This time, ye Chen's two acquaintances are Chen Ming and Wu Xiaoqiao.

The two girls are very lovely, and the performance is also very wonderful.

In particular, the two girls' super beautiful appearance, coupled with this lovely dress, makes a lot of otaku cry out.

Host Chen Hua also painted a picture on the spot.

This painting was painted on the spot, and it sold well, which attracted bursts of applause.

But in Ye Chen's eyes, Chen Hua's painting is too rubbish.

But this kind of thing is also a lively, after all, are students, this level is actually very good.

At this time, the hostess stepped onto the stage.

She said with a smile, just now elder martial brother Chen Hua showed us a hand. Now let's invite our beautiful Chinese painting master song Xiaoxiao to draw Chinese paintings for us.

Ye Chen light a smile.

He is also looking forward to the improvement of song Xiaoxiao's level after his enlightenment.

The host continued: "this time we invited Mr. Wang Gang, President of our Academy of fine arts and vice president of China Fine Arts Association, to give us on-site comments."

Wang Gang is a superman in the field of Chinese painting in China.

And he is also a master of appreciation of traditional Chinese painting.

Hearing his comments on the spot, there was an uproar.

I didn't expect that Mr. Wang could provide on-site guidance, which was a rare opportunity for song Xiaoxiao.

"It is estimated that Mr. Wang is at the scene, and song Xiaoxiao must be under great pressure."

"Of course, the vice president of the Art Association. I heard that his eyes are very sharp."


The whole audience was shocked.

The scene was also full of applause.

An old man stood up slowly and said hello to everyone.

Ye Chen takes a look at the old man. His surname is Tang, and his name is Tang Zhen.

"Miss Wang, what do you think of the picture I just drew?" Host Chen Hua said with a smile.

Wang Gang took a look at Chen Hua's painting and said, "this painting is very good. As long as you study hard, you should make a difference in the field of painting in the future."

In fact, Wang Gang's judgment is very implicit, which also gives Chen Hua enough face.

After all, Chen Hua is his student. No matter how well he paints, he still needs to give face.

At this time, the light came on and a graceful figure came onto the stage.

Seeing the figure, almost everyone held their breath.

This girl is so beautiful.

It was song Xiaoxiao who went to Taiyang.

Song Xiaoxiao came to the center of the stage in the eyes of everyone.

She was wearing a long white dress and came here like a fairy.

Song Xiaoxiao comes to a table.

Rice paper and ink pens have been set on the table.

In her mind, she came up with the knowledge Ye Chen had taught her.

Then song Xiaoxiao picked up the brush.

Song Xiaoxiao's movements are very elegant, sometimes drawing lines, sometimes drawing.

Although the performance continues, more people's eyes fall on Song Xiaoxiao's painting.

Soon, the prototype of the painting has come out.

Seeing song Xiaoxiao's paintings, everyone was amazed.

On the canvas, the mountains were rolling, the sun was setting in the distance, and an old man was rowing a fishing boat in the valley.

The picture is so beautiful.

I feel like it's real.

Song Xiaoxiao is worthy of being a beautiful Chinese painter. This painting is full of disgust.

A sound of praise, from the stage.

At this time, Chen Hua was also attracted by the painting.

Chen Hua understands that his paintings are much worse than song Xiaoxiao's.

And Chen Hua suddenly feels that song Xiaoxiao's painting skills seem to have improved a lot.

"Xiaoxiao, I didn't expect to see you for a few days. Your painting skills are very good again." Chen Hua joked.

At this time, Tang Zhen is more shocked when he looks at Song Xiaoxiao's paintings.

Tang Zhen is actually a descendant of Tang Bohu.

I know too much about the style of Tang's paintings.

Song Xiaoxiao's paintings, whether outline or line, are just too much like the style of Tang's paintings.

Even he can't do many details.

If we say to imitate Tang Bohu's paintings, he is the most professional in the industry.

But Tang Zhen found that song Xiaoxiao's paintings even surpassed himself.

This painting even has the style of Tang Bohu's painting.

You know, even he can only imitate three points.

How is that possible?

How can she have such profound attainments.

His eyes are fixed on Song Xiaoxiao's painting.

Oh, my God, that's great.

The tone is perfect.

Tang Zhen in the industry worthy of his praise is not many people, but today he did not grudge these praise to song Xiaoxiao.

Because song Xiaoxiao's painting is really good.

He was a heartfelt sigh.

Finally, song Xiaoxiao's painting is finished.

When the painting jumped on the paper, the scene was dead.

Even the audience forgot to clap.

A few seconds later, thunderous applause began.

"Oh my God, this painting is wonderful."

"It's worthy of being the first talented woman. This painting is really wonderful."

"This painting must be very valuable."

"Watching Xiaoxiao's painting is just an enjoyment of art."

The crowd began to admire.

At this time, Tang Zhen could not help but stand up.

"Xiaoxiao, your painting is really wonderful."

Tang Zhen looks excited.

"It's the best Chinese painting I've seen for so many years."

"With this painting alone, you can win the top prize of Chinese painting this year."

Tang Zhen looks excited.

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, everyone at the scene was shocked.

I didn't expect Tang Zhen to give song Xiaoxiao such a high evaluation of his paintings.

The top prize of traditional Chinese painting is the competition of all famous Chinese painters.

"It's amazing. It's song Xiaoxiao."

"My goddess is Niubi."

Tang Zhen was shocked.

"Song Xiaoxiao, to tell you the truth, your painting skills are even better than mine."

Hearing Tang Zhen's praise, there was another exclamation under the stage.

Song Xiaoxiao's face flushed slightly.

"Mr. Tang is serious. My level is far from yours."

"No, Xiaoxiao, I've seen your paintings before, but I haven't got such a high level. How did you make such a big leap in your painting skills in such a short time?"

On one side, Chen Hua said with a smile: "it must be the younger martial sister's sudden epiphany."

Song Xiaoxiao shook her head and looked down at the stage.

By the way, the delivery boy just said that he would come to see the game, maybe he is below.

However, there are too many audience under the stage. It's too difficult to find Ye Chen.

Song Xiaoxiao shook his head and said: "just now I met a teacher, his guidance, let me have a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese painting, the leap of my painting skills is also his guidance."


Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Tang Zhen was also shocked.

Just a few words can make song Xiaoxiao's painting skills have a qualitative leap?

In Tang Zhen's impression, China should not have such a master.

Even he doesn't have the ability.

"Who is that man?" Tang Zhen asked eagerly.

Song Xiaoxiao hesitated and then said, "that man is actually a delivery boy." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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