Ye Chen rode an electric car to the Academy of fine arts.

It's supposed to be the milk tea called by the students here.

He parked his electric car downstairs and walked towards the teaching building with milk tea.

The Academy of fine arts is very artistic.

At both ends of the wall are pictures.

It is said that there have been many artists here.

Ye Chen, wearing a take away suit, walks to the 218 art hall.

At this time, a group of art students just finished class.

Most art students are girls.

They were all shocked to see ye Chen.

"Wow, this delivery man is so handsome."

"I saw such a handsome boy for the first time."

"Well, I don't think this takeout kid should give away the takeout. He should be a movie star. It's bound to be a big fire."

"I don't know which girl is so lucky to let such a handsome boy deliver delivery."


Everyone looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen runs to the second floor in the eyes of many people.

Arriving at room 218, ye Chen knocks on the door.

"Hello, is that Ms. song Xiaoxiao? Here's your milk tea. "

"All right, I'll be right there." A girl's voice sounded.

Then the door opens.

A beautiful and suffocating beauty stands in front of Ye Chen.

The girl was dressed in a school uniform, with a concave and convex figure, slender fingers, fair skin, long hair tightly tied by a band, and a face value of 96 points.

Ye Chen saw that the girl was also in front of her eyes.

The girl's body exudes a breath of youth.

There are many beauties around Ye Chen, each with its own style.

Song Xiaoxiao is just like a goddess who doesn't eat fireworks.

Elegant and quiet.

We can only say that the beauty in front of us is a perfect work of art.

"This is your milk tea." Ye Chen handed the milk tea to the girl.

Ye Chen soon recovered.

Although the beauty in front of her is very beautiful, ye Chen has seen the world.

At this time, the beauty saw Ye Chen was also stunned.

This immortal looks too handsome.

Even when song Xiaoxiao saw Ye Chen's first sight, he had a feeling of heart.

Moreover, every time he sees a man, the other person's eyes will stare at him for a long time.

Greed in my eyes.

But the leaf Chen just saw one eye, then then drew back the vision.

And ye Chen's eyes are very clear.

The same is looking, ye Chen's look gives a very clean feeling.

Don't want other men, it's all men's desire.

Ye Chen actually although only saw one eye.

But with Ye Chen's countless skills, all the girl's data has long been in Ye Chen's mind.

"Beauty, your takeout."

Ye Chen reminded again, song Xiaoxiao just returned to God.

Too humiliating, in front of Ye Chen, he unexpectedly lost his mind.

Ye Chen saw a studio in front of him, and there was a half painted landscape painting in the studio.

It seems that the girl is creating.

I have to say that the girl's painting is still good.

However, compared with Tang Bohu, there is still a big gap.

With divine painting skills, ye Chen can see that there are many flaws in this painting.

Ye Chen finished delivery, just want to turn away.

But at this time, the beauty called Ye Chen.

"Little brother, will you wait a minute?"

Ye Chen Leng for a moment: "what's the matter with you?"

Song Xiaoxiao shut the door.

At the moment, there are only Ye Chen and song Xiaoxiao in the whole studio.

Ye Chen Leng for a moment.

These are several meanings.

Are college students so active now.

Ye Chen looks at Song Xiaoxiao and asks, "what are you going to do?"

Song Xiaoxiao blushed.

"This painting is for my school. I'll show it to the freshmen at the new year's party later."

"I always feel that this painting is close to something, but I can't find anything wrong with it."

"So, what do you think of my painting?"

Ye Chen Leng for a moment.

It was not that kind of thing that this beautiful woman locked me in the room, but to let me appreciate her paintings.

Song Xiaoxiao said, "I've been painting this painting for many days, but I don't think there are any shortcomings in it."

Ye Chen took a breath.

I was wrong.

At first, he thought that beautiful women had taken a fancy to him and wanted to

But how can such a pure and lovely woman be so casual.

Ye Chen stood in front of the painting and looked at it for a moment, then frowned.

Song Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment. He thought Ye Chen would compliment him.

But did not expect, the leaf Chen actually frowned.

Song Xiaoxiao said, "what? Do you think there's something wrong with my painting? "

For ye Chen, after seeing Tang Bohu's painting, how do you want to see song Xiaoxiao's painting, it can be said that there are flaws everywhere.

After all, Tang Bohu is the most famous painter in China. No matter how good song Xiaoxiao's painting is, how can he compare with Tang Bohu.

But ye Chen has to sigh that the girl's painting talent is good.

Among the younger generation, it's really not easy to draw like this.

"Little brother, do you think there is something wrong with my painting?"

Ye Chen nodded: "there are some flaws indeed."

"You see, some of the coloring here is too deep."

"And here, you see, the lines are too complicated."

"Here, here..."

Hearing Ye Chen point out his shortcomings, song Xiaoxiao is shocked.

Song Xiaoxiao always felt that there was something wrong with his painting.

But it didn't find out where the problem was.

But ye Chen is hit the nail on the head and points out almost all her problems.

The most important thing is that ye Chen's questions are very accurate.

It's impossible.

In fact, song Xiaoxiao just asked Ye Chen to find fault with her paintings, and he didn't have any hope at all.

After all, ye Chen is just a takeout boy.

It's impossible to see the problem in her painting.

But she never dreamed that ye Chen was so powerful.

One by one, he found the flaws in his paintings.

Most importantly, after ye Chen's guidance, song Xiaoxiao felt that his painting skills had leaped to a new level.

Shocked, song Xiaoxiao said, "are you also a student of art?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "I'm not. I'm just a delivery man."

"Ah Ye Chen's answer caught song Xiaoxiao off guard.

How can a delivery man have such a great artistic attainments?

Song Xiaoxiao said, "by the way, can you draw a picture for me?"

She is very curious, ye Chen can see her problem at a glance, if ye Chen wants to draw a picture, what will happen.

Ye Chen listened to light a smile to say: "certainly can."

After all, there is still some time to go before the new year's party. It's just time to try the magic level painting skills.

Song Xiaoxiao helps Ye Chen put the paper, and ye Chen picks up the brush.

Shua Shua!

Ye Chen waved his pen like a fly and drew on the drawing paper.

Seeing the rhythm of Ye Chen's painting, song Xiaoxiao was stunned.

In traditional Chinese painting, we always think about the layout of the whole painting, and every stroke is very careful.

But ye Chen's painting didn't stop at all. Soon a landscape painting appeared in front of song Xiaoxiao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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