Ye Chen is very clear that the Three Kingdoms world has its own trajectory.

If you come here often, maybe it will really change history.

This time, ye Chen is just to get five-star praise.

Ah, it's really not easy to be a Wanjie takeaway.

Ye Chen looked at Liu Bei. Everyone had gone far, and now Cao Jun's attention was all on himself.

The general was hijacked by others, and they were not in the mood to pursue Liu Bei.

Ye Chen suddenly saw Cao Cao's sword.

It suddenly occurred to him that Cao Cao's sword was heaven reliant.

If this sword can be snatched.

It's amazing.

Yitian sword is one of the most famous swords in martial arts novels.

He sat beside Cao Cao and said with a smile, "old Cao, show me your sword."

Hear ye Chen call Cao Cao Lao Cao, everyone is silly.

Cao Cao is known as the hero of a generation. He takes advantage of the emperor to order the princes.

The result is called by Ye Chen unexpectedly and address old uncle is same.

Cao Cao is also speechless.

He is below one person and above ten thousand. Who dares to call him that.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have denounced Ye Chen for cutting him.

But now can't, own small life in leaf Chen's hand.

Although Cao Cao was reluctant, he could only smile and say, "no problem."

He took down the sword in his hand and handed it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen draws out his sword.

All of a sudden, a silver light like lightning across the sky.

It's really a good sword.

Ye Chen is also surprised.

In the novel, the sword is very powerful, but ye Chen didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Seeing ye Chen pull out his sword, Cao Cao's face became ugly.

"Brother, if you let Cao go, this sword will be given to you."

Cao Cao is worthy of being a hero of the generation. He is very observant.

From ye Chen's eyes, he can see that ye Chen likes this sword very much.

Although it is said to be a gift, Cao Cao also knows that his life is in the hands of others, and he has no temper.

Ye Chen nodded and returned the sword to its sheath: "well, this sword is good. I like it very much, so I'll take it."

When Cao Cao heard that ye Chen had taken the sword, he took a breath.

To tell the truth, he is really afraid that ye Chen suddenly cuts himself with a sword.

Cao Cao also saw that ye Chen didn't want to kill himself, so he relaxed a lot.

"Well, what's the name of the hero?"

Cao Cao is very curious.

He knows all the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms like the back of his hand.

But I've never heard of Ye Chen.

Such a hero, even Lu Bu can't match.

Ye Chen smiles: "I'm just a nobody. Don't mention it."

a cipher?

Cao Cao's generals all blushed.

What are they if they are so powerful and nobody?


Ye Chen doesn't want to leave a name.

After all, he didn't want any trouble in the future.

It's almost time.

Ye Chen body jumps, returned to motorcycle.

He arched his hand at Cao Cao.

"Lao Cao, thank you for your sword. Goodbye when you have a chance."

Say, ye Chen a twist throttle, direct natural and unrestrained rushed out.

Everyone was silly to see the speeding motorcycle.

This speed, let alone people, is no matter how good a BMW colt can catch up!

"Prime minister."

Seeing that Cao Cao was released, the generals surrounded him.

Xu Chu was even more angry.

The LORD was hijacked in his hands.

For Xu Chu, it was a great shame.

It can even be said that this is a disgrace to the whole Cao army.

"Catch up with that guy for me, and he must be broken to pieces."

Xu Chu gave orders.

Those men who take orders will chase Ye Chen

Cao Cao waved his hand.

"No way."

Cao Cao looks at Ye Chen's back, showing a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

He loves heroes most, and now he is conquered by Ye Chen's heroism.

"Don't chase him. I can't kill him even if I catch up with you."

Cao Cao's heart is very shocked, but also with some expectations.

He has a feeling that this meeting is the first time, but it will never be the last.

Maybe in the future, two people will have a chance to see each other again.

At that time, if it is moved by emotion, it will be used by him.

With this hero, what worries the world?


At this time, ye Chen has been riding a motorcycle to catch up with Liu Bei.

Seeing ye Chen, Liu Bei was shocked.

"God!" Liu Bei's eyes are full of respect when they look at Ye Chen at the moment.

If it wasn't for ye Chen, they might have been hanged by Cao Jun just now.

It can be said that ye Chen is their benefactor.

At this time, the sound of the system came from ye Chen's mind.

"Ding, the meal delivery task is over. Please return to the main world as soon as possible."

Ye Chen waved to the crowd: "see you later. By the way, remember to give me five-star praise."

Speaking, a wormhole appeared in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen rode a motorcycle directly into the wormhole.

Watching Ye Chen rush into a white light and disappear.

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of magic is this.

You can suddenly spend hours in the void.

It's a fairy indeed!

Zhuge Liang shook his fan: "brother Ye is an immortal. I'm sure you can't be wrong. It's just an immortal's way of escaping from the sky."

He studied the different scriptures, and took Ye Chen's wormhole as a way for the immortal to escape.

At this time, ye Chen has returned to the modern world.

He reappeared in the alley.

This time through, ye Chen feels very cool.

He not only fought with Guan Yu, but also saw the army of the Three Kingdoms.

He directly hijacked Cao Cao in the army.

It's really great.

Ye Chen also met many historical figures.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao and Xu Chu.


These famous historical celebrities, so fresh in front of their own.

A few people are eating kebabs and drinking beer. It's really mysterious.

These things, before ye Chen did not dare to think.

After all, these heroes can only be seen in books and on TV.

However, compared with the real people, the gap is still too big.

Tiktok shook his voice.

It happens that a net star is talking about the Three Kingdoms.

Looking at each other's right words, ye Chen sneers.

You're just bullshit.

Lao Tzu and them have had meals, drinks and fights. If you want to know about the Three Kingdoms, who can compare me.

If you can talk about it again, it's just a guess of history.

Perhaps only the people concerned know the true history.

This time through, ye Chen feels really cool.

Back in the real world, ye Chen looks at the traffic, high-rise buildings, but a little uncomfortable.

Feeling the haze of the air, ye Chen sighed.

The air is fresh in ancient times.

At this time, the sound of the system came to Ye Chen's mind.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's five-star praise. The host has won the heaven reliant sword and the heaven reliant sword technique award."

Yitian sword? Heaven reliant sword technique?

Ye Chen's mind was filled with a lot of sword information.

In an instant, ye Chen has become a Kendo master., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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