Lin Wanrou didn't speak, but shook her head.

There are many highway vehicles in Eagle country, and many of them are big vehicles.

And Yingguo's car is driving in the opposite direction. She is worried that ye Chen is not familiar with it.

"Well, you're so sleepy that you can't open your eyes. Let me open it."

"Do you really have no problem?"

Lin Wanrou was really a little sleepy and asked.

Ye Chen smiled: "don't worry, I'm an old driver."

Lin Wanrou nodded.

He does feel a little dizzy now. It's not safe to continue driving.

"However, now we are on the expressway. Parking is not allowed on the expressway in Yingguo."

Ye Chen smiled: "who said to change the position must stop, give it to me."

Ye Chen said, "hold the steering wheel well, and then move your body to the front passenger seat. I'll go there. Let's change a position."

Lin Wanrou nodded. She untied her seat belt and stood up.

Today, Lin Wanrou is wearing a doctor's hip skirt.

Especially when she bows forward, she looks forward and backward, which is very charming.

Looking at the scene, ye Chen couldn't help jumping up in her heart.

Ye Chen calmed down, unfastened his seat belt and moved towards the driver's seat.

Although Lin Wanrou drives a CRV, the compartment space is still large.

But when the two people exchanged, their bodies still kept close contact for a moment.

Lin Wanrou blushed slightly and sat on the co pilot with a white look at Ye Chen.

"Did you change places with me to take advantage of me?"

Ye Chen looked wronged: "how can it be? I'm not that kind of person."

As he spoke, ye Chen looked ahead and pretended to be serious, holding the steering wheel.

But ye Chen's heart is very dark and cool.

The feeling just now was really ecstatic.

I have to say that my wife is in good shape. I just felt so beautiful.

Unfortunately, it's in the eagle country now, otherwise ye Chen can't wait.

Lin Wanrou whitened Ye Chen's face, but she was really tired.

He soon fell asleep.

Seeing Lin Wanrou's deep sleep, ye Chen speeds up her vegetarian diet.

The car rushed out like a stray arrow.

Although the traffic flow is very large, ye Chen's car is like a phantom, constantly shuttling through the traffic flow.

At this time, a Ferrari sports car was speeding on the road.

In the driving position, a beautiful girl is driving a rock racing car.

Her eyes were so sharp that suddenly a car flashed by.

At this time, the girl's eyes in the co pilot's cab were frozen.

"Sister Anna, did you just see something fly by?"

Anna said, "it's a Mercedes Benz CRV."

"What a fast speed." Anya said with a shocked face.

Anna looked at the CRV that rushed out like an arrow, with a strong sense of war in her eyes.

Even his face became excited.

"Dare to surpass me. I must catch up with you."

Anna stepped on the accelerator and accelerated frantically.

Ye Chen frowned when he saw the red sports car catching up in the rearview mirror.

Obviously, he just passed the sports car, so the other party thought he was provoking the other party.

Ye Chen knows that this kind of dandy will be more troublesome if they catch up.

So we might as well get rid of them.

Ye Chen stepped on the accelerator and continued to accelerate.

He quickly hit the steering wheel to complete various drifting overtaking actions.

Although Anna wants to catch up with Ye Chen, the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther.

Anna almost looked silly.

"Is this man crazy? It's so fast. "

Anna wanted to catch up, but she didn't dare to drive so fast.

After all, the traffic flow is too large now. If she drives so fast, she may be killed.

Anna frowned and pursed her red lips: "unexpectedly, I met a racing master. I must find him."

Soon, the car came to the city. Ye Chen woke up Lin Wanrou.

After Lin Wanrou woke up, she was stunned to see that the car got off the highway.

"Your car drives so fast. Usually I have to watch it for more than two hours. You'll arrive in less than an hour."

Ye Chen smiled“ Maybe there are few cars. I drive faster. "

Lin Wanrou gave Ye Chen a white look: "this expressway is the main road. How can there be less traffic."

Ye Chen drove to a gorgeous manor under the guidance of Lin Wanrou.

Although Ye Chen knew that Lin Wanrou's family was a viscount in the eagle country and had a lot of money, he didn't expect to have such a big manor.

Ye Chen drove the car into the manor.

Just stopped the car, a middle-aged woman in a maid's dress came over.

"Miss Wanrou, you are back. The master is ill again and has been calling your name."

Lin Wanrou frowned and hurried to the room.

"Grandpa, didn't you take medicine?" Lin Wanrou asked as she changed.

"Yes, but it seems that the master has developed drug resistance and doesn't work."

The manor was very big. They walked for a long time before they came to a simple old house.

To Ye Chen's surprise, the old house was Chinese.

In Eagle country, it's incredible to see a Chinese style old house.

Lin Wanrou said, "my grandpa and grandma met in China. Grandma is Chinese. She followed grandpa to Eagle country. In order to understand grandma's love affair, the rooms were designed according to Chinese style."

Ye Chen knew why the house was all Chinese.

The two men crossed the corridor and entered a room.

"Wan Rou, you're back. I found the best doctor for Grandpa." A West Asian saw Lin Wanrou and immediately welcomed him out.

Ye Chen was stunned when she saw someone coming. This man is an old acquaintance.

The West Asians are nothing but Kalis, Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Carlis also saw Ye Chen and immediately frowned.

In China, ye Chen made carlis miserable.

Now the enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

Lin Wanrou came to Grandpa's ward.

At the moment, an old man on the bed was full of tubes, and several doctors were busy in front of the instrument.

"Grandpa, how are you?" Lin Wanrou ran over.

"Wan Rou, you're back. I'm afraid grandpa can't."

After listening to the old man's words, Lin Wanrou shed tears.

Lin Wanrou grew up in Yingguo when she was a child. Her grandfather loved her most.

Later, she returned to China with her parents.

I haven't seen grandpa for many years.

Lin Wanrou didn't expect to see her grandfather again.

Carlis said, "don't worry, miss Wanrou, the doctors I asked are the best, which can prolong the old man's life by three days."

Three days?

Hearing that grandpa had only a few days to live, Lin Wanrou's face was even more ugly.

"How could it be so serious?" Lin Wanrou said coldly.

Ye Chen said faintly: "because all the doctors he invited are quacks. Originally, the old man can recover. You will die in three days.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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