Hearing the speech, Liu Xin and Zhang Rui all looked at Li Mei.

"What do you mean by looking at me like that?" Li Mei was also looked at with some guilt.

"Why are you guilty?" Song Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

Li Mei retorted, "Xiaoxiao, I just want to save you some face in front of my classmates."

Song Xiaoxiao felt that Li Mei was really thick skinned. She looked at the woman with disdain on her face. She wanted to see what Li Mei would say next.

"It doesn't matter. You don't have to save face for me. You tell everyone the truth." Song Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Li Mei didn't expect song Xiaoxiao to say so. She was also a little flustered for a moment.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry to say you. Didn't you go with your boyfriend after you picked me up at the bar last night?" Li Mei opened the river.

Liu Xin looked at Song Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, it was your boyfriend who picked you up. No wonder he didn't go back to the dormitory with Li Mei?"

Zhang Rui also coaxed and said, "Oh, Xiaoxiao, you have changed now. You don't go home at night for your boyfriend."

Then the two said in unison, "Xiaoxiao, is your boyfriend the man we saw at the playground yesterday? He's so handsome."

Song Xiaoxiao looked at them and said, "you can believe what Li Mei said. Why did I not go back to the dormitory because of my boyfriend yesterday? You idiot."

Think about song Xiaoxiao's words. It's really reasonable. It's not a day or two for her to have a boyfriend. Why didn't she go home last night.

And if she wants to be with her boyfriend, she doesn't have to go back to school in the afternoon. It's better to be at her boyfriend's house directly.

Liu Xin and Zhang Rui are not stupid. Anyone with a little brain must be able to understand this. Obviously, Li Mei lied.

"Li Mei, why do you slander Xiao Xiao like this?" Liu Xin said, staring at Li Mei.

She knew that song Xiaoxiao could not be such a girl. In that case, there was another secret.

"I didn't slander her. What I said is the truth." Li Meili said angrily.

"Since you don't want to talk about Li Mei, I'll tell you what happened." Song Xiaoxiao stared at Li Mei coldly and said.

Although they have had disputes and discord in recent years since they were in a dormitory, song Xiaoxiao has never seen her with such eyes.

At the moment, Li Mei even dared not look directly into song Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Liu Xin and Zhang Rui, two melon eaters, can't wait to know why.

"Xiaoxiao, speak quickly, but I'm so anxious." Liu Xin said.

Song Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, like summoning up great courage.

She said in a low voice, "Li Mei, I kindly went to the bar last night to pick you up and pay you, but what did you do to me? Are you still a person?"

Li Mei was frightened by song Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't expect the girl in front of her to say such words.

Song Xiaoxiao is a very quiet girl. She doesn't blush with people on weekdays. This time, she fell out with her.

"Xiaoxiao, it's obviously your fault. Why did you pour dirty water on me?" Li Mei retorted.

Song Xiaoxiao ignored her, but said, "if you are a little human, you won't do things like you. You like to fool around with men and be played with by men. It doesn't mean that others are like you. You are a bitch. You can't afford to lose money when you drop the wine in the bar. You even trap me and let me pay off your debt."

Li Mei never dreamed that song Xiaoxiao dared to say so. She opened her mouth and was about to speak, but song Xiaoxiao interrupted her.

"On weekdays, you say you are the eldest lady of a rich family. You can't even afford to lose this money. It's good to show off in front of others. Your mother married an old man, and you're not popular at all. You wear high imitation clothes. I'm embarrassed to say you."

"You are always jealous of me. I don't want to talk to you. Tell you that I am the real eldest lady. You want to compare with me in the next life."

Song Xiaoxiao kept talking like a firecracker, and Li Mei couldn't insert a word at all.

All the students in the classroom stopped chatting and were attracted by song Xiaoxiao's words.

They got four information from Song Xiaoxiao's words: first, song Xiaoxiao didn't go back to the dormitory last night because Li Mei designed a frame up; second, Li Mei's mother married an old man and was not welcome at all; Third, Li Mei is not a rich lady at all. All the famous brands used are high imitation; Fourth, Li Mei has many men around her and often doesn't go home at night.

The amount of information is really a little too big. The students are so surprised that their eyes stare and their mouths grow big.

On weekdays, Li Mei always looks arrogant and looks down on this and that. People think her family is famous, but they don't think it's all fake.

Moreover, Li Mei always looks reserved in front of her male classmates. She doesn't even let her little hands touch, but she didn't think it was the plaything of several men, which made the men who pursued her sick.

Originally thought she was a pure goddess, but I didn't think she was a bitch.

There was a roar around.

"This kind of woman is really disgusting. I can't wait to beat him when I see her."

"She always looks like the daughter of a rich family. I don't think it's as good as us. Her mother married an old man. I think she should also like old men."

The girls looked at Li Mei and said sarcastically that these contents were very vicious.

Not only girls, but also boys.

"I thought it was so pure and clean, but I didn't expect to be with so many men."

"Brother, and you weren't with her at the beginning, otherwise you could grow a prairie on your head now."

The boy's words are more insidious and harsh.

The men who had pursued Li Mei before were very lucky. Fortunately, they didn't catch up at the beginning, otherwise they would have to wear many green hats.

Li Mei is a girl after all. Even if there are many men around her and become other people's playthings, she doesn't want others to know.

However, song Xiaoxiao unexpectedly revealed all her secrets with everyone, which made her don't know how to face it for a moment.

Li Mei's face was as white as paper. She stared at Song Xiaoxiao and said, "Song Xiaoxiao, I have no grievances with you. Why do you treat me like this? I didn't expect you to be such a vicious woman."

"Li Mei, I think it's more vicious than you. You're the second. No one dares to be the first. Always remember that if important people don't know, unless they don't do it, your ugly deeds will be exposed sooner or later." Song Xiaoxiao glared at Li Mei and said.

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