He has bright eyes and a proud face.

"Of course I can see that what you mean is false. Do you know who I am?"

Those fans in the studio are also waiting to see ye Chen's jokes.

"Ha ha, a delivery boy is wearing Hermes clothes and Patek Philippe watch. When is the delivery boy so rich?"

"If you have the strength, you will deliver delivery. It's killing me."

"Just now, I checked that the take out kid's watch is 19.88 million, and it's limited edition."

"I'll wipe it. Don't you do your homework?"

"This delivery boy is so miserable that he is in hot eyes."

"It's over. The delivery boy must have overturned today."

Ye Chen said with a smile: "how do you see that my watch is fake?"

He pushed his glasses and said with pride: "it's a showdown. Do you know who I am? I'm the eye of the Internet. "

Then he spread his wrist.

A Patek Philippe watch lights up.

"Boy, let you see what a Patek Philippe watch is."

"I bought this watch for 800000 yuan from a rich second generation. The original price of this watch is 1.8 million yuan. Look at my watch. It's so exquisite that every detail is meticulous. Look at your fake goods. I'll laugh at it."

Ye Chen took a look, the other side's watch looks very bright, but it is much worse than his own.

At this time, suddenly some netizens also found out.

"I don't think the anchor's watch is a bit rough compared with the takeaway guy."

"I feel the same. Look at the take away watch. It's so exquisite."

"Yeah, I used to think the anchor's watch was great, but now it's a bit of rubbish."

But at the moment, the eyes are still pressing.

He sneered and said: "boy, you've met a nemesis in front of me. I'm specially against you who are obviously poor but like to be forced. I'll tell you that I'm a fan of Patek Philippe. For you who like to be forced, I won't let you go."

The anchor snorted coldly: "although you have to say that the simulation degree of the piece you have is very high, but as a take away boy, do you need to take this watch? Now I'll face to face. Every Patek Philippe watch has an official serial number on the back. Dare you tell me? I'll call the authorities to verify the authenticity of your watch. "

If it is false, the other party will definitely admit it.

I don't know how many pretenders to be bullied by this move.

"Ha ha, don't you dare to let me fight? Just admit it. Your watch is fake."

Ye Chen is speechless.

This special meal, but met a fool.

Ye Chen light way: "can tell you serial number."

I'm a little confused.

In any case, he did not think, a takeaway boy, where the courage.

I dare to report the serial number.

He is very angry in the heart, think ye Chen calculate accurate he won't really hit.

Small sample, by my eyes, you dare to continue to force?

Hum, this limited edition Patek Philippe has only one piece in China, 1988 million. It's said that it was bought by a big man. How can it be carried on the wrist of a takeout boy?

And the delivery boy's expression was so arrogant, as if what he had on his wrist was real.

Do you think you can muddle through by pretending to be calm?


He snorted and went back immediately.

He posted today's video to the Internet.

Even he has a feeling that this video will be very popular as long as it is sent out.

It's cool to think about it. A delivery boy with tens of millions of watches. Ha ha, it seems that I deserve to be angry.

After all, many of his fans love this video.

Flaming eyes deliberately played a very eye-catching name.

I'll tell you a joke, a takeout boy with a $1.88 million Patek Philippe

This video sent up, as he expected, immediately fire.

On the website, he has a lot of fans, and those fans like his original video very much.

As soon as the video was sent, many fans immediately left a message.

"Ha ha, that's the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"A delivery boy, how can he have so much money to buy a watch? It must be fake."

"This time, brother fireeye caught a big pretender."

"This take out boy, don't look at his identity, take Patek Philippe, is he worthy?"

"This kind of forced criminal must be killed."

These fans have sent posts to ridicule Ye Chen.

But at this time, a name called Patek Philippe monopoly ID sent a message.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this takeaway's watch should be real."

"And I sold this watch to this little brother."

Patek Philippe monopoly, is also a net red.

Many netizens know that she specializes in selling Patek Philippe watches.

It can be said that her words are authoritative.

"Every Patek Philippe watch has an ID serial number. Just now, I checked it and found out that the takeaway brother's watch was real. At the beginning, the little brother spent 1988 on takeaway. At that time, he also bought his girlfriend a watch worth $1999 million. I remember it clearly and I can't be wrong."

This salesgirl also likes to watch the Internet.

When I saw this video, I was stunned.

Especially seeing ye Chen's handsome face, he can be sure.

The little brother under attack is the one who bought the watch.

The buyer of this watch is a diamond member of Patek Philippe.

She had to stand up when someone questioned their gold shop members.

Not only that, he also reported the matter to the headquarters.

Patek Philippe monopoly message a, immediately online explosion.

"You're kidding me upstairs. How could it be that a car delivery boy was wearing a 19.88 million watch?"

"Why not? I sold this watch."

There are endless debates on the Internet, but many people think that the so-called Patek Philippe monopoly is the trumpet of Ye Chen who came out to wash the land.

But soon, Patek Philippe's official website issued a notice, so that everyone was dumbfounded.

The content of the announcement is.

"Recently, in the video of station B, there is a watch video of" tell you a joke, takeout brother is carrying a Patek Philippe that he played in 1988 ", which has attracted the attention of netizens. We specially invited experts to identify it. After identification, the" fake watch "that takeout brother brings is true. The identification result shows that this watch was sold in the Patek Philippe store of Mordor, with a value of $1.88 million. In addition, after identification, the watch that the anchor of wanghong is eyeing is fake. Please don't bring this fake watch out on any occasion in the future, otherwise we have the right to pursue the responsibility of the anchor. "

This announcement was officially released by Patek Philippe, and even has the seal of Patek Philippe's head office.

Once the announcement came out, the Internet exploded again.

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