Carlis snorted coldly: "you should see less than one zero. Can you afford to buy this diamond necklace for ten million?"

Then he said to the housekeeper beside him, "brush my card."

He snorted coldly: "today I want to let you know the gap between you and me."

Then he complacently said to the waiter, "the waiter swipes the card."

The housekeeper swiped his bank card.

But soon, the housekeeper came back awkwardly.

Carlis still a proud face: "how to finish painting?"

Housekeeper a face embarrassed: "master, sorry, your card balance is insufficient."

Originally, carlis wanted to be forced, but when he heard that the balance was insufficient, he was immediately silly.

"The balance is not enough. How can it be?"

Carlis jumped up.

"I have more than ten million in my card."

The housekeeper said awkwardly: "master, your card is indeed more than 10 million, but they say it's US dollars."


In other words, the necklace is about 30 million US dollars.

This time, carlis is stupid.

"Crouching trough, why is this diamond ring so expensive? Isn't this special one robbing money?"

The housekeeper said awkwardly, "master, because of the tax, the price in China is twice as high as that in Europe, and the diamond jewelry of this brand is expensive, so do you want to buy it?"

Carlis is a little embarrassed.

That's the money on his card.

Originally, he wanted to be forced in front of Ye Chen, but unexpectedly, he overturned again.

Ye Chen in a side way: "prince, don't you say to want to pay?"? Why don't you buy it? "

Carlis looked depressed.

Ye Chen has no language way: "you can't be no money, aren't you the prince of s country?"

In Ye Chen's eyes, the prince of West Asia should have endless money. Unexpectedly, he is so poor.

Just now those people who eat melons are also stunned.

Aren't all the princes on TV so awesome?

And the net Red Prince always shows off how rich he is.

Luxury yachts, private aircraft, now even more than 30 million are not out?

Suddenly, people finally understand that everything is superficial.

Seeing is believing.

It turns out that carlis is a poor man.

One side of Lin Wanrou is a faint smile.

"Carlis is the prince of s country, but now their oil has been extracted almost, and their family is not as rich as people think, so a prince usually just shows off his wealth, and his strength is not so strong at all."

Lin Wanrou looks at carlis with pity.

The so-called rich prince is just people's traditional idea.

Although the prince is richer than ordinary people, he doesn't seem to have enough money to spend as people imagine.

Lin Wanrou said with a faint smile: "carlis, you don't have to be forced. I know your situation very well. In fact, you are not as rich as my boyfriend."

Hearing Lin Wanrou's words, carlis seemed to be trampled on his tail.

"What? I'm not as rich as your boyfriend? "

Carlis has just been exposed by Lin Wanrou, although a little embarrassed.

But he is also a prince.

How can it be that there is no takeaway boy with money.

To him, it was a shame for chiguoguo.

Carlis gritted his teeth and said to Wang congcongcong, "Mr. Wang, lend me some money. I'll pay you back later."

Wang Congcong looks at Ye Chen.

If it was normal, he might borrow it.

But now he can see that the foreigner wants to rob a woman with Ye Chen.

In his heart, ye Chen's weight can be ten thousand times stronger than this carlis. How could he borrow money.

Wang Congcong shook his head: "sorry, I can't lend you money."

Others saw that Wang Congcong didn't want to borrow it and said, "I'm sorry, we don't have that much money."

Carlis was stunned.

Don't these friends usually say that they are rich?

Don't they all say that they will do everything for their friends?

But now, when it comes to the matter, it's all counselled?

"Can't you do it for me?"

"Together? You think it's a few hundred? We'll lend you the money. What if you can't pay it back? "

In an instant, the boat of friendship turned over.

A few people who were still brothers started fighting.

Ye Chen looks at this farce also very speechless.

Just Ye Chen also thought that this prince is rich and invincible, did not expect this?

Ye Chen threw the card directly to the waiter and said, "swipe the card."

Carlis and a few so-called friends tearing force, suddenly hear ye Chen to swipe card, immediately also stunned.

There was a touch of disdain on his face.

You want to swipe the card? Do you have 10000 in your card?

Originally, carlis wanted to see jokes, but soon the waiter came back with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye Chen, the card has been finished. Please sign it."


At this time, carlis was a complete fool.

Isn't he just a takeout boy?

When is the takeaway boy in China so powerful?

Wang Congcong glanced at carlis.

This idiot.

You can compare Mr. Ye.

He immediately came to Ye Chen's side.

"Brother ye, I didn't expect that carlis was such rubbish. I decided to draw a line with him in the future."

Several other friends also said one after another: "we don't know this kind of rubbish in the future."

Ye Chen is a light smile, from the hands of the waiter took the diamond necklace, smile Yingying way: "Wanrou, I'll bring it to you."

He gave Lin Wanrou a necklace.

Suddenly, the diamond gave out a bright light, with Lin Wanrou's perfect face, shocked everyone.

It's really beautiful.

Even carlis was completely ignored by Lin Wanrou's US government.

Such a beauty is a gift from heaven.

Anyway, I'll make her my woman.

The surrounding melon eaters were also stunned by the scene.

They originally thought that ye Chen was a takeout boy, but unexpectedly, he was an invisible rich man.

This wave of face slapping is really cool.

Huaxia take away brother, second kill Prince of s country.

"Ha ha, so poor, that means prince?"

"I laugh to death. I thought I was a king. It turned out to be bronze."

"I can see the prince. He can't do anything. He's the first one."

Listening to the ridicule, carlis blushed.

He even regretted why he had to learn Chinese.

He is more handsome than ye Chen.

He was killed by others again.

Carlis never dreamed that his Grand Prince of s would be killed by Ye Chen.

But carlis didn't have a private letter. He liked Lin Wanrou too much.

Carlis has thought about it. It's not over.

After all, Lin Wanrou's European family has agreed to their marriage.

Boy, let you be proud for a few days. When Lin Wanrou returns to Eagle country, I will force her to marry me.

Carlis made up his mind., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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