Song Simeng's eyes are full of despair.

Are you going to die here today?

She is not reconciled, is very sad.

After all, she hasn't had a hand with a man.

Just as the four killers approached him, a figure had appeared in front of song Simeng.

He directly stopped song Simeng's waist, and the whole person stood in front of him like lightning.

Then the takeout in his hand was thrown up by Ye Chen.

Bang bang!

His body shot straight at the four killers.

Ye Chen's hand is like electricity. In the blink of an eye, the knives of the two killers are kicked by Ye Chen's feet.

Before they could react, his fist fell on the chest of the two killers.


Two killers fly upside down, and are knocked to the ground by Ye Chen.

Almost at the same time, his body rolled on the spot, picked up two knives on the ground and shot directly.


Two daggers were stabbed directly into the legs of the other two killers.

Two killers fell to the ground.

Ye Chen directly one person one foot, directly will each other step dizzy.

Blink straight, four killers have been sent to Ye Chen.

The female president was shocked.

Just now ye Chen's performance is really handsome.

Opportunity is a few seconds, ye Chen will be all four killers knocked down.

Ye Chen is the legendary king of war.

Looking at Ye Chen's back, song Simeng feels that he is the prince charming in his dream.

Any woman has a fantasy that she can have a prince charming and save herself when she is in danger.

Also, the feeling of Ye Chen embracing his waist just now is like an electric shock. It's really beautiful.

At this time, the takeout falls from the air and is taken over by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen faintly smiles and hands the takeout to song Simeng.

The pizza in the takeout box is as good as ever, and Marriott didn't even spill a drop of soup.

Ye Chen looked at his shocked face with a smile and said with a smile, "beauty, your takeout has arrived. By the way, remember to give me a five-star praise."

At the moment, ye Chen's too handsome, see song Simeng pretty face red.

As a female president, song Simeng has seen a lot of people.

But today, she is still shocked by Ye Chen.

This little brother is so handsome, just like a God, he beat two killers in the blink of an eye.

Most importantly, he didn't lose any of his takeout.

Is this man really a delivery boy?

When song Simeng is in love with flowers, ye Chen smiles and turns to leave.

At this time, there were seven or eight men in suits outside.

"President." These security guards look ugly.

Seeing the killer lying on the ground, the security guard was stunned.

One of the men looked ugly and said, "president, I'm sorry we're late."

But song Simeng didn't seem to hear half of it.

She was still silent in the scene.

The delivery boy is really handsome.

"The man?"

Luo Xiao, the head of the bodyguard, was shocked.

"Was that the killer? I'm going to take him with me. " The security captain said in a low voice.

"Are you blind?" Song Simeng's eyebrows were raised.

She stretched out her hand and slapped the security captain.

At the moment, the image of song Simeng's overbearing president can be seen at a glance.

"You trash."

"Did I tell you to catch him?"

"If it hadn't been for him just now, I would have been a corpse."

"He's my Savior."

At the moment, everyone was stunned.

The delivery boy just saved the president?

The four killers on the ground are professional killers.

Is it the takeout boy who beat these people.

How is that possible?

Bodyguard Luo Xiao is almost stupid.

You know, the takeout boy beat four killers in a flash

How he did it.

Song Simeng said with a firm face: "it's the delivery brother who saved me. You should check it for me immediately and check the information of the delivery brother."

"I'll ask him to be my bodyguard." Song Simeng said.

"Tell him, as long as he is my bodyguard, how much money can be, 10 million, 50 million, even 100 million..."

Hearing song Simeng's words, everyone was stunned.

A hundred million, ask a delivery boy to be a bodyguard?

You know, song Simeng is a famous beauty in the circle. She is beautiful and proud.

The average man is rarely close to him.

Good luck, boy.

"Immediately mobilize all the power of the company, at all costs, I want to talk to the takeout boy."

Although Ye Chen has just left, song Simeng has already missed the delivery boy.

She has made up her mind to let the delivery boy be her bodyguard no matter what the cost.

For the takeaway boy, song Simeng had only worship in his heart.

At the moment, the whole company takes action just to find Ye Chen.

Ye Chen finished delivering the last takeaway, but still didn't activate the outside takeaway system.

It seems that Wanjie takeout also needs chance.

He went home by electric bike.

But just now, at a crossroad in the kingdom of Luo, a sudden change happened.

In the bicycle lane, a BMW turned directly into the bicycle lane.

All of a sudden hit a battery car.

The girl on the battery car couldn't dodge and fell to the ground.

Ye Chen is not far away from the girl. He hurried to help her up.

The girl is 18 or 19 years old. She is very pure and beautiful. At the moment, she is touching her ankles in pain.

"Are you ok?" Ye Chen asked with concern.

"Well, I have a pain in my foot."

The girl's voice sounds like a lark.

Ye Chen frowned and looked at the BMW that caused the accident.

BMW should be responsible for the collision in the non motorized lane.

This guy drives a good car, but the quality of the driver is too poor.

At this time, the door of the BMW opened, and a big man came out in a fierce manner.

"How do you ride a bike? Are you blind?"

The man's face is fierce, his face is even more murderous, and his body is full of tattoos. At first sight, it's not a good bird.

"Husband, this kind of unsophisticated person, should hit."

At this time, the door of the co driver's cab opened, and a coquettish woman looked arrogant and disdainful, staring at the girl on the ground.

In her eyes, the girl lying on the ground is just like garbage.

"This kind of poor force deserves to be hit."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

This woman Ye Chen seems to have seen.

By the way, the woman who scolded herself a few minutes after the delivery.

I didn't expect to meet you here today.

Ye Chen's mind still reverberates the other party's ugly face.

At this time, the woman's face was full of pride.

This old woman, seeing that the little girl Zhang is so pretty, pretty and jealous.

"Little girl, the car doesn't have eyes. It deserves to be hit." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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