The two came to the cafe together.

"Ye Chen, you don't mind. My cousin is not like this. She is upset because of one project these two days."

Two people just sat in the coffee shop, he began to defend his sister.

For what happened just now, Zhao Jie is also very embarrassed.

Ye Chen disapproves of the way: "it doesn't matter, this kind of thing I am used to."

"You have been in mordu since you graduated. I thought you stayed abroad." Ye Chen laughs.

"Ha ha, I think it's very good in magic, and it's better in China."

"What are you doing now?" Ye Chen asked.

"I'm in design now."

"Design?" Ye Chen Leng for a moment.

Zhao Jie takes out her mobile phone and calls up several pictures.

These are Zhao Jie's design drawings.

Ye Chen has a look, these are the film and television poster designs.

These are all written in some popular TV series.

Ye Chen did not expect that Zhao Jie had participated in the design of these posters.

"I've just graduated. I've always been a film and TV poster designer. It must have been very smooth. We had already signed a design project, but the people of starlight pictures robbed the project and kicked me away."

"I was in a bad mood some time ago. I bought a lot of clothes and changed my money, so I had to order takeout."

Zhao Jie looks depressed.

Ye Chen can see that Zhao Jie is not happy now.

At school, Zhao Jie liked painting.

She often draws some cartoon and game characters, as well as some people around.

At this time, Zhao Jie's mobile phone rang.

"Zhao Jie? If you want to rejoin that project, come to Dahua hotel tomorrow evening and let's talk about it. "

Then he hung up.

Zhao Jie looks a little ugly.

So late, the other party told him to go to the hotel, what she certainly understand.

At the beginning, this guy has been peeping at his body.

It's tempting me several times.

Although Zhao Jie liked art, she didn't want to exchange her body at that time.

But now, with the help of his position in the entertainment industry, the other party will not listen to her.

This made Zhao Jie run into a wall everywhere and couldn't find the project for a long time.

Ye Chen asked, "who called you?"

"It's the manager of the project who asked me to go to the hotel."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "go to the hotel so late?"

Zhao Jie blushed: "he went to the hotel and wanted me to talk about things."

Ye Chen sneers: "so late talk about things, talk about what."

Listen to Ye Chen's words, Zhao Jie says helplessly: "this is entertainment circle."

Zhao Jie seems to be afraid of Ye Chen.

"Don't worry, I won't go."

Ye Chen listened to light a smile: "why not go."

"Ah." Zhao Jie was stunned.

Ye Chen light a smile: "don't worry, I accompany you to go together how."

After listening to this, Zhao Jie nodded.

Ye Chen drives the car and takes Zhao Jie to Dahua hotel.

When they came to the box, they saw a big bellied man on the table, looking forward to Zhao Jie.

But when he saw a man beside him, his face suddenly changed.

"Xiaojie, didn't I say to let you come alone?"

Ye Chen faint smile: "nothing, you talk about you, I don't delay things beside."

Say, leaf Chen directly sat in the chair, start to take care of oneself of clip dish.

Zhao Jie embarrassed to say: "President Lu, this is my friend, so late don't worry, so come with me."

Lu Gang said coldly, "don't worry, don't you worry about me?"

Ye Chen takes a drumstick, eat is fragrant to say: "do you think you this greasy appearance, let a person rest assured very much?"

"You." Lu Gang's face changed slightly.

However, LV Gang sees Ye Chen's take out clothes and hums coldly.

But it's just a takeaway boy, and in his eyes, it's just like garbage.

He has already thought about it. After a while, he will get Zhao Jie drunk, and then let the bodyguard throw Ye Chen out.

It's just an express boy.

Lu Gang said with a smile: "Xiaojie, the last project was a misunderstanding. Let's discuss it carefully. The project can still be given to you."

Zhao Jie listened to the face a joy.

She didn't know how much thought it took her to finish that project. She was about to succeed, but she was kicked out, which made her very uncomfortable.

Lu Gang poured a glass of wine and said, "well, drink this glass of wine, and I will let you become the main creator of this project again."

"Here it is." Zhao Jie looked at the glass of wine a little embarrassed.

Many people have heard about Lu Gang's frequent use of drugs in wine.

So drinking this glass of wine, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Mr. LV, I'm sorry. I can't drink." Zhao Jie said.

"Can't drink? It's just a glass of wine. It's OK. "

Several other people also said one after another: "it's not right for Mr. Lv to let the wine go."

"Isn't it just a glass of wine? It's nothing. "

"Xiao Jie, this is an opportunity for you."

LV Gang walks up to Zhao Jie.

"Xiao Jie, please drink this glass of wine."

Zhao Jie was very wronged.

It's clear that I depend on my ability to eat, but now I have to please this old man.

Seeing that Zhao Jie did not speak or drink, Lu Gang's face suddenly changed.

"Don't be shameless, girl. You have to drink this glass of wine, or you don't have to drink it."

Then he handed the wine to Zhao Jie.

"Yes, this wine must be drunk today."

Other people also have to coax.

Zhao Jie shed tears.

She felt helpless in her heart.

But just then, a big hand snatched the wine.

He even splashed the wine directly on LV Gang's face.

"If you like it, you can drink it all."

Lu Gang was splashed with wine on his face, and suddenly he was a fool.

"You, you dare to throw me?"

"Security, security?"

Ye Chen cold hum a: "I pour you how?"

At this time, a dozen security guards rushed in.

Zhao Jie's face changed slightly.

Ye Chen came because of her. If she was hurt, she would feel guilty.

"President Lu, I'll drink it. As long as you let brother Ye Chen go."

Ye Chen mouth slightly raised: "don't worry, this kind of garbage, I won't be afraid."

He looked at LV Gang jokingly: "are you sure you want to fight me?"

Lu Gang snorted coldly: "if you go now, I can let you go."

Ye Chen nodded: "yes, if you roll now, I can give you a chance."


Lu Gang nodded: "boy, this is your own death."

Ye Chen said: "so I can make a phone call."

Lu Gang snorted coldly: "boy, you want to call someone, right? OK, I'll see who you can call?"

Ye Chen took out his mobile phone: "Lao Wang, is starlight your company? Your manager wants to find someone to beat me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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