At this time, Lin Wanrou's secretary Su Qing is in the hospital.

Just saw this scene.

Isn't this ye Chen?

She hall for a while just understand, originally Ye Chen saved this girl.

In order to repay Ye Chen, the girl's parents want to give her 20 million yuan, and let her be her son-in-law and inherit 10 billion yuan.

This time Su Qing became nervous.

This is ten billion property. Can ye Chen resist temptation.

After all, she knows that ye Chen is Lin Wanrou's girlfriend.

And in private, Su Qing and Lin Wanrou have a very good relationship.

Wan Rou is still abroad. Will ye Chen take the opportunity to

After all, the other party is worth 10 billion.

Su Qing secretly turns on her mobile phone and records the video.

"If ye Chen is sorry for Wanrou, I'll let her leave this scum man as soon as possible."

At this time, people in the hospital were shocked.

"God, it's inhuman."

"The takeaway boy is very lucky."

"If it was me, I would choose to be my son-in-law“

"Ha ha, that's 10 billion assets. Who doesn't want to become a rich family?"

Doctors, nurses and patients in the hospital are talking about it.

They feel that ye Chen will definitely choose to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

Hearing the comments of the people around him, LV gang was even more proud.

"This is the most important choice in your life. You have to choose it well. You know, this choice will change your life."

Ye Chen listened to Lu Gang's arrogant words, a burst of sneer.

See ye Chen to smile, everyone is stunned.

"It seems that the boy is very happy."

"That's right. Who can be unhappy about this?"

Su Qing sighed: "ah, it seems that ye Chen is still sorry for WAN rou."

Almost everyone guessed that ye Chen would want 20 million, or to be LV Weiwei's boyfriend.

But next, ye Chen's words shocked everyone.

"Sorry, I don't choose any of them."

Listen to Ye Chen's words, all around a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned.

LV Gang also looks at Ye Chen with a muddled face.

"You mean you don't want my 20 million dollars and you don't want to be my daughter's boyfriend?"

Hear ye Chen's words, everyone is silly.

A take away kid has 20 million dollars to change his life.

If you become the son-in-law of a rich family, you will inherit 10 billion yuan.

But ye Chen chose not to.

Is this guy crazy?

LV Weiwei and LV Mu are also stupid.

They never thought that ye Chen would refuse.

Other people look confused.

Is this delivery boy a fool?

Why didn't he choose any of them?

Is there something wrong with the young man's spirit.

Lu Gang was stunned for a moment, then a look of anger appeared on his face.

"Boy, what do you mean, you don't think my daughter is worthy of you?"

LV Weiwei never thought that ye Chen would refuse.

I don't know whether it's because of grievance or sadness, but I shed tears.

Ye Chen shook his head: "you misunderstood, it's not."

Lu Gang said coldly, "why, you need to give me a reasonable explanation."

Ye Chen light said: "because I have a girlfriend, and I love my girlfriend, so sorry, I can't be your son-in-law."

Hearing Ye Chen's reply, the scene was dead.

Then everyone looked at Ye Chen in shock.

Many people think that love no longer exists.

But now the delivery boy gave up ten billion yuan for love.

It's incredible.

All the nurses in the ward covered their mouths with fright.

They did not expect that this young man, not only so handsome, but also so backbone, so love his girlfriend.

This is the best boyfriend.

Su Qing's mouth showed a happy smile.

"It's awesome. I'll give this paragraph to sister Wan, who must be very happy."

"It's so touching. I suddenly believe in love again."

"It's so sweet. I'm so moved."

Ye Chen's performance moved everyone.

He not only resolutely rejected the chance to become a 10 billion rich man, but also told the other party that he had a boyfriend.

This makes many fans like Ye Chen even more.

If ye Chen conceals the fact that he has a girlfriend for the sake of ten billion yuan, it shows that ye Chen's character is not good.

Now, in people's eyes, ye Chen is a good man with love and righteousness.

Lvweiwei heard Ye Chen's reason, not only not angry, but more love ye Chen.

It's so touching. This is the man I want.

Ye Chen's honesty moved him again.

LV Gang also nodded secretly.

"Young man is good, your character has passed the test, just now in fact I was to give you a test, you passed the test, can frankly tell me that you have a girlfriend, good, and in the face of 10 billion property, you still choose a girlfriend, your character I am very satisfied."

"Now, I am more determined that you will be my son-in-law."

Ye Chen listened to immediately silly.

Didn't I refuse you just now?

Why do you want me to be your son-in-law?

Isn't your daughter ugly? Why must I marry your daughter.

Ye Chen suddenly speechless.

The family still depends on themselves.

LV Weiwei looks shy.

"Dad, what are you talking about? It seems that no one wants your daughter."

Lu Gang light smile: "daughter, you like things I will get you."

With that, LV Gang comes to Ye Chen with confidence.

"You don't have to worry too much about your girlfriend. I'll give him 30 million yuan as a break-up fee. I believe that with this money, she will not hate you, but also appreciate you. 20 million yuan, ordinary people can't earn for several lives."

Suddenly, the scene was a sensation again.

Sure enough, it's a big guy. It's only 30 million yuan for breaking up.

The young man's girlfriend is too happy.

Lu Gang looked at Ye Chen with a proud face and said with a smile: "young man, now you have no worries."

In fact, for ye Chen is the identity of the takeaway brother, he still looks down on some.

But ye Chen is handsome and has a good character. The most important thing is that his daughter still likes it.

Especially Ye Chen gave him a very good feeling.

The more I see it, the more satisfied I am with it.

How about takeaway? If he wants to, he can be trained to be a bully president.

Moreover, it is not bad for this son-in-law to inherit his 10 billion yuan family property.

I've given you such good terms. You should agree this time.

After all, ye Chen is a delivery boy, and his girlfriend should not earn much money.

Thirty million, enough to make any girl happy.

In front of money, what is emotion.

Everyone is staring at Ye Chen, waiting for his choice.

This time, Su Qing was also worried.

After all, the temptation is too great.

Ye Chen is a light smile: "you give the conditions, really good, but I still can't promise."

Hear ye Chen's words, the public again silly eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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