Li Mei knows that Cao Yang's appearance is an expression of anger and doesn't know what she will do in a moment.

She didn't want to be implicated because of song Xiaoxiao. She hurriedly said, "Xiaoxiao, brother Cao is also kind. Since she came, she'll have fun."

"Xiaomei, let's go back quickly. We have an exam tomorrow." Song Xiaoxiao said anxiously.

She really doesn't understand why Li Mei likes to stay in such a place so much.

Cao Yang knows that song Xiaoxiao is a good girl. Unlike Li Mei, she likes to hang out with those men in the bar.

It is impossible for song Xiaoxiao to take the initiative to stay, so he can only cheat.

He gave Li Mei a look and motioned her to leave quickly.

Li Mei understood, covered her stomach, looked at Song Xiaoxiao and said, "OK, OK, wait for me. I feel a little stomachache. Let's go to the bathroom."

Just fine, but now Li Mei says she has a stomachache, which really makes people suspicious.

But after all, it was a woman. Seeing the part covered by Li Mei, song Xiaoxiao stopped thinking about it.

After all, women have such uncomfortable days every month, and it's impossible to say when relatives will come.

This situation also happened to song Xiaoxiao.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you here." Song Xiaoxiao looked at Li Mei and said.

Before leaving, Li Mei also said to Cao Yang, "brother Cao, Xiaoxiao will be handed over to you. Please take good care of her."

"Meimei, don't worry. I will take good care of Xiaoxiao." Cao Yang said with a smile.

He must take good care of such a little beauty in front of him.

Li Mei glanced at Song Xiaoxiao. She turned her head and showed a sinister smile on her face. She thought in her heart, "Xiaoxiao, don't blame me. People are for themselves. I can't help it if brother Cao likes you."

Seeing Li Mei leave, Cao Yang smiled and said, "Xiaoxiao, why don't we go to the box and have a drink while waiting for Mei Mei to come back."

He had made a good plan in his heart. As long as he cheated song Xiaoxiao into the box, he could do whatever he wanted.

Cao Yang just didn't want to make too much noise and avoid unnecessary trouble. Otherwise, he would directly find someone to pull song Xiaoxiao to the box.

"No, I'll wait here. Mei Mei will be back in a minute." Song Xiaoxiao refused again.

Cao Yang knew that Li Mei didn't go to the bathroom at all. She just cheated song Xiaoxiao and went out through the back door.

Song Xiaoxiao couldn't wait until dawn for Li Mei to come back, but she didn't know it at all.

Cao Yang looked at the girl who was cheated and kept in the dark. He also felt pity. Song Xiaoxiao was really as simple as Li Mei said.

Cao Yang met such a girl for the first time. How could he let it go easily?

After waiting for a while, song Xiaoxiao frowned and said to himself, "what's the matter with Xiaomei? Why hasn't she come out yet? Is something wrong?"

Cao Yang looked at the kind girl in front of him and couldn't help shaking. Song Xiaoxiao was really too simple. He was betrayed by Li Mei and was even worried about the man's safety.

"Brother Cao, I want to ask how to get to the bathroom. I'll go and see Xiaomei." Song Xiaoxiao said as he walked towards the bathroom.

Since seeing Cao Yang, the man's eyes have been sweeping around her, as if to see through her, which makes song Xiaoxiao feel very uncomfortable.

Cao Yang really can't see it. He doesn't want song Xiaoxiao to be regarded as a fool and is still waiting here.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to wait. Meimei won't come back at all." Cao Yang told the truth.

Hearing the speech, song Xiaoxiao was stunned first, and then returned to his mind.

"What are you talking about?" She asked incredulously.

"What I said is that you don't have to wait. Meimei won't come back. She has already left and handed you over to me." Cao Yang repeated his words clearly.

Now Song Xiaoxiao knows that all this is designed by Cao Yang and Li Mei.

"Who am I and why should she give me to you?" Song Xiaoxiao asked, staring at Cao Yang.

"Meimei broke a bottle of very high-grade red wine. The price is also very expensive. She can't afford to pay, so she thought of this way." Cao Yang said.

"How much money, I can compensate." Song Xiaoxiao sobbed.

Her family has money. It's not difficult for her to pay for a bottle of red wine.

Cao Yang waved his hand and said, "after I saw you, I think money is not very important. I want you."

He told song Xiaoxiao his idea very frankly.

Hearing Cao Yang's words, song Xiaoxiao's face turned pale. Of course she knew what it meant.

Song Xiaoxiao already had Ye Chen in her heart. How could she let other men touch her?

"Brother Cao, as long as you let me go, I can give you any money." Song Xiaoxiao begged.

When she spoke, she was doing another thing, that is to call ye Chen.

Song Xiaoxiao knows that Cao Yang can't let her go, so he can only ask Ye Chen for help and find himself a chance of life.

"Xiaoxiao, how many times have you asked me to say that I don't want money, just you." Cao Yang said impatiently.

After sending song Xiaoxiao off, ye Chen went to bed when she got home, mainly because she was too tired to play today.

Suddenly, he was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

After looking at the time, it's 12:00 in the morning. I thought what's the matter with this girl calling him so late.

Ye Chen vaguely connected the phone and said, "Xiaoxiao, what's up?"

He didn't hear song Xiaoxiao's answer. Instead, he heard song Xiaoxiao's voice begging for mercy and immediately woke up.

"Brother Cao, please let me go. I'm not the kind of girl you think. I already have a boyfriend."

Ye Chen heard song Xiaoxiao's pleading voice and knew that she must be in danger.

He quickly got up, put on his clothes, ran out of the house, took a sports car and drove towards song Xiaoxiao's position.

Ye Chen is afraid that the women around her are in danger, so they have installed a positioning system in their mobile phones. Now he knows the location of song Xiaoxiao at a glance.

Cao Yang only tried to persuade song Xiaoxiao to be obedient and accompany him, but he didn't find that the girl had called Ye Chen for help.

"Xiaoxiao, I really like you. I will treat you well. I promise I won't just play like other women." Cao Yangxin swore.

What he said was really true. He fell in love with song Xiaoxiao at the first sight, and it was from his heart.

"Brother Cao, I don't like you. I can't force my feelings. Please let me go. I'm grateful to you." Song Xiaoxiao, who was pulled into the box, begged for mercy.

"I don't want to thank me. I'm going to order you today. This is my bar. It's no use even if you shout your throat." Cao Yang said angrily., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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