Everyone is stupid.

After ye Chen's acupuncture, he slapped the old man on the back. As a result, the old man was all right.

This is incredible.

Bruce, in particular, has an unbelievable face.

He was examined by the most advanced medical equipment.

The old man's body is terminally ill and there is no rule of law at all.

But now, ye Chen hit him in the face.

Lin Wanrou, seeing that the old man woke up, said happily, "Grandpa, how do you feel?"

The old man's dead eyes were shining.

"I feel much better. I've never been so comfortable."

Then the old man's eyes looked at Ye Chen.

Although the old man was in a coma just now, he could hear all the voices outside, but he couldn't express it.

"This little friend, thank you for saving me."

Ye Chen smiled“ Grandpa, I'm Wan Rou's friend. I should. "

At this time, rock also ran over.

"Grandpa, you are finally well. Thank you so much."

The old man's face sank when he saw rock.

"You beast, I asked you to find traditional Chinese medicine to see me. Why did you find a Western doctor?"

Rock's face changed slightly.

"Grandpa, I'm also for you. I think western medicine is more advanced than traditional Chinese medicine."


The old man slapped rock in the face.

"Bastard, you almost killed my old life."

At the moment, carlis's face was even more ugly.

But he came up: "Grandpa, I invited the doctor. He is one of the most authoritative doctors in the world. Your disease has been cured by Mr. Bruce. This boy must be opportunistic."

After listening to carlis, the old man's face became colder.

"Are you carlis?"

Carlis made a special salute.

"Mr. Robinson, I'm Kalis, Prince of Saudi Arabia. I just want to marry your granddaughter, Lin Wanrou, when I come to Eagle country this time."

Hearing carlis's words, Lin Wanrou's face changed slightly.

It never occurred to him that carlis would propose to Grandpa directly.

The old man frowned and looked at Lin Wanrou.

"Will you?"

Lin Wanrou shook her head: "Grandpa, even if I die, I won't marry this guy."

The old man nodded and then looked at carlis.

"Did you hear that? My granddaughter disagrees. You'd better go back where you came from. "

Carlis's face was very ugly.

Roark said quickly, "Grandpa, carlis is the prince of Saudi Arabia. Our family has a lot of business contacts with them. Do you think you should consider it?"

Robinson's eyes were cold.

"Before I die, you have regarded yourself as a family, haven't you?"

"This!" Rock's face changed slightly.

"Grandpa, I don't mean that."

Robinson snorted coldly, "my granddaughter will marry whoever she wants. By the way, little friend, are you like a boyfriend?"

After hearing Robinson's words, Wan Rou's pretty face turned red.

At this time, Bruce suddenly came over.

"Mr. Ye Chen, Mr. Robinson's disease, I have done a general examination, and there is no treatment. How on earth did you do it?"

Ye Chen said lightly, "I use traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has 5000 years of civilization. Although Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages, traditional Chinese medicine can cure bad diseases."

"Traditional Chinese medicine, is it really so magical? Mr. Ye, I want to learn Chinese medicine from you. "

Everyone was silly to hear that Bruce wanted to learn traditional Chinese medicine from ye Chen.

Who is Bruce? It can be said that he is a famous doctor in Western European countries.

Dean of California Medical University, with more than ten inventions.

His disciples are the elites of major hospitals in the world.

But now, Mr. Bruce wants to worship a Chinese young man as a teacher.

It's incredible.

Ye Chen shook his head when he saw the devout Bruce.

"Sorry, I'm afraid not. I'm not free."

Everyone is stupid.

Bruce's apprenticeship, the young man refused.

You know, how many people want to worship Bruce as a teacher.

Bruce looked regretful, but although his apprenticeship was not successful, Bruce had made up his mind to study traditional Chinese medicine well in his lifetime.

The old man has recovered. Some people are happy and others are sad.

Carlis's face was very ugly.

"Rock, what now?"

Rock looked gloomy.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the old thing to survive. Don't worry, I will do what I promised you. Isn't it a Chinese mole ant? Just stand in our way and kill us. "

"But now ye Chen is protected by the old man, and Lin Wanrou never leaves."

Rock sneered, "isn't there a dance tonight?"

Carlis's eyes lit up: "do you mean to humiliate him at the ball and let him know the difference between himself and WAN Rou?"

Rock nodded: "yes, if he knows he's gone, it's easy to say anything. If he's still pestering Wanrou, I don't mind making some accidents."

Callis was overjoyed.

"Rock, as long as you can help me get Wanrou, don't worry, I can promise you all your conditions."

The more Lin Wanrou doesn't talk to carlis, the more carlis likes Lin Wanrou.

Even to the point of infatuation.

At noon, Robinson specially prepared a luncheon.

Although carlis and ye Chen were outsiders, they all attended.

At the dinner table, Lin Wanrou sat next to Ye Chen.

The two sometimes chat, and sometimes Lin Wanrou tenderly brings vegetables to Ye Chen.

Carlis sat opposite, his fists rattling.

In his opinion, Lin Wanrou is simply giving him a green hat.


Robinson raised his glass.

"Mr. Ye, here's to you. Thank you for saving my life."

Ye Chen smiled: "doctors are kind-hearted, not to mention you are Wan Rou's grandfather. This is what I should do."

At this time, rock also stood up.

"Mr. Ye, you are the benefactor of our family. I respect you for this glass of wine."

Rock offered a toast to Ye Chen. Even Lin Wanrou didn't think of it.

The so-called hand does not hit the smiling face.

Although Ye Chen knows that this rock is not a good thing, ye Chen can't refuse to toast on such an occasion.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "thank you, Mr. rock."

After the two finished drinking, rock suddenly said.

"Mr. Ye Chen, there is an aristocratic dance tonight. I wonder if you are free to attend?"

Ye Chen glanced at Lin Wanrou.

Lin Wanrou shook her head at Ye Chen, obviously trying to make ye Chen refuse.

But rock said, "of course, our nobles have a lot of courtesy. You may not be used to it. If you don't have self-confidence, you can't go."

Ye Chen frowned when he heard Roark's provocation.

"Will I have no confidence? You think too much. "

Ye Chen said faintly, "well, since Mr. rock invited me, I'll go to see the Royal and noble banquet in the eagle country."

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