Ye Chen made a phone call while walking and ignored Zhang Xu.

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Zhang Xu hates his teeth and itches.

After a while, song Xiaoxiao found Ye Chen, looked at him and said, "Ye Chen, guess what I brought you?"

"What can you bring me?" ye chenbai glanced at the girl in front of her.

"You see, love breakfast." Song Xiaoxiao said excitedly, handing a pink lunch box to Ye Chen.

"I think it's dark cooking." Ye Chen disapproved.

But when song Xiaoxiao opened the lunch box, ye Chen was silly. The food inside was so exquisite that she took it very seriously.

Not to mention the taste, it looks very good.

"Well, I can't think of it. It's the first time for Miss ben to cook by herself. Am I very talented?" Song Xiaoxiao said proudly.

Ye Chen noticed that the girl's hand was wrapped with a band aid this time. She didn't have to think about it. She could know that it was hurt when cooking.

Looking at the girl's hand, he was a little distressed and asked, "does it hurt?"

"Well, what?" Song Xiaoxiao was immersed in joy and didn't hear ye Chen clearly.

"I mean, your hand cut must hurt very much." Ye Chen asked with concern.

"It's mainly done for the first time, and it won't hurt my hand next time. Well, how about you try it first? It took me more than an hour to do it. Even if it's not delicious, you can eat all the food inside. You can't waste my mind." Song Xiaoxiao threatened.

In fact, even if song Xiaoxiao doesn't say, ye Chen will finish this box of food.

Ye Chen picked up the chopsticks prepared by song Xiaoxiao, put a piece of chicken in her mouth and tasted it carefully.

I have to say it's very good. The chicken is juicy and delicious.

Then he took another piece of sushi and ate it, with a satisfied smile on his face.

In this way, ye Chen couldn't stop chopsticks at all. After a while, all the things in the lunch box were swept away.

"Ye Chen, why did you eat all of them and don't leave some for me to taste, so that I can improve next time." Song Xiaoxiao pouted.

This is her first time cooking. Seeing ye Chen eating so fast, she thinks there is an element of acting in it.

"Of course, I have to eat such delicious food right away, not to mention the love breakfast you made for me." Ye Chen replied.

Hearing what ye Chen said, song Xiaoxiao was very proud.

It seems that she really has a talent for cooking. She was so successful for the first time. In the future, she needs to improve her cooking skills. She can make more delicious food for ye Chen.

They say that if you want to catch a man's heart, you must first catch his stomach.

Song Xiaoxiao wants to firmly grasp Ye Chen's heart so that this man can always be with her.

"By the way, why do you remember to make breakfast for me?" Ye Chen suddenly asked.

Song Xiaoxiao's pretty face flushed, obviously a little shy.

She hesitated and said: "when college students fall in love, aren't girls making love bentos for boys?"

At this time, ye Chen remembered that song Xiaoxiao had said he wanted to talk about a campus love.

"Yes, yes, keep working hard." Ye Chen praised.

Then he said, "are you free at noon?"

"Yes, you have something for me?" Song Xiaoxiao asked.

"Well, sort of. I want you to watch the football match," Ye Chen said.

"Football match? Who and who?" Song Xiaoxiao asked, looking at Ye Chen.

She didn't hear that there was a football match at noon. Why did ye Chen say so.

"Of course it's me. Which handsome guy do you want to see?" Ye Chen pretended to be angry and said.

At this time, song Xiaoxiao remembered that Zhang Xu said he would play with Ye Chen before.

"I only have you in my eyes." Song Xiaoxiao casually said a lyrics.

This lyric also expresses her heart.

"Well, be good this time." Ye Chen kissed song Xiaoxiao gently on the face.

Song Xiaoxiao's eyes widened as if he had been electrocuted.

This is the first time ye Chen took the initiative to kiss her. She was afraid of being seen by Ye Chen. She hurriedly said, "Ye Chen, my class has gone. Let's see you at noon."

Then he fled.

Ye Chen looked at the girl's back and smiled more.

After lunch, ye Chen walked to the football field.

At the moment, Zhang Xu has been standing there waiting, and ye Chen sees a lot of audience around him. It is obvious that Zhang Xu called.

Ye Chen certainly knows his purpose, but it's just to make him lose face.

Zhang Xu looked at Ye Chen and said jokingly, "Ye Chen, it's boring for us to compete so much this time. Add a bet."

Ye Chen said with a faint smile: "add the bet, OK, what bet do you want to add?"

"If anyone loses, he will run three laps on the playground and shout that I am a waste."

Hearing Zhang Xu's words, song Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "Ye Chen, don't promise him."

Then song Xiaoxiao angrily said to Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, are you from the same school?"

When Zhang Xu saw song Xiaoxiao speak for ye Chen, the atmosphere became more.

"Ye Chen, do you like to stand behind women?"

Ye Chen's eyes are very dull.

"I agree to your terms, but if you lose, you have to do the same thing."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Zhang Xu suddenly laughed: "ha ha, no problem, but I can't lose."

Zhang Xu practiced football from childhood and was the captain of the school team. How could he lose to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded disapprovingly: "well, let's start."

Zhang Xu nodded: "let's win one-on-one and five goals."

Ye Chen said, "no problem."

The next second, Zhang Xu suddenly kicked the ball at his feet to Ye Chen.

Zhang Xu didn't remind Ye Chen at all, and the ball hit Ye Chen directly in the face.

"Ye Chen, be careful." seeing this scene, song Xiaoxiao quickly reminded.

When ye Chen saw the flying ball, he suddenly jumped up and volleyed.


The ball was directly kicked back by Ye Chen.

"You'd better go first."

Zhang Xu didn't expect Ye Chen to receive the ball at all. He was caught off guard when he saw the flying ball.

The ball hit Zhang Xu's chest directly.

Zhang Xu withdrew four or five steps towards the back, and the ball bounced out.


Zhang Xu felt that a stream of blood almost didn't come out of his chest.

Ye Chen hooked his hook and said, "come on?"

Zhang Xu bit his teeth and then rushed to Ye Chen with the ball.

He took the ball very fast and came to Ye Chen in the blink of an eye.

The next second, a skilled man scored the ball and passed Ye Chen directly.

Ye Chen stood in place foolishly and didn't move.

A faint smile appeared on Zhang Xu's face: "that's it!"

Zhang Xu passed Ye Chen and raised his legs to shoot.

But he raised his voice and suddenly found that the ball under his feet was missing., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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