Although the video is aerial, the picture is very fuzzy.

But ye Chen still saw from the video that song Simeng was being hijacked.

At the moment, the reporter in the news is reporting: "everyone, now the situation is very dangerous, star Tong Lili and our city famous entrepreneur Miss Song Simeng were hijacked by gangsters, now the special police have arrived at the scene, ready to start the rescue."

Ye Chen frowned. He knew that these bandits were all the most ferocious bandits.

No matter what conditions the police promised them, they would kill hostages.

Ye Chen did not expect that these guys should be so crazy.

He made such a move.

In broad daylight, they started directly.

Ye Chen looked at the time.

If he goes there directly, it will take at least an hour.

In that case, the whole thing is over.

Ye Chen starts Wanjie delivery system.

"System, can I wormhole through in reality?"

Sure, but in reality, wormhole crossing costs 100 million RMB.

100 million?

It's too dark.

Although a lot of money, but ye Chen has not care so much.

After all, there are two lives on the opposite side.

Ye Chen can't watch two beauties die in front of him.

Now on the roof.

Several mercenaries hijacked song Simeng and Tong Lili.

Several bodyguards have fallen into a pool of blood.

A mercenary is in contact with the police.

"Get us a helicopter right now, or we'll do it."

"You must be calm. We have already reported to the top."

"I'll give you ten minutes. If you can't see the helicopter, we'll do it immediately."

With that, a mercenary had already taken song Simeng to Tiantai.

"OK, please calm down. We'll send you a helicopter immediately."

At the moment, song Simeng and Tong Lili are shaking like chaff.

They are all girls. They have never experienced such a thing.

Tong Lili is very sweet, and she has been scared to shiver all over at the moment.

Song Simeng was also afraid, but she still took a deep breath.

"Calm down, one must calm down, ye Chen will come to save us."

Although his life was on the line, song Simeng calmed down.

After all, she has sent a text message to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen promised that he would come.

The other party has already told the police that it will not start in ten minutes.

As long as the other side doesn't do it, then they still have a chance.

Song Simeng's face was ugly at the moment.

She is recording a video with Tong Lili.

Unexpectedly, a group of bandits suddenly rushed in.

After these bandits came in, they killed all the people and hijacked them to the roof.

Song Simeng knew that these bandits were all murderous demons.

Now, her only hope is Ye Chen.

Time goes by.

But the helicopter still didn't show up.

At this time, the bandit leader's eyes were cold.

"A minute later, I can't see the plane. Throw this woman down to me." The bandit leader said coldly.

Anyway, song Simeng is also the target of killing, so they only need to have Tong Lili as a hostage.

After all, Tong Lili is a big star, and the police will definitely be more scared because the other party is a public figure.

At the moment, the SWAT team has attacked near the roof.

But because the door was locked, they couldn't get in at all.

In less than a minute, the bandits had pushed song Simeng to the edge of the stairs.

The wind blows song Simeng's hair.

Song Simeng looks very ugly.

Do you think you are going to die here today?

Tong Lili has started to cry.

"Sister Simeng..."

Tong Lili is indeed worthy of being one of the four Huadan in Huaguo primary school. It's a time of great love.

At the moment, Tong Lili is also very scared.

Song Simeng sighed.

I'm sure I'll die here today.

Unfortunately, I only loved one person in my life, ye Chen.

It's a pity that she hasn't even had time to kiss each other.

Time was coming, but the police helicopter didn't show up.

At the moment, the bandit leader's face was cold.

"How dare you fool us?" The bandit leader and the police were cold to death.

Police negotiators quickly said: "you calm down, we did not play you, mainly to mobilize the helicopter, need to apply above, we need some time."

"Hum, you think we don't know that your people have already attacked the rooftop. You are too insincere." The bandit leader said coldly.

"To teach you a lesson, I will kill a hostage first."

Then the bandit leader waved his hand fiercely.

The bandits began to push song Simeng downstairs.

But at this time, suddenly a figure came down from the sky.

He grabbed song Simeng who had fallen downstairs and pulled him back to the platform.

Everyone froze at the sight.

What's the situation? Where did this man come from?

But have not waited for them to reflect to come over, the leaf Chen has already started.

A bright silver gun appeared in his hand.

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh.

Before the bandits could react, four or five of them had fallen into a pool of blood.

Tong Lili was also saved by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen holds a bright silver gun and blocks the two girls behind him.

Bandit leader this just reflected to come over, looking at Ye Chen, on the face exposed a touch of ice cold.

"To die!"

The culprit's name is Jack, the head of the skeleton mercenary.

This time, they received a billion dollars to kill song Simeng.

The plan was perfect.

But the Ye Chen that suddenly appears however his plan is all disordered.

Over the years, their skeleton mercenaries have been very active.

The success rate of the assassination is as high as 100%.

This time, Jack assassinated a Chinese female president.

Originally, he thought it was a very simple task, but unexpectedly, such an accident happened.

Jack stares at Ye Chen coldly: "boy, you are very powerful. You can touch the top of the building unconsciously, but today this is where you die."

With that, Jack yelled at the rest of the mercenaries, "come on, kill him."

Seeing this scene, the female anchor in charge of the live broadcast was nervous.

"He ah, the gang of bandits rushed towards the young man who suddenly appeared. There were more than ten people on the other side. Can the young man resist?"

At the moment, the police are still trapped on the roof, unable to rush in.

But fierce fighting has begun on the roof.

In front of the TV, the audience didn't know that ye Chen was sweating.

After all, the other party is a dozen people, ye Chen only one.

And these people are well-trained. Is Ye Chen really OK?

The hostess also looked nervous at the screen.

At this time, suddenly the hostess's face slightly changed, excited said: "God, I did not read wrong, this is too cool!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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