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The morning light splits the clouds, and the long outline of Black Python Mountain is coated with layers of gold.

In late autumn, the weather in the north is bone-chillingly cold, and shouts and cheers resound throughout the martial arts arena.

In the Guanwu Building, a woman leaned against the window eaves and watched the fighting on the martial arts field.

She was born delicate and pretty, with a tear mole hanging lightly in the corner of her eye, showing off her charm.

The red mink robe wrapped in a close-fitting soft silver armor could not cover up the majestic and graceful curves. He was just a little short. According to Shen Ming's calculations in his previous life, he was barely 1.5 meters?

Less than.

"What's this man's name? He's a good young man." She asked softly.

Several commanders in the army were actually present, and Li Qingyun took over the words:

"This man is our Eighth Battalion auxiliary. His name is Shen Ming."

"Serving in the army? What crime did you commit?" The woman frowned, but did not look back.

"Rape and kill civilian girls." After watching Shen Ming's martial arts test, Li Qingyun specifically checked his information.


Shen Ming handed over the blood-stained sword, and the bodies of the three rhinoceros beasts in the martial arts arena were mutilated, but they were his masterpieces.

Killing one Rhinoceros is worth ten points, and challenging three at once is worth thirty points.

With the blessing of [Intermediate Endurance], Shen Ming's strength has improved again, and the combat strength assessment ended with perfect scores.

It was Old Man Jiang's strength that once again surprised Shen Ming.

Those old arms and legs, and the [Mountain Hunter] talent did not directly add much to combat power, but they actually killed two monsters at once.

"This old boy must have a secret!" Shen Ming wiped the blood on the back of his hand with his sleeve.

Those who made it to the third level of the assessment were all elites. Shen Ming didn't find anyone with talent, which was a pity.

After the combat effectiveness assessment, there was no rest time. All personnel put on leather armor, were fully armed, and carried eighty kilograms of luggage to begin the endurance assessment.

Hunting monsters is full of dangers, and they will not give up their march just because the battle is over.

"Boy Shen, do you really want to take the endurance test?" Seeing that Shen Ming was eager to try, Old Man Jiang poured cold water on him again.

"Boy, you need perfect scores to pass the next test, right?" The other examiners also came over and said with a smile.

They admired Shen Ming for his outstanding fighting prowess, but they didn't believe that he could get full marks in the endurance test. When marching long distances with heavy loads, strength alone is not enough.

"How about I play the banker and pay two for one bet? If I can't pass the test with perfect score, how about I pay you double the money?" Shen Ming happened to be short of money.

"Is this such a good thing?"

"Can you afford to pay?"

Everyone was jealous but asked questions.

"My brother is Wu Feng! He is Li Dutong's personal soldier. He can vouch for me!" Shen Ming pulled the tiger skin.

Everyone looked at Old Man Jiang, who was also from the Eighth Battalion. Seeing him nodding, they no longer hesitated and placed their bets.

If someone gives you money, why not? Traveling two hundred miles a day while carrying a heavy load is something that ordinary warriors cannot do!

Shen Ming borrowed pen and ink and wrote down the registration list on the spot, which made all the examiners shake their heads.

Everyone in the Guanwu Building saw this scene, and they all made fun of Li Qingyun.

"Li Dutong, how about you also become a banker?"

Li Qingyun's family is a wealthy family in Shuangzhou and has no shortage of money. Although he doesn't think Shen Ming can win, he likes this son's energy and actually agreed.

A group of officers came to the desk and placed bets one after another. The colleagues enjoyed this, but they did not deliberately make money from Li Qingyun. They all placed one or two taels of silver.

But I saw a white palm suddenly put down two ingots of gold on the table, a total of twenty taels!

"I'll buy that one too!" It was the girl who just said that.

She had been saving this money for a long time and was ready to take a handful of it.

The corners of Li Qingyun's mouth trembled, and he forced a smile on his bookish face.

"Okay..." This is not a small amount of money.

The clouds thickened, light rain began, and the endurance test began.

"I hope [Intermediate Endurance] will not let me down! Otherwise, I will be in huge debt and I won't be able to run away!" Shen Ming seemed calm, but actually he was a little panicked inside.

Carrying a weight of forty kilograms, not counting the weight of fully armed soldiers, running a hundred kilometers in half a day was something no one could do in his previous life.

Shen Ming ran and thought, but felt that his breath was long and endless.

He tried it secretly a few days ago and felt that the problem was not big. When it came to him, he started as the banker and felt a little uneasy.

The frontier troops were quite powerful. In less than an hour, many of them had covered more than fifty miles. However, Shen Ming was not as good as Bu Xu, which caused ridicule from his colleagues.

"How is Mr. Shen? Don't cheat on the money you owe me!" A soldier from the 10th Battalion passed Shen Ming and did not forget to mock him.

"Hahaha, I never wanted to take part in the assessment and earn some money. Thank you Mr. Shen.

son! "

"No! Money-losing boy!"

Old Man Jiang was born in Orion. Although he is old, he has good endurance. He only thinks that Shen Ming is frivolous. If he borrows money from himself afterwards...

Forget it, let's lend him some..., but he seems to be a pauper himself. At most, Shen Ming won't have to pay for the share he bet.

Two hours passed, and many people had stopped to rest. The rain was getting heavier and it was freezing to the bone.

Shen Ming still ran at a constant speed.

He was a marathon enthusiast in his previous life and had some experience. He even bought plaster beforehand to stick the two irritation points together.

At the fourth hour, people began to leave. I didn’t spare any effort in the early stage, but it’s pretty good to have persisted for so long.

The rain was pouring down, even the sight was blocked, and the front was hazy.

Fortunately, the assessment is only conducted in the school grounds. If it were to be conducted outdoors, the difficulty would be much higher.

Shen Ming had completed half of the journey, and there were not many people ahead of him.

Old man Jiang felt something bad in his heart.

Shen Ming licked the falling rainwater and felt that [Intermediate Endurance] was truly extraordinary. It was a talent recognized by the system and its quality was guaranteed.

He slowly stopped and began to stretch his muscles on the spot.

In the Guanwu Building, the girl seemed to have a very high position. It was difficult for the others to leave until she left, but they were all here.

"This Shen Ming is just resting now. I didn't expect that he looks fair and frail, but has good endurance!" All the three battalions couldn't help but say something.

"With weather like this, it's not bad to be in the top three. He's only fifteen years old, right? He's got a lot to do!" All the fifth battalions took over.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon under Tongying Li! But I don't know how talented this guy is in martial arts."

"Rape and kill a common girl, you deserve death! You may have some skills, but you are still a scumbag." The girl said calmly, interrupting everyone's interest in talking.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm going to start showing off, tremble, boys!" Shen Ming finished his rest and began to exert his strength.

The rain is getting lighter.

"Huh? Why is he running faster and faster?"

"So desperate? You want money rather than your life!"

Old Man Jiang was rich in experience and could not tell that Shen Ming was not exhausted. He was full of energy and felt increasingly uneasy.

At the fifth hour, Shen Ming was already leading the second place by an unknown number of laps, and there were not many people left on the field.

The endurance test totals forty-five points.

The first forty minutes are enough to carry a heavy load and march 120 miles, and the remaining five minutes are a full eighty miles longer.

This was also deliberately set up by the Examination Department in order to prevent candidates with serious partial subjects from joining.

Shen Ming is still fifty miles away from a perfect score, and there is less than an hour left before the assessment is over.

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