When he came to the school gate, the security guard looked at the fat woman like a shrew and said, "madam, this is the Li Mei you're looking for."

"Are you Li Mei?" the fat woman asked, looking at the young girl in front of her.

Li Mei looked puzzled at the fat woman in front of her. She was sure she didn't know her at all.

The fat woman looked at Li Mei angrily with an unfriendly face.

Li Mei nodded and asked, "madam, have we met before? Why don't I remember?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me, but I know you." the fat woman sneered.

Then she pulled nigger over and said, "is that her?"

"Brother Hei, how did you come to our school?" Li Mei smiled and looked at brother Hei.

"Wife, yes, it's her. It's this woman who seduced me, took those photos and blackmailed me." black brother ignored Li Mei, but looked at the fat woman with a wronged face and said.

Now Li Mei finally knows who this fat woman is. It turned out to be brother Hei's wife.

But no wonder brother Hei will find a woman outside. His wife is really unbearable. She looks ugly and looks like a pig.

If any man can't stand it, it's good that black brother can live with her all the time.

Li Mei didn't expect that brother Hei would say that about her. She couldn't help feeling a little sad: "brother Hei, what are you talking about? How can you say that about me? It's obviously you...?"

"I don't know. If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll smoke you." black brother said fiercely.

Li Mei was really startled by brother Hei, and his eyes flashed with burning anger.

"Sunspot, if you feel guilty, let the girl finish. I also want to hear what she wants to say." the fat woman glared at brother black and said.

Of course she knew that her husband was guilty, so she didn't let Li Mei continue to talk.

"Wife, I'm either guilty or afraid of what she said to make you angry, which will hurt me." black brother explained.

Everyone around him felt his appetite surging and seemed to vomit. This man is really hypocritical and disgusting.

The fat woman was very proud and smiled.

Black brother really gave her face outside, but the fat woman certainly knows that this is not love, but for another reason.

"Tell me, little girl, I'll listen." the fat woman said with a smile.

"Madam, I hope you can take good care of your husband and don't harass me if you have nothing." Li Mei summoned up her courage and said.

Before, it was really brother Hei who often called her to harass her. Li Mei didn't want to find brother Hei at all.

Even if she wanted to stay away from the man, they hadn't been in touch for some time. If it weren't for song Xiaoxiao, she couldn't have gone to Heige.

Brother Hei was completely angered by Li Mei's words, and only heard a slap.

Li Mei covered her red and swollen face, looked at brother black in disbelief and said, "I exposed you in public in front of my wife. Is it a little angry?"

"Bitch, shut up and believe it or not, I'll kill you." brother Hei shouted, pointing to Li Mei.

"If you have the ability, you'll kill me. I despise a man like you most. I'm scared to death in front of my wife. It's a shame that I don't have any man's dignity." Li Mei said sarcastically.

This sentence seemed like a knife, which hurt brother Black's heart.

He is an uncontrollable beast. He usually punches and kicks Li Mei. The people around him can't stop him at all.

Of course, Li Mei is not good at stubble. She is also fighting back with her long nails and grabbing a lot of blood out of brother Black's face.

The fat woman showed an impressive smile on her face and watched the good play.

If she had this effect, brother Hei would fight with Li Mei.

I don't know who called the police. A siren sounded in the distance, and a police car was coming this way.

The police car stopped at the school gate. Several policemen came down from it and shouted, "you two stop, you hear me?"

Li Mei and brother Hei couldn't hear this, but they were still beating.

Seeing this, the police quickly separated Li Mei and Heige and took them to the police car.

This time, Li Mei was completely finished. She was not only found by the Lord, but also taken away by the police.

Even if Li Mei's father has the money to talk to the Dean, she can't continue to stay in this university.

Because most of the students and parents in the school asked Li Mei to leave the school. If Li Mei continues to study in this school, they will sue.

Of course, the Dean can't ruin his future for that little money.

Just to save face for Li Mei's father, the school did not expel Li Mei, but asked Li Mei to drop out of school.

Song Xiaoxiao also saw the scene in front of her. She thought Li Mei was just playing, but she didn't expect to be with a married man.

No, the main room has come to the door.

Ye Chen was thinking that she had not seen Su Wanyi for many days. She had planned to go to her company to find her.

The girl didn't contact Ye Chen for ten days and a half months. She was just busy with her career, and ye Chen didn't want to disturb her.

Just about to call Su Wanyi, his phone ring remembered.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter?" Ye Chen glanced at Song Xiaoxiao's phone and asked after connecting.

He thought that the girl who got up early didn't have a good class. How could he think of calling him.

"Ye Chen, come to our school." Song Xiaoxiao said anxiously.

"What happened?" Ye Chen asked.

"Let's talk about it after we meet." Song Xiaoxiao didn't say much to him, but hung up the phone.

Ye Chen changed her clothes and hurried to song Xiaoxiao's school. She thought that the girl must have something urgent, otherwise she couldn't have called him so early.

At the school gate, song Xiaoxiao has been waiting there for a long time.

"Xiaoxiao, what happened?" Ye Chen asked when he saw song Xiaoxiao's ugly face.

"Ye Chen, Li Mei, she was taken away by the police." Song Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Chen and said.

"Being taken away by the police, what's going on?" Ye Chen asked.

Hearing what song Xiaoxiao said, ye Chen looked puzzled. It seems that this is not what he planned.

No one could have imagined that Li Mei had a fight with the man, and the man's wife was watching a joke. Instead of fighting, she also ordered others to call the police.

All this is in the fat woman's plan. Ye Chen just helped her.

However, people like Li Mei deserve it. If they want to seduce a married man, they deserve to be found by the main room.

Why should I have known now.

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