Since Li Mei is so bad, treat her in her own way.

In school, song Xiaoxiao's threat is Li Mei. This woman is a time bomb. I don't know when it will explode.

Ye Chen must remove her before the time bomb explodes, so that song Xiaoxiao will be safe.

The only way to think about it is to let Li Mei drop out of school and stay away.

As ye Chen knows, although Li Mei is not a good girl, she likes this diploma very much. It is obviously impossible for her to drop out of school on her own initiative.

If you want Li Mei to leave school, you must take some measures.

This kind of thing may be difficult for ordinary people, but it's a piece of cake for ye Chen.

When he got home, he took a comfortable bath and threw himself on the bed.

Taking out his laptop and tapping the keyboard, ye Chen began his plan.

Using hacker technology, he hacked into Li Mei's mobile phone, which was really startled at a glance.

Ye Chen also admires Li Mei. This girl is so brave that she saves those photos and videos with hot eyes on her mobile phone.

Easily boarded Li Mei's wechat, and then sent the photos and videos to those friends.

"Well, it's done." Ye Chen closed the computer and said.

He looked at his cell phone for a while, turned off the light and went to bed.

Of course, Li Mei didn't notice Ye Chen's operation at all.

Li Mei didn't go back to her dormitory last night. She was in a very good mood. She was very proud to think that song Xiaoxiao had died because she offended her.

She cried and laughed, and drank glasses of wine.

Li Mei learned from brother Hei that song Xiaoxiao had been killed.

When she heard the disappearance, her face showed an excited expression, and even raised her wine to celebrate.

But after a while, he began to cry again.

"Meimei, what's the matter with you?" brother Hei asked.

"Brother Hei, I really didn't want song Xiaoxiao to die, but she humiliated me in front of the whole class, which really made me a little unbearable." Li Mei choked in her voice.

She knew that now she really regretted it. Song Xiaoxiao was really good to her at ordinary times, but she hired someone to kill her because of this.

"Brother Hei, I'm afraid. I'm really afraid." Li Mei cried.

"Meimei, what are you afraid of? As long as you follow me wholeheartedly, I promise nothing will happen, and I will protect you forever." brother Hei comforted.

The next day, at dawn.

There was a noise outside the villa.

"Sister in law, brother Hei is resting. You can't go in," said one of the bodyguards.

"You all get out of the way. Be careful I'm not polite to you." a fat woman shouted.

At the same time, she pushed away the two bodyguards in front of her.

Hearing the sound, brother Hei was frightened in a cold sweat. He hurriedly woke up Li Mei who was still sleeping and said, "Mei Mei, you should leave here through the back door."

Li Mei rubbed her eyes, put on her clothes and left the villa in a hurry.

If she stayed one minute at night, she would be caught by the fat woman.

I only heard the door slam and was kicked open. Of course, it was not others who kicked the door, but obese women.

"Wife, why are you here?" brother Hei asked nervously, looking at the woman in front of him.

"Why can't I come? Did I disturb your dream with the goblin?" said the fat woman.

If someone else had done this, black brother would have been angry, but he couldn't start a fire in front of this fat woman, even as honest as a mouse seeing a cat.

In front of this fat woman, brother Hei seems to have changed. Even those bodyguards are stunned.

In fact, the appearance of fat women is also one of Ye Chen's plans. He sent the photos of Heige and Li Mei together and the videos with hot eyes to the fat women.

No, brother Black's wife came to the door.

"Wife, you misunderstood me. Even if I have great courage, I don't dare to do anything sorry for you?" brother black quickly explained.

"Sunspot, don't pretend to be stupid in front of me. Look what this is." the fat woman showed her cell phone to brother Hei.

Seeing this, brother Hei was scared to death, and his face became as white as paper.

At the moment, he hated Li Mei and thought that the girl dared to send these things to his wife. It seems that her ambition is really big. Such a woman can't stay with her anymore.

Brother Hei has decided to find someone to teach Li Mei a lesson.

"Wife, I'm really wronged. It's all a misunderstanding. The shameless girl seduced me and then photographed these things to blackmail me. I dare not tell you these days. I'm afraid you'll be sad when you know. I really know I'm wrong." black brother cried bitterly.

Fat women can't be fooled so easily.

"Well, in that case, sunspot, take me to the shameless one. Let's make it clear face to face." the fat woman said with an unhappy face.

"Wife, no problem." black brother quickly put on his clothes.

As long as you can get the forgiveness of your wife, it's nothing to sacrifice Li Mei, not to mention that Li Mei betrayed him first.

While the fat woman was chatting with brother Hei, Li Mei had already returned to school.

At the moment, there is no class, but many students have wandered around the campus.

When they saw Li Mei coming towards them, their faces showed disdain.

Among these people, Li Mei only knows a few people, and there is no Festival between them. They all get along very well.

She doesn't know why these people look like this.

Li Mei thought in her heart that after all, it is difficult for one person to set off a hundred people's hearts. Some things for people who don't like her must be because they have a bad view of her after hearing what song Xiaoxiao said yesterday.

What happened yesterday was just a little concerned at that time. After that, she had forgotten everything. Moreover, song Xiaoxiao who insulted her had long been out of the world.

"Forget it, fill your stomach first." Li Mei thought.

This morning, Li Mei was driven out of the villa by brother Hei, and she was still hungry. She couldn't help feeling a little wronged in her heart.

Entering the canteen, Li Mei felt that these people were pointing at her, and no one was even willing to pay attention to her.

"It's her. What a shame."

"Shameless, it's really shameless."

"I didn't expect that I should become classmates with such people. It's really a shame."

These people spoke in a low voice. Although they couldn't hear clearly, Li Mei knew she was talking about her.

She ignored the words of those people, just came to the ordering mouth, ordered something, and then looked around for an empty seat.

At this time, she suddenly looked inside and saw a familiar face smiling at her. Li Mei shook her hands and almost threw the tray away., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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