Seeing the savage's action, ye Chen was also moved.

However, he knew that the savage would hit the stone with an egg.

It seems that he still needs Ye Chen to get out of danger. All ye Chen can think of are those sharp guys.

He has obtained heaven reliant sword and silver spear before. One of these two things can be used.

But in this case, ye Chen thought the silver spear was more suitable.

His mind moved like a magic trick, and a silver spear appeared in his hand.

The savage stared at Ye Chen and felt that this man was really powerful.

Ye Chen looks at the savage and signals him to hide away. For ye Chen, the savage is his burden now.

Maybe Tyrannosaurus Rex knew that ye Chen's opponent would turn to the savage, and it would be more difficult at that time.

And to deal with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, we must make a quick decision. The companions of the provincial Tyrannosaurus Rex come here.

Ye Chen, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, still has confidence to deal with it. If he has more, he won't be sure.

The savage understood and hid in the grass.

Ye Chen knows that the vision of carnivorous dinosaurs is very good. Of course, Tyrannosaurus Rex can see the savages hiding in the grass.

However, T-Rex is completely impossible to bypass him to pursue savages. Ye Chen is still sure of this.

Sure enough, T-Rex ignored the savage and attacked Ye Chen.

It wanted to step on Ye Chen with its sharp and huge soles, but it tried many times without success.

Ye Chen skillfully avoided attacks again and again, and stabbed the Tyrannosaurus Rex with a silver spear.

Tyrannosaurus Rex not only failed, but also was stabbed by a silver spear. It was also a little angry. It lowered its head to kill the annoying guy in front of it.

Ye Chen knew the opportunity was coming, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

I once learned some knowledge about Tyrannosaurus Rex in textbooks. Their skin is so thick that even sharp things can't pierce them, let alone make them feel pain.

Of course, just like people, everyone will have his weakness. Ye Chen knows that the weakness of T-Rex is his eyes.

It's true that knowledge changes destiny.

If ye Chen hadn't learned this, how could he know how to deal with this huge guy.

Tyrannosaurus Rex angrily tried to bite Ye Chen, but ye Chen escaped.

When the savage saw Ye Chen fighting with T-Rex, he also squeezed a cold sweat for him and prayed silently for ye Chen.

Now he has regarded Ye Chen as his relatives. No one has ever given him such delicious food and stood up in his crisis.

When T-Rex lowered his head again and wanted Ye Chen, he saw Ye Chen stabbing at T-Rex's eyes with the silver spear in his hand.

This is really fast and accurate. T-Rex can't dodge at all.

"Great," thought Ye Chen.

Blood flowed from the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex stabbed by the silver spear, so that it could not see what was in front of it at all.

But even so, Tyrannosaurus Rex still attacked madly.

But this attack could not cause any damage to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't keep dodging like before, but stood aside, looked at the angry Tyrannosaurus Rex and listened to the roar in its mouth.

At the moment, Tyrannosaurus Rex bumped like a headless fly, and all he did was useless.

A little later, T-Rex stopped. Because he had just consumed too much physical strength, he felt a little tired now.

Ye Chen didn't mean to kill T-Rex at all. He just wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

Seeing that Tyrannosaurus Rex had no strength, ye Chengang was busy riding a motorcycle towards the grass where the savage avoided.

When the motorcycle passed through the grass, the savage jumped into the car quickly.

Ye Chen smiled and thought that the savage was also very clever.

Seeing ye Chen and the savage running, Tyrannosaurus Rex wanted to catch up, but he just ran a few steps and fell forward.

Hearing the loud noise behind him, ye Chen's hanging heart was completely put down.

He knew that Tyrannosaurus Rex could not catch up. He and the savage were completely safe.

The motorcycle traveled another distance and ye Chen stopped.

He asked the system, "system, do dinosaurs often appear in this area?"

"Host, it's safe here. Dinosaurs appear occasionally, but they are herbivores," the system replied.

Hearing the speech, ye Chen got down from the motorcycle and motioned the savage to get down together.

The savage got off the motorcycle according to Ye Chen's meaning, looked at Ye Chen with a grateful face, suddenly walked towards him and hugged him tightly.

Seeing the savage's move, ye Chen was also startled.

"Well, well, I can only send you here, and I can't stay in this world for too long." Ye Chen patted the savage on the shoulder and said.

Although he knew that the savage didn't understand what he said, ye Chen still wanted to tell him.

The savage loosened Ye Chen and smiled at him.

Ye Chen also smiled back at him, then rode on the motorcycle and made a goodbye gesture to the savage.

The savage also did the same and waved to Ye Chen. Tears came out of his eyes.

"Riding on my beloved little motorcycle, it will never be in a traffic jam..." Ye Chen hummed a little song and drove towards the wormhole according to the system's prompt.

Along the way, he never encountered any danger again.

Seeing the wormhole in front of her, ye Chen smiled and rode in faster.

Just for a moment, ye Chen appeared in the corner of the parking lot that the surveillance camera couldn't catch.

Ye Chen quickly took the elevator and came to Xi tea shop.

Seeing ye Chen coming back, song Xiaoxiao looked worried and said, "Ye Chen, are you better? I've been worried about you."

"Fool, it's much better. Don't worry," said Ye Chen, touching song Xiaoxiao's hair.

Hearing Ye Chen say this, the expression on Song Xiaoxiao's face eased a lot.

Ye Chen knew it would take a long time before it was their turn, so she found a seat and sat down with song Xiaoxiao.

Although she knew Ye Chen had a girlfriend, the two girls couldn't help looking over here.

Ye Chen nodded at them out of politeness, but song Xiaoxiao saw this scene.

"Ye Chen, you are mine. Don't flirt with other girls." the girl opposite suddenly said.

Hearing the speech, ye Chen was also speechless. He was really wronged. He couldn't wash himself by jumping into the Yellow River.

Just when he was depressed, a systematic voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the delivery order of 10000 circles. You will get the system reward."

Ye Chen has mixed feelings when she sees this reward., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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