Song Xiaoxiao stared at Li Mei with a cold face and said, "Li Mei, there is no distinction between high and low work. You still despise takeout, don't you? If you want to sit here and eat without their hard work, it's beautiful. I think you might as well eat farts. "

Li Mei is also angry. Her face is iron green. She was about to speak, but song Xiaoxiao stopped her.

Song Xiaoxiao continued, "I tell you, Li Mei, you may not be able to find a job after graduation."

"Also, even if ye Chen doesn't work, I can raise him. My family has plenty of money. As long as he loves me, it's enough."

Song Xiaoxiao's words rushed into her lung tube, Li Mei almost gushed blood, and a mouthful of old blood gushed out.

Originally she thought song Xiaoxiao was an honest girl, but she didn't expect this girl to be so sharp in teeth and mouth.

Li Mei's mouth is stupid. She doesn't know what to say when she meets song Xiaoxiao.

Li Mei simply picked up her bag and walked out of the dormitory.

Seeing Li Mei leave, Liu Xin and Zhang Rui all gave song Xiaoxiao a thumbs up.

"Xiaoxiao, you are really great. You can't speak to Li Mei." Liu Xin said with a smile.

"Yes, I can't stand Li Mei for a long time. I always look arrogant and teach people a lesson." Zhang Rui also echoed the voice.

They are not less angry with Li Mei on weekdays, but they also dare to be angry and dare not speak. Who is worse than Li Mei.

Among the four girls in the dormitory, song Xiaoxiao's family is the richest, Li Mei is the second, and Liu Xin and Zhang Rui were born in an ordinary family.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

She doesn't like people like Li Mei at all. She just doesn't want to talk to such people.

Due to the exam tomorrow, song Xiaoxiao hurriedly took out his books and began to review.

Liu Xin and Zhang Rui also walked out of the room with books. When they were going out, they asked, "Xiaoxiao, do you want to go to the study room with us to review."

Hearing the speech, song Xiaoxiao waved his hand and said, "no, you go."

Song Xiaoxiao felt a little tired after playing in the playground all day. She was too lazy to move.

After the two girls left, song Xiaoxiao picked up the books again and reviewed them carefully.

But looking at her, I felt a little sleepy. I lay on the table and fell asleep unconsciously.

In her dream, she saw Ye Chen. They even entered the palace of marriage. They were very happy.

She suddenly woke up with a smile from her dream and found that it was a dream and her pretty face became a little red.

"What's the matter with me? I just separated from ye Chen. How can I have such a dream?" Song Xiaoxiao said to himself.

When she spoke, her mind kept showing the picture of being with Ye Chen, beautiful and happy.

The sound of opening the door pulled song Xiaoxiao's thoughts back.

Liu Xin and Zhang Rui saw song Xiaoxiao with a red face. They knew very well that the girl must have fallen asleep just now. They didn't know what dream they were having.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so red?" Liu Xin asked knowingly.

"Yes, what bad things did you do while we were out?" Zhang Rui also joked.

"What nonsense are you two girls talking about? I've been reviewing just now." Song Xiaoxiao lied.

She can't let these two roommates know the dream she just sat in, or they will be laughed at.

It's hard for them to ask again when they see song Xiaoxiao.

It's getting late. Several people are going to take a bath and go to bed.

But Li Mei hasn't come yet. They have long been used to this situation.

Li Mei is very crazy. She often sleeps out at night and doesn't go back to her dormitory.

Just as song Xiaoxiao was about to go to bed, the telephone rang suddenly.

Li Mei's phone number is displayed on the mobile phone. Although the relationship between the two people is not very good, they will be in touch.

Connect the phone, there came Li Mei's vague voice.

"Xiaoxiao, I forgot my money. The bar owner won't let me go. Please help me quickly."

Song Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "OK, I'll transfer the money to you now."

Liu Xin and Zhang Rui heard the speech and hurriedly asked, "Xiaoxiao, there are many swindlers now. Don't transfer money blindly to save being cheated."

Nowadays, there are too many tricks of swindlers to prevent.

"Thank you for reminding me. This person is Li Mei. She doesn't have enough money to stay with her. Let me transfer some to her. Don't worry."

The two girls nodded and breathed.

"Xiaoxiao, my cell phone is running out of power. Don't turn it around. Will you come and pick me up?" Li Meigang said to the phone.

Hearing the speech, song Xiaoxiao looked at her watch. It's ten o'clock in the evening. She really doesn't want to go out.

But Li Mei is not safe outside. Although the relationship between the two is bad, she can't die.

"Xiaoxiao, if I can't give the bar money today, they won't let me go. Just help me." Li Mei continued to beg.

Song Xiaoxiao is a kind girl. She can't let Li Mei go.

"Well, you send me the location and I'll go and find you." Song Xiaoxiao said in some embarrassment.

After all, song Xiaoxiao has never had the experience of being outside at 10 p.m. and can only make an exception for Li Mei this time.

"Thank you Xiaoxiao. I'm really moved." Li Mei said to the phone.

After hanging up the phone, song Xiaoxiao was just busy getting dressed and going out with his bag.

"Xiaoxiao, you're not safe as a girl. Why don't I go with you." Liu Xin got up and said.

Zhang Rui also hurriedly said, "yes, the three of us go together and take care of each other."

"No, you go to bed first." Song Xiaoxiao waved his hand and said.

Although it's a little late now, Li Mei has no doubt about calling her.

I must ask her to borrow money. Can I go to Liu Xin and Zhang Rui to borrow money.

I can't borrow it even if I find them.

Therefore, song Xiaoxiao didn't feel anything at all. He just thought that after paying the money, the two people took a taxi back together.

In her heart, things are so simple that they are not as complex as two roommates said.

Song Xiaoxiao walked out of the school gate and took a taxi.

After getting on the bus, she told the driver where she was going.

As the taxi drove towards its destination, the danger was getting closer and closer to song Xiaoxiao, but song Xiaoxiao didn't notice it. She still simply thought it was as simple as going to the bar to pick up her roommate.

Now Song Xiaoxiao is like a little sheep running towards the tiger's den., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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