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The next day.

The sky is still pale, and the night has never been ushered in.

The cold wind is like a steel pipe, scraping the skin and cutting into the bones.

Shen Ming carefully hid his figure on the coast of the endless ice sea.

[Retention Breath Jue] also keeps urging to prevent the breath from being exposed.

His hands were very steady, and he drew the giant bow without any trembling.

He also controlled his breathing to prevent the white mist he exhaled from being seen and leaking his hidden possessions.

Not far away, a dark monster with the head of a tiger and the body of a fish cautiously climbed onto the shore.

His nose twitched.

It was attracted to the musk stone and was trying to smell the scent in the air.

"call out!"

The arrow flew, hit the monster's eye, and penetrated hard.

[Kill the second-level monster Mongoose Shark and gain 50 talent points. 】

Shen Ming stepped forward cautiously, observed the monster at close range for a while, took some materials he thought were useful, and threw the body back into the sea.

According to Shen Ming's observation, in this secondary sealed world, the land is covered with ice sheets and there are almost no living things.

There are many monsters lurking in the ice sea.

He was not familiar with the environment and ecology here, so he did not dare to abuse the musk stone, so he only knocked off a small piece as bait.

Ambush and hunt. If he encounters a hunted monster that cannot be severely damaged by an arrow, Shen Ming will immediately run away without hesitation.

Although he had killed third-level monsters, he was very reluctant to do so.

Previously, one person shot ten giant-tusked pigs with one bow, and he was also the weakest among the third-level monsters.

Except for its strong defense, it is not much stronger than the second-level monster in other aspects.

In addition, there is the most deadly point. Shen Ming only has more than a hundred arrows in his hand.

When using the seven-stone bow, the arrows shot will break into pieces after hitting the target. Therefore, Shen Ming only dares to use the five-stone bow now, so that he can recover the arrows and use them several more times.

Moreover, now that there is no rear supply, Shen Ming can only plan carefully and win steadily.

[Talent points ((1+9)x2) are automatically generated every day, leaving 4012 talent points. 】

I glanced at the dashboard and saw that I had earned 300 points of natural talent today, making good progress.

As long as you maintain this efficiency, you will be able to accumulate enough talent points to copy the purple talent in more than ten days.

There is no night here.

Fortunately, the talent replicator automatically produces a small amount of talent value every day. Based on this feature, Shen Ming can barely tell the time.

After leaving the cave for too long, Shen Ming put away his bow and arrows and prepared to go back.

Tang Mengling couldn't move and still needed his care.

On the way back, Shen Ming still remained cautious, walking extremely slowly, and the breath-condensing technique never stopped running.

Less than two miles away from the living cave, a narrow glacier emerged, and a pool of strange ice crystals caught Shen Ming's attention.

He recalled for a moment and confirmed that he had never seen this pool of ice crystals when he went out.

When you take a closer look, the color is light yellow.

It seemed to be still flowing, but then it was frozen, with tiny bubbles.

"This is... a puddle of urine!"

Shen Ming was shocked by his own inference!

Tang Minglong has actually been here!

Quickly hiding his traces, Shen Ming activated his danger perception and did not receive any early warning prompts.

He stopped staying and sped towards the vicinity of the living cave.

After entering the cave, he saw Tang Mengling leaning against the wall, closing his eyes and concentrating. Shen Ming exhaled a sigh of relief.

Fortunately nothing happened to her!

"Are you ready to take action?" Shen Ming coughed slightly to remind the other party that he was back.

"Well, I can barely take some action." Tang Mengling's voice was clear and ethereal.

Shen Ming immediately told Tang Mengling what he saw, and speculated that Tang Minglong might have passed by the area today.

After saying that, Shen Ming remembered that Tang Mengling seemed to be able to move, and gave her a strange look.

Tang Mengling was so smart, her face turned red all of a sudden, with a bit of anger:

"It's not me! I'm seriously injured now. How could I go that far alone..."

The more he spoke, the more shy he became, so he simply gritted his teeth and turned his head to ignore Shen Ming.

The atmosphere in the ice cave was awkward for a while.

After a long time, Shen Ming broke the silence with some flattery:

"Tang Minglong must be nearby. It's too dangerous for us to live here any longer. It's better to move out now."

Shen Ming never thought that he had just moved yesterday and would have to leave again today, which made him feel a little helpless.

Tang Mengling nodded and thought for a while:

"Why don't you move back to the cave where you lived yesterday? Tang Minglong won't look back for a while!"

Shen Ming cleaned up the traces in the cave and wrapped Tang Mengling in thick monster leather without exposing an inch of skin.


She was seriously injured and weak, and it wouldn't be good if she got cold.

The two left quickly, and their bodies were submerged in the pale ice peaks.

Less than an hour later, a figure sneaked out of the cave the two had just left.

Tang Minglong inspected it carefully, his nose twitching like a dog's, sniffing the residual smell in the hole.

"It smells like stew! Someone lived here!"

Tang Minglong was sure that he had been hungry for several days.

He didn't have the musk stone to attract the monsters in the sea to land, and Tang Mengling didn't have a lot of food and wine in his space turbinate like Shen Ming did.

Ever since he was drawn into this world, he had never had a full meal.

Now I was hungry and cold, and I was very sensitive to the smell of stew lingering in the air.

"Sister Ling, you are lucky. Not only were you rescued, but you also had meat to enjoy. When I capture you, hehe..."

In this polar ice field, the temperature is frighteningly low, and the wind is as cold as a knife. It is impossible to survive without finding a cave to stay.

Tang Minglong explored all the caves nearby and kept them in mind.

"I will explore these caves every day, but I want to see where you two hide!"

He took out a piece of almond-osmanthus cake, which was a rare food found in Tang Mengling's arm armor.

He sniffed it greedily and took a lick, but in the end he couldn't bear to eat it.

This is the only food he has left.

Shen Ming carried Tang Mengling on his back and walked for a whole day in the cold wind, only occasionally stopping to eat some food to replenish his strength.

At this time, the two abilities of primary cold resistance and [intermediate endurance] play an extremely important role.

In the end, Shen Ming did not listen to Tang Mengling's suggestion and returned to the previous cave.

If Tang Minglong were to kill him, the consequences would be disastrous.

He had enough food and had special powers. It was more cost-effective to endure the cold and physical exhaustion and walk more distances to explore new places than to take risks.

"Are you tired?" Tang Mengling lay on Shen Ming's back and fixed his figure with leather strips.

The young man's body was very warm, which was in sharp contrast to the freezing ground outside the tightly wrapped leather.

Tang Mengling was a little shy and asked softly.

The sound passed through the thick monster leather, like a mosquito, and was quickly blown away by the cold wind.

Shen Ming didn't hear it and just went on his way.

In such a harsh environment, even he felt that his physical strength was beginning to fail.

Through the glistening white peaks in front of him that were shrouded in the cold air, Shen Ming finally showed a smile.

A vaguely visible cave finally revealed its vague outline.

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