shen Ming's current state is that he is under house arrest.

He simply took advantage of his free time to teach Man'er how to read.

Spend more time cultivating. In this world, strength is the last word.

As there was a roar in the tan, more breath formed a vortex, gradually liquefied under high-speed operation, and was driven by Shen Ming according to the method on the energy diagram. It traveled around the body and was gradually absorbed by the body.

[Soldier Body Art] has now reached the third level of cultivation. It is less than a month since the last promotion.

I practice martial arts and pay attention to water-grinding skills. I practice hard every day, just to make an inch of progress.

Only through accumulation over the years can we achieve success.

And Shen Ming possesses the talent of [Fudo Ming King Body], and he has really made great progress since he began to practice the body training method.

He slowly consolidated his cultivation, stood up, and took out the [Blood Que] from Feng Tao's arm armor.

After thinking for a moment, he didn't nock the arrow, but just pulled it slowly.

Although it is still a bit laborious, it is much easier than before!

This [Fudo Ming King Body] has greatly enhanced the power of the body training technique. Shen Ming possesses the [Soldier Body Art], and his strength is likely to increase exponentially with its addition.

Unfortunately, the base number is still too small. Counting the increase, there is still a big gap with skill-level warriors.

Shen Ming is still unable to cross the great realm with his talent.

"According to what Mr. Han said, the [Blood Palace] bow can only be used by at least a skilled warrior. Now, for me, it is really difficult to use it."

"If my [Soldier Art] cultivation reaches the fifth or sixth level of the powerful stage, this [Blood Que] giant bow will be used like a finger and arm again. When I meet a warrior of the same level, I will be able to fight." ”

With this thought in mind, he put away his bow and returned to the room.

The weather has turned cold recently, so Man'er specially lit a fire in his room to bring out the warmth.

A few days ago, Old Man Jiang came to the other courtyard, looked for Shen Ming, and brought some news.

Before Shen Ming came to the capital, Shen Yuan ran away with his relatives and family members, leaving the main house in the capital alone with a handful of servants.

At present, many business transactions in the clan are in a state of paralysis due to the lack of a person in charge.

When Shen Ming first heard the news, he was stunned for a moment, and then felt that it made sense.

Old Man Jiang had promised to help him reverse the case before, but troubles continued one after another at that time, so the matter was accepted.

Now that he has made great achievements and returned to the capital to face the Holy Spirit, he will surely settle his past grudges and give an explanation to his predecessor.

Unless his second uncle was a fool, there was no way he would not run away after receiving the news.

This all makes sense.

"But when I returned from the secondary space, I rushed back to the capital without much rest. Although Shen's Trading Company is not small, it is only a non-governmental organization. How could it know that I had returned to the capital with meritorious service?"

"And this news is very timely, they escaped before I entered the capital!"

Shen Ming analyzed it secretly, having no clue at the moment. He had too little useful information.

After all, Old Man Jiang is just a guardian, and his rank in Zhenlong Division is not high, so the information he can get seems to be limited.

The previous owner of this body was also a bookworm, and he wasn't very good at reading.

Searching for previous memories, I couldn't find any clues.

And the tattoo on his back is exactly the same as the runes on the altar in the secondary space.

, it’s really weird.

Shen Ming was already alone in the room, and the comparison was confirmed by the reflection in the bronze mirror.

Instead of asking others to help check, to avoid unnecessary complications.

While thinking, Shen Ming remembered something, and then took out something from Feng Tao's arm armor, which was an opened letter.

It was in Beituo Village that after he upgraded his hunter talent to green, he discovered someone was following him.

The letter obtained after getting rid of the killers of the Tianlu Society.

Shen Ming opened it and looked at it carefully.

"Back then, the Tianlan Society accepted the bounty from my second uncle and wanted to wait for an opportunity to kill me. However, they inexplicably changed the mission and turned the assassination into a stalking."

"This... why?"

Shen Ming didn't think much about it at the time, but now after analyzing the existing information, he just realized that it was complicated and confusing.

"My second uncle, is it possible that he has a close relationship with the Tianlu Society? The news that I am about to return to Beijing was also known through the Tianlu Society?"

Thinking of this, Shen Ming felt that the possibility was extremely high.

He later deliberately collected some information about the Sky Slaughter Society. Although he only scratched the surface, he also knew that it was a killer organization with excellent reputation.

It's too weird to accept a mission and then change it midway.

Shen Ming didn't believe that his second uncle had discovered his conscience midway and canceled the mission to hunt him down.

"Unless Tianlu realizes that I am more valuable alive and of great value, then he will change his past principles and change the mission from assassination to tracking!"


Shen Ming sighed.

"Or maybe they discovered Mr. Jiang's identity at that time and knew that there was someone from the Zhenlong Division hiding around me."

Old Man Jiang told Shen Ming at that time that he came to the northern border to track down spies who collaborated with the enemy and treason.

But later, through Shen Ming's analysis, it turned out that the spies in the north seemed to be acting secretly, but in fact, all their movements had already been controlled and even exploited by Zhenlong Division.

And Old Man Jiang was a member of the Zhenlong Division who was newly added to the army when he first arrived in the northern border.

"There seems to be a secret hidden in me. The Zhenlong Division knows it, the Tianlu Society knows it, and my second uncle may also know it."

"Only I don't know..."

Shen Ming couldn't help but reveal a wry smile, and the sense of crisis in his heart became even worse.

He hated the feeling of being manipulated by multiple forces, unable to control himself, like a puppet manipulated by strings.

"I have to increase my strength as soon as possible." Shen Ming's desire to become stronger was even greater.

"Perhaps if I have a chance, I will also establish my own power, a secret power to collect more intelligence."

Shen Ming rubbed his temples and felt bored staying in the room. He was about to get up and go out for some fresh air.

But I heard someone knocking on the door, the voice was high-pitched and respectful:

"Mr. Shen, there is an order from the Holy One for you to get up immediately and go to the palace to have an audience!"

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