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Shen Ming weighed the money bag in his hand and found that he had two or three taels of silver, but he borrowed it from the five people just now.

He was worried that he had no money to treat Wu Feng to chicken, but he never thought that someone would come up and give him money right away.

Shen Ming changed into his soldier's clothes and armor and stepped onto his waist sword, adding a dash of heroism to his already handsome appearance.

After asking around, I finally found the location.

There is a place specializing in selling meat in the border camp. At present, Daxin and Mo Bingguo have not used weapons for more than sixty years, so the soldiers are more willing to keep their pay instead of squandering it all.

He also watched some TV series in his previous life. He thought that these few taels of silver could not be exchanged for much meat. After asking about the price, he realized that the purchasing power of the silver taels in his hand was quite high.

It only cost half a tael of silver in exchange for a huge pile of meat, including half a fan of cooked Xiaolin pig, which was full of smoky smoke and was really tempting.

It was almost evening at this time. After asking Wu Feng if he was on duty, he went straight to the door.

Dutong is the battalion commander, and his soldiers are treated well, but only two people live in one room.

Wu Fengsheng was a tall man who hadn't eaten enough. When he heard the knock on the door, he was shocked when he opened it.

The person who came was half shorter than him, but he was carrying a lot of meat on his back. The half smoked pork chop made Wu Feng's eyes gleam.

"Master Wu Jun, thanks to your care, I didn't treat you to a fat chicken last time in prison, but this time I brought some meat!" Shen Ming said warmly, but he had a good impression of Wu Feng.

Wu Feng led Shen Ming into the house and invited him to enjoy it together.

Shen Ming was a self-made man in his previous life, and he had a sophisticated way of dealing with people. After a while, the two of them became like old friends who had known each other for many years.

"Brother Wu, I see there is a rift between you and Captain Liu, but why?" Shen Ming saw that Liu Jieyun seemed to care about Wu Feng.

"Bah!" Wu Feng spat after hearing this, showing a look of extreme disdain. He wiped the grease from his mouth:

"That guy is taking advantage of his position and extorting money from his subordinates. I can't stand it. I had a conflict with him and was imprisoned before I met you."

"It seems that if it weren't for Liu Jieyun, we might not have known each other!" Shen Ming chuckled, but his tone changed:

"I wonder how Liu Jieyun's strength compares with Brother Wu?"

Wu Feng is a real person, scratching his head and thinking for a moment:

"I am born with a lot of strength, and with my current level of Qi cultivation, I can't beat him!"

Shen Ming did have information about warriors in his memory. When the other party mentioned it, he quickly asked.

Before he knew it, the time came at Xu hour, and there was a curfew in the army. Shen Ming said goodbye and returned to the camp.

There were six people lying in the adobe barracks. They had been training hard on weekdays and drinking alcohol was not allowed in the army. They were all asleep at this time.

It was dark all around, and the yellow-faced old man was called Jiang Ming. His position at this time was extremely easy to find because of the white talent bar above his head.

Shen Ming sneaked forward, preparing to copy his talent.

The hand is stretched out in front of the other person, and he is about to touch it.

"What are you doing!" an alert voice sounded. Jiang Ming had already opened his eyes, rolled in the opposite direction, wrapped himself in a quilt, and looked at Shen Ming defensively.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The yellow-faced old man looked like he was facing an idiot who wanted to violate him.

"It's nothing! It's nothing! I saw you just kicked off the quilt, Uncle Jiang, so I came here to help you cover it tightly..." Shen Ming said it even thought it was a ridiculous excuse.

Jiang Ming wrapped the quilt tighter and stepped back. He was alert by nature and had not fallen asleep just now. How could he believe Shen Ming's lies.

This commotion disturbed the other soldiers in the same room. Shen Ming had no choice but to give up temporarily with a dry laugh.

"He doesn't think I'm a pervert, does he? Like me too beautiful?" Shen Ming felt awkward, interrupted the feeling of shame in his heart, and then sorted out the information he got from Wu Feng,

According to Wu Feng, warriors are divided into several realms: Qi, strength, skill, momentum, and intention. Each major realm is divided into nine smaller realms.

He himself has the [Intermediate Physique] talent and is a first-level Qi level warrior, while Liu Jieyun is a fourth-level Qi level warrior.

"Wu Feng is no match for Liu Jieyun, let alone me."

Daxin has extremely strict control over the exercises and circulating them without permission is a serious crime once discovered. Moreover, cultivation requires too much time, and your opponent will not give you so much time.

Thinking of this, Shen Ming felt worried and fell asleep in a daze.

The next day during the recruit training, Shen Ming still found no new talent holder. During this period, Shen Ming tried to touch Old Man Jiang many times, but was avoided.

Seeing that the other person was looking at him more and more unnaturally, Shen Ming simply ignored him and just took advantage of the opportunity, but to no avail.

As a result, a strange scene appeared in the martial arts arena. A handsome young man was always pestering an old man with a yellow face.

With careless hands and feet, a face full of disgust...

"Bang! Bang!"

The barbaric bell rang out in the military camp, but it was the signal for the entire camp to assemble.

"What's going on? How come the bell is ringing at this time! But the barbarians from Mobei are invading?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I heard that there was a flood in Pingzhou, which flooded several cities..."

"What does this have to do with me and other border troops?"

The frontier army was extremely efficient. Following a burst of noise, thousands of soldiers gathered at the Eighth Battalion campus in a short while.

Shen Ming was also confused. It was rare for the border troops to gather together in a whole battalion, but he didn't expect to encounter it on his first day in the army.

He was at the front of the queue and saw Wu Feng, a soldier, standing under the stage with a sword in hand, his face full of solemnity.

After a while, a young officer slowly walked up to the podium. His face was as warm as jade, and he had a bookish air in his bravery. It was Li Qingyun, the commander of the Eighth Battalion.

Shen Ming saw it for the first time and was shocked!

[Discover Blue Talent: Physical Training Wizard]

[Body training wizard: Practice the body training technique, the training speed will be greatly increased, and the power of the technique will be slightly increased. 】

[Talent value required for copying: 4000/3808]

[The level of the talent replicator is not enough and cannot be copied. 】

[Talent replicator level one, upgrade progress: 50%/100%]

"Blue talent! It's still a cultivation talent!" Shen Ming sighed to himself, no wonder the other party achieved the position of ruler at such a young age.

However, it is impossible to copy it now, Shen Ming understands the role of the talent replicator level. At present, the replicator only has one level, but it can only copy white and green talents.

"Everyone!" Li Qingyun's voice was elegant and he spoke slowly and elegantly.

“The entire battalion was summoned this time, but it was ordered by the commander-in-chief of the border army.

At the end of every year, our Daxin Punishment Division will dispatch personnel to strangle the monsters near the state capital to prevent them from harming the people.

But this year we encountered some unexpected events. We need to recruit manpower from the military camp to eliminate the monsters on the border of Shuangzhou! Everyone signs up to participate. If you pass the review, you will be rewarded generously. "

The Punishment Division specializes in killing monsters and killing people. It launches a mass strangulation operation at the end of every year, but I don't know why it can't send any manpower this year.

Seeing Wu Feng looking at him in front of him, he shook his head.

Shen Ming felt relieved, knowing that this was not a good job, and he was unwilling to take risks at the moment, so he couldn't help but hesitate.

But Li Qingyun's next words made Shen Ming make up his mind.

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