"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter with you?" Ye Chen asked with a puzzled face.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't answer, but held Ye Chen's arm tightly, staring at the two girls like a kitten protecting food.

It seems that ye Chen will be robbed.

"Ah, he already has a girlfriend," said a girl sitting at the opposite table with a disappointed expression on her face.

"Yes, his girlfriend is still very good-looking. It's really a pair of handsome men and beautiful women." another girl looked at Song Xiaoxiao with envy.

Although their voices were small, ye Chen could hear them clearly.

He looked at Song Xiaoxiao around him and couldn't help shaking his head.

Ye Chen thought in her heart, "this girl is really cute."

"Xiaoxiao, how long will it take to get to us?" Ye Chen asked pitifully.

"Ye Chen, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, do you know?" Song Xiaoxiao replied.

Hearing the speech, ye Chen glanced at Song Xiaoxiao and thought, "this girl is really a food girl. It doesn't matter how long she waits for food."

If ye Chen himself, he would not waste his time on this.

This is where men and women disagree.

Ye Chen knows that since Song Xiaoxiao said so, it must be impossible to meet for a while and a half.

Just when he was depressed, a new style prompt sound came from his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host on getting a new external takeout order. Do you accept it?"

Ye Chen was very happy. This order came at the right time. Waiting for drinks here is nothing more than a waste of time and life. It's better to send an order. Maybe you can get some rewards.

What's more, it's a takeout order. How could he miss it?


For this take away order, every time customers will put forward some special requirements.

Ye Chen thought about what he would ask this time?

"System, what special requirements do the guests have this time?" Ye Chen asked.

"The guest has no special requirements this time, mainly to fill his stomach." the system replied.

"All right."

Now ye Chen needs to deliver the takeout. He looks at Song Xiaoxiao and says, "Xiaoxiao, I suddenly have a stomachache and want to go to the bathroom. Wait here for me now and I'll be right back."

After all, people have three emergencies, which is beyond their control.

Song Xiaoxiao didn't doubt Ye Chen, and asked with great concern, "Ye Chen, are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "don't worry, that's not necessary."

After that, he hurried out of the drink shop, sat on the vertical ladder and went to the top floor,

There is a fast food restaurant there, and you don't have to wait too long.

Although it doesn't take five minutes to deliver a takeout, ye Chen still speeds up.

When he came to the fast food restaurant, he ordered a small octopus ball, a cold noodles, and then a cup of sour plum soup.

With these things, ye Chen took a vertical ladder to the underground parking lot.

He found a corner and looked around. There was no surveillance camera here.

At this time, an impulse suddenly appeared ahead.

Ye Chen went in.

When he appeared again, he had come to a new world by electric car.

Looking around, there are trees all around. Ye Chen knows that he is in a forest now.

Because the trees are too lush, the sun is blocked, and the sun can't shine in at all.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I'm a little familiar. Has he been here before.

Ye Chen rode an electric car to the front, but because the light inside was too dark, he couldn't see the road ahead.

"System, show me the route," Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen drives towards the customer according to the guidance of the system. He suddenly sees a dark shadow in front of him, but he can't see what it is.

I just know it's very big. He has never seen it in the real world, but he has seen it in the film.

After driving for a while, he got closer and closer to the behemoth.

Thanks to the systematic navigation route for ye Chen, there are swamps all around in such a dark light. If you don't pay attention, you will sink.

"It's so dangerous," thought Ye Chen.

However, when he saw what the monster was, he felt his heart was about to jump out.

That's a dinosaur, a carnivore.

Of course, as far as he knows, there are also herbivores in the dinosaur family, such as Triceratops, thunder dragons, lingdentosaurs and so on.

Ye Chen only saw the dinosaur skeleton from the nature museum, but he saw a real dinosaur for the first time. No one would be calm.

The dinosaur in front of us is not herbivorous, but carnivorous.

What's more, this dinosaur is the most ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex among carnivores.

His heart can't help feeling a little depressed. Should he take his life in with a takeout.

It's not worth it. You know, if you kill him like this, he won't take the order, even if he can get a magical reward.

You should know that nothing is more important than life. Money, fame and power are just things outside the body. Life does not bring death.

Ye Chen rode an electric car and held her breath for fear of being found by Tyrannosaurus Rex, otherwise her life would be over.

"Host, you are too timid to be afraid of dinosaurs." a systematic voice suddenly came from your mind.

Hearing the speech, ye Chen was speechless for a while. He said to the system, "come out, I promise I won't kill you."

But the system ignored him.

Ye Chen drives the motorcycle carefully, but what makes him depressed is that there is not a Tyrannosaurus Rex but two.

It seemed that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had companions. Suddenly he heard the Dragon roar, and ye Chen's little heart was scared to stop beating.

"Mom, it seems that Xiaoming really has to explain here today." Ye Chen feels like crying without tears.

"System, why are you so cheating? It's not good where to deliver takeout. You have to come to such a place."

Ye Chen has a feeling that she wants to leave. It's important to protect her life.

"Host, if you fail to complete the order, you will be punished," the system warned.

"System, let's discuss something. Just pretend you don't know. As compensation, I can give you whatever you want." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"No, I'm a system that abides by the rules. You can't bribe me. Now start the countdown. Those who fail to complete the delivery order within the specified time will also be punished." the system ignores Ye Chen.

"System, you are so inhuman," Ye Chen said.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by Tyrannosaurus Rex, he stopped the motorcycle, but now the system started the motorcycle and was taking Ye Chen to the front.

"Forget it, just die. Eighteen years later, you will be a hero again." Ye Chen said.

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