Tian Xiaohua has tears in her eyes.

"I had a fight with Mr. Zhang when he took the money. Now I know that our old Zhang's eyes are so good."

Ye Chen says helplessly“ Teacher's mother, the teacher needs to be taken care of. Take the money. If it's not enough, I'll add it. Don't worry. I'll take care of the teacher's illness. "

All the students were moved.

It goes without saying who has love and righteousness.

One million is a huge sum of money in the eyes of many students present.

But ye Chen takes out, just Wang Dafu is so excessive, he did not mention a word however.

If it wasn't for my teacher's mother and Chen Xiaoxiao, I'm afraid everyone would not know.

Chen Xiaoxiao walks up to Ye Chen and holds Ye Chen's hand: "brother Ye Chen, you saved my father. You are my Xiaoxiao and the benefactor of our Chen family."

Ye Chen smiles. He can see the other party's admiration for himself from Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes.

She touched Chen Xiaoxiao's head and said with a smile, "well, what are you crying for? Isn't Miss Zhang's illness saved?"

"Well, when the ambulance comes, we'll take dad to Anxi hospital. Brother Ye Chen, I'll try my best to be admitted to Mordor University, and then I'll repay you."

Ye Chen heard nothing.

"Xiaoxiao, no, that's what I should do."

Ye Chen can't stand this little beauty's enthusiasm now.

Such a big beauty, unexpectedly in front of so many people and his confession, ye Chen also some embarrassed.

We all know the meaning of repaying kindness.

Although Chen Xiaoxiao is a beautiful woman, she is a girl of seventeen or eighteen.

Especially the mother is still behind.

Chen Xiaoxiao is so enthusiastic that she makes Ye Chen feel embarrassed.

Ye Chen smile: "well, everyone eat first, I have something else to do, go first."

Seeing ye Chen's back, everyone was in a daze.

Ye Chen out of the hotel, came to a cool Pagani car.

This car has just attracted the attention of many students.

They're all wondering which boss's car this is.

It's Ye Chen's.

Ye Chen drove away, leaving his classmates shocked.

Class girls, looking at Ye Chen, eyes are full of peach blossom.

If you know ye Chen is so excellent after graduation, you should take ye Chen by any means.

Chen Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Chen's back and clenches her fist.

There was a touch of firmness in her delicate face.

"Brother Ye Chen, I will go to Mordor University and come to you. I want to be your girlfriend."

"Even if you don't want me, I'll follow you. I'll be your man after Chen Xiaoxiao."

Chen Xiaoxiao's expression fell into the eyes of her teacher's mother.

If it had been before, Tian Xiaohua would have stopped it.

But today, she didn't say anything.

When a daughter is older, she has the right to pursue her own happiness.

And ye Chen, really good.

If ye Chen could be his son-in-law, it would be perfect.

At this time, Wang Dafu has been silly to see this scene.

It's too much.

Originally wanted to suppress Ye Chen here, but now he is sad to find that ye Chen is even more powerful than before.

Ah, it's a shame to pretend to be forced today.

Ye Chen returns to the magic capital and continues to deliver takeout.

His biggest wish is to receive orders from Wanjie takeout system.

After all, it's great to be able to cross the world to deliver delivery.

Just at this time, the system prompt sound appeared in his mind.

"Ding, the host has received a take out order from Wanjie."

Ye Chen looked at the order, Leng for a while, this time is still the world of history.

Last time ye Chen went through the Tang Dynasty, what happened this time?

Ye Chen directly accepted the order.

Then, riding an electric car began to buy things.

This time, the items are very strange. They are baby milk powder and a bottle of beer.

Ye Chen is very curious, this time is that when the mother's historical celebrity called takeout?

However, since the customer requirements, ye Chen must complete.

He soon came to the baby care shop, bought milk powder, bottles, and in accordance with the requirements are mixed in advance.

The beauty of nursery shop sees Ye Chen and asks curiously: "little brother, have you become a father?"

Ye Chen is so handsome. Originally, the salesgirl wanted to pursue Ye Chen.

But see the thing that leaf Chen buys, curiously ask a way.

Ye Chen shook his head: "how can I, I am so young, I am helping customers buy."

"Ah, that's it."

Looking at Ye Chen's handsome appearance, the salesgirl clenched her teeth and said softly, "little brother, can I be your girlfriend?"

Ye Chen Leng for a moment.

Are girls so wild now?

The first time we meet, we have to be our own girlfriend?

I have to say that the salesgirl is very beautiful, with fair skin and very good figure.

But ye Chen has to deliver the takeout now. After all, the customers are still waiting.

"I'm sorry. I have something else to do. Thank you today."

Ye Chen the result shop assistant hot good milk bottle, turned round to run.

The young lady of the shop assistant blushed.

Just now, her words were hidden in her heart.

But this little brother is really handsome.

Unexpectedly let him make a fool of to all speak out from the heart.

After saying goodbye to the beauty of the baby care shop, ye Chen goes to the fast food restaurant and orders ribs, braised chicken and two cans of beer.

Didi, it is detected that the host has purchased the goods, and the 30 meter wormhole in front is about to open.

Ye Chen drove an electric car to a deserted alley, then accelerated and rushed into the wormhole.

After a short period of darkness, ye Chen finds himself in a new world.

There was a deafening sound of war drums and shouts.

Ye Chen Leng for a moment, looking down the hillside.

At the foot of the hillside, there was a lot of fire and the horses were neighing.

There are soldiers riding on horses everywhere.

Ye Chen is stunned to see this scene. It seems to be the Warring States world.

All of a sudden, he saw a battle flag, which said Cao!

At this point, the system updates.

Customer Name: Zhao Yun, three kilometers ahead.

Ye Chen is stunned.

It turned out that this time it was a takeout for Zhao Yun.

And Zhao Yun ordered the baby's milk, plus this Cao Ying.

Ye Chen suddenly understood.

This should be Changbanpo.

In order to save ah Dou, Zhao Yun killed seven in and seven out of Cao camp.

Thinking of seeing Zhao Yun, the God of war, ye Chen feels excited.

Zhao Yun has always been Ye Chen's idol. Ye Chen likes to play wild with Zhao Yun even if he is playing king.

It's too exciting.

In the face of this cruel war scene, ye Chen is not afraid, but very excited.

He wants to deliver the takeout to Zhao Yun as soon as possible.

But here is Cao's company.

It seems that he can only break through the company and deliver takeout to Zhao Yun.

Ye Chen takes a deep breath, riding an electric car directly, and rushes down the hill.

And at the moment, Cao Jun also found Ye Chen who suddenly rushed down from the hillside.

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