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He Hao's face turned ugly instantly.

Not long after he was transferred to Shuangzhou, he couldn't believe that the people of Daxin were massacred by his own army!

"Luo Fei, you thief! Did you massacre Beituo Village?" Wu Feng's voice was like thunder, and he scolded Luo Fei when he saw him.

Shen Ming looked at Luo Fei and others expressionlessly, showing no emotion, and just silently pulled out the saber from behind.

"Shen Ming, please don't be impulsive. This time they massacred the people of this country, I will report it to the court!" He Hao remembered the last time Shen Ming had a disagreement and shot Luo Fei's subordinates with arrows, and he quickly spoke out to dissuade them.

"Report to the imperial court! Last time, we also reported to the imperial court. The thief Luo Fei was only imprisoned for one day and then released!" Wu Feng pulled out his sword and did not give He Hao any face.

As long as Shen Ming gives the order, he will be ready to rush forward and kill him immediately.

"Shen Ming! What do you want!" Seeing He Hao here, Luo Fei stopped thinking about taking the opportunity to kill Shen Ming. The opponent is a master of strength and he cannot defeat him.

Shen Ming glanced at Luo Fei, as if looking at a dead person.

He turned to his subordinates and said:

"Everyone! The massacre of Beituo Village this time was caused by these beasts from across the street! I'm going to go over and kill them now."

He raised his knife and slowly walked towards Luo Fei's troops and gave the order:

"The Daxin army must not kill each other, and none of you can help me!"

Shen Ming didn't want to drag down his subordinates. It was a serious crime for troops to kill each other during war.

Luo Fei was not happy to hear this. Before he could speak, Gong Yu spoke first:

"I am not afraid of military punishment! I am willing to kill the enemy with you!" He was already exiled because his wife was humiliated and committed murder. This time, he felt that he felt the same as Shen Ming.

He also admired Shen Ming's bravery and character and drew his sword without hesitation.

"Brother! I am not afraid of military punishment. I will kill that thief Luo Fei today!" Wu Feng was not to be outdone.

"We are not afraid of military punishment! We will follow you to the death!" All the soldiers in the hunting team who had experienced the battle of Daoxia Ridge declared their stance loudly.

Shen Ming looked at his own steps, but most of them didn't want to just sit back and watch, and he was moved in his heart.

"Okay! You can raid the formation for me while I take the head of Luo Fei, that thief!"

Luo Fei was furious, holding a melon hammer in both hands, his eyes wide with anger:

"Shen Ming, don't be arrogant! I really don't believe you dare to attack friendly forces in front of so many people!"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Xiang could no longer hold back. He took out his spear and rode towards Shen Ming:

"You are a traitor to the army. Don't think that if you are lucky enough to be the leader, you will be arrogant! Take my shot first!"

The horse's hooves are rushing, causing snow foam to fly.

The cold light of the sword in Shen Ming's hand flashed, and he swung the sword in front of Qi Xiang, and the two people passed each other.

Qi Xiang rode his horse forward and continued running for a distance, and was about to stop and turn around to continue fighting with Shen Ming.

Suddenly, the horse's waist was connected to his legs, neatly disconnected.

The horses' greasy entrails steamed and leaked all over the floor.

Qi Xiang was paralyzed in the flesh and blood of his mount, unable to move. He couldn't believe that he was cut down by Shen Ming with just one move, and he looked at his two broken legs blankly.

Shen Ming walked up to him step by step, grabbed his hair, and raised the sword in his hand. The blade shone with cold light, making Qi Xiang dizzy.

Qi Xiang wanted to beg for mercy, but found that he was speechless. Before the words were spoken, the sword slashed down. Shen Ming held up his head and turned to look at Luo Fei coldly.

"It's your turn next."

The cold wind roared softly, and the two sides facing each other were surprisingly quiet.

He Hao looked at Shen Ming in disbelief. He actually killed Qi Xiang with one strike without any hesitation.

Luo Fei looked at Qi Xiang's body and couldn't help feeling fear in his heart. He was really scared.

"Shen Ming! You are crazy! You actually killed your colleagues for a few civilians!" Luo Fei's voice trembled and he backed away repeatedly. The flesh on his face was trembling violently with fear.

"Have you finished giving your last words?" Shen Ming threw the head in his hand and drew an arc.

"Crack!" It landed next to Luo Fei.

Luo Fei was frightened by Shen Ming last time. This time he saw Qi Xiang easily killed by him. He had already lost his courage. How could he still dare to fight with Shen Ming?

Then he turned his horse's head and fled.

As soon as Luo Fei escaped, his men didn't dare to stay, and they all ran away in chaos.

All of these people participated in the massacre of the village. How could Wu Feng let them go? He led his men in pursuit.

This place was not far from the border army camp. Luo Fei galloped his horse and soon saw a group of people walking towards him. The leading general is none other than his own leader Yang Fuping.

"Mr. Yang, save me!" Luo Fei was overjoyed and shouted loudly with his inner energy


Yang Fuping suddenly heard someone calling him, and when he looked into the distance, he saw that all his men were stunned.

Just as he was wondering, he saw Luo Fei being chased by a man with a knife behind him. Who was it if it wasn't Shen Ming? He quickly rushed towards the direction of the two of them.

"No one can save you today!" Shen Ming had already caught up with Luo Fei. He waved his sword and cut off one of the hind hoofs of Luo Fei's horse.

The horse fell to the ground with a pitiful cry. Luo Fei fell to the ground in panic and hurriedly tried to get up. His face was full of panic. How could he still look as arrogant as before?

"Shen Ming! Let me go! Let me go!" Luo Fei exclaimed, wanting to kowtow to Shen Ming and beg for mercy.

"Let you go? Let you go. The innocent souls of more than a hundred households in Beituo Village will be troubled!" Shen Ming grabbed Luo Fei's neck and lifted him up.

All the soldiers couldn't believe it. Luo Fei, who was also a master of the seventh stage of the Qi stage, was like a dead dog, being carried by Shen Ming and not daring to resist.

"Shen Ming! How dare you!" Yang Fuping was very fast and was not far away from the two of them. He was so angry that he no longer had the calmness of the past. He took out the long knife in his hand and pointed it at Shen Ming and scolded him sharply.

"See if I dare!" Shen Ming smiled sarcastically at Yang Fuping, put the tip of the knife against Luo Fei's chin, and slowly penetrated his head.

Luo Fei's body twitched involuntarily, his eyes turned white, and he became incontinent uncontrollably.

"Only a dog thief like you can raise such a mad dog, one after another." Shen Ming left Luo Fei's body on the ground casually and said to Yang Fuping word by word.

"You're looking for death!" Yang Fuping was furious, and he slashed at Shen Ming with the sword in his hand without mercy.

Shen Ming was not afraid. He was willing to go all out this time, and he wanted to die handsomely.

"Dang!" The two knives collided, making a loud noise.

Like a kite with its string cut off, Shen Ming flew several feet away and fell to the ground. His abdomen and chest surged, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The third- and fourth-level monsters he had killed before were all seriously injured and on the verge of death. Even so, Shen Ming had a very difficult time killing them.

Yang Fuping is a seventh-level martial artist, and he is in his prime, so how can he be defeated by Shen Ming now?

"Master Shen!" Everyone in the hunting team shouted in shock when they saw that their heads were injured by Yang Fuping, and they all stepped forward to help him up.

Shen Ming struggled to get up from the ground, stabbing his body with the blade of the knife on the ground, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

If it weren't for the talent of [Copper Skin and Iron Bone], my internal organs would have been injured by the blow just now!

"Shen Ming! You killed all my subordinates in public, and no one will kill you today! I will execute you on the spot!" Yang Fuping got off his horse and looked at Shen Ming coldly.

Luo Fei died tragically just now, and he was not prepared to give Shen Ming a good death.

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