"What? Wait there, girl, and I'll be right there. " There was an anxious voice from a middle-aged man on the phone.

Xiao Yu deliberately said, "thank you. Since you're OK, I'll go first."

"You saved me. I haven't thank you yet." Su Wan'er stopped Xiao Yu and said.

"No, that's what I should do."

"No, you are my life-saving benefactor. I must repay you well."

Xiao Yu looked at Su Wan'er's eyes for a moment.

"Repay me well? Do you agree by example? "

At this time, a Bentley car came quickly.

From the car, in a hurry down a pair of middle-aged men and women.

Seeing the visitor, Su Wan'er said, "Mom and Dad, I'm here."

A middle-aged woman holds Su Wan'er: "are you OK, son?"

Su Wan'er pointed to Xiao Yu and said, "I'm ok. Thanks to his artificial respiration, he saved me."

Zhao Fu's eyes fell on Xiao Yu. He nodded: "young man, thank you for saving my daughter. This is a little of my heart. You must accept it."

With that, a secretary came out behind him and opened a heavy box in front of Xiao Yu.

At this time, the onlookers were shocked.

Because the alley was full of 100 yuan bills.

And it's full of boxes.

The middle-aged man said aggressively, "this ten million is a thank-you gift for saving my daughter."

It blew up in the studio.

"I wipe, ten million."

"Ha ha, I think the young man will be happy to death."

"Do you think the young man will accept the ten million?"

"Of course, a fool will not accept it."


Xiao Yu is also stunned, did not expect that the program group can play so much, 10 million?

Ye Chen understands that there must be a lot of people watching the program now.

If he accepted it, he would be ridiculed.

Anyway, it's not true. Since you like acting, I'll play with you!

At this time, Su Wan'er waved to her father: "Dad, come here. I have something to say to you."

Su Wan'er whispered a few words in her father's ear. The middle-aged man was stunned at first, and then nodded.

Zhao Fu said with a smile on his face: "young man, you are blessed. If you are willing to be my daughter's boyfriend, if my daughter can accept you, then you can be my future son-in-law. I am a daughter, and you can inherit my 10 billion family fortune."

The girl was shy on the side.

"The son-in-law of ten billion?"

Everyone was shocked.

This plot is too awesome.

Isn't this the only story in a movie?

Bai Fumei was saved by the boy. Then the boy became the girl's boyfriend and lived a shameless life as a husband.

It's almost every otaku's dream to be Bai Fumi's boyfriend and inherit ten billion yuan.

Who doesn't want to enjoy the success, who doesn't want to have a beautiful girlfriend to become a local tyrant overnight.

Now the key to the dream is in Xiao Yu's hands.

Although the audience in the studio knew it was fake, they were still very excited.

"This little brother is so happy. If I had, I would have agreed."

"I have to promise. After all, she's a big lady with a fortune of 10 billion, and she's so beautiful."

"I've read a novel before, as if that's what the plot is about."

"If I were you, now it would be like that girl proposing."

"What do you think? Can Bai Fumei take a fancy to you? "

Zhao's father had a proud face and a high expression on his face.

"Well, young man, you are very lucky. My daughter has a crush on you. As long as you make a decision, this ten million will be yours. And from now on, you will be my daughter's girlfriend."

"God, it's su Dafu, the richest man in Jiangzhou."

"What's the hesitation of this boy? Promise quickly. "

Xiao Yu takes a look at Su Wan'er.

She is really beautiful, even more beautiful than her girlfriend.

But he did not hesitate to refuse.

After all, he has been in love with his girlfriend for six years, and he doesn't want to be a bad boy and betray his girlfriend.

Under the public's attention, Xiao Yu suddenly laughed.

He has a beautiful smile.

All the girls at the scene were charmed.

Su Wan'er looks at Xiao Yu's smile and blushes.

"Wow, this little brother laughs so well."

"No wonder Bai Fumei takes a fancy to this little brother."

Few people think Xiao Yu will refuse. After all, Su Wan'er is very beautiful, and she is also the only daughter of a big man.

There is little suspense about this choice.

However, Xiao Yu's words made all the scenes petrified.

Xiao Yu light said: "sorry, I can't be your daughter's boyfriend?"

"What?" The scene was dead.

Zhao Fu's eyes widened.

I beg your pardon? Can't be my daughter's girlfriend?

"Don't you? Ten billion son-in-law doesn't want to be a son-in-law? "

Zhao's father was full of confidence. After all, from Xiao Yu's clothes, Xiao Yu should not be rich, but Xiao Yu's answer was completely unexpected.

Her daughter is beautiful and has a father worth 10 billion. Which man would refuse such a condition?

Such a big chance, the boy refused?

Su Wan'er was stunned. She thought Xiao Yu would agree, but she didn't expect that Xiao Yu refused.

This plot is beyond everyone's imagination.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and the studio was still.

Finally, someone spoke in the studio.

"There's something wrong with the young man's head."

"That's right. Bai Fumei refused."

"Why, why refuse?"

Zhao's father is now back to God, with displeasure: "why do you want to refuse my daughter, you think my daughter is not worthy of you."

He is a little angry, his daughter is so excellent, how can a man look down on my daughter.

In his eyes, there are only men whose daughters don't look up to. There can be no men who don't look up to their daughters.

When Su Wan'er heard Xiao Yu's reply, her eyes were red.

Xiao Yu was indifferent: "your daughter is very beautiful and excellent, but I can't promise."

"Why?" Asked Zhao Fu.

"Because, I already have a girlfriend, we started to fall in love from junior high school, I like her very much, so I can't betray her."

Hearing Xiao Yu's reply, all the girls at the scene screamed.

"So it is."

In the studio, those girls are crazy pop ups.

"For the sake of his girlfriend, the boy turned down the chance to marry Bai Fumei and become a 10 billion son-in-law."

"The boy just replied that he was too handsome. No matter his appearance, temperament and character, this boy has full marks."

"I envy the boy's girlfriend. She is so happy."

"The boy is so warm that I've fallen in love with him."

Su Wan'er hears that Xiao Yu refuses because she already has a girlfriend, and her hatred disappears.

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