"I'm going to sue you for treating patients like this in order to make money." Xiao Yang shouted.

"Sir, don't be so excited. Your voice is just right. I'm afraid you'll be speechless if you make such a noise again," a doctor advised.

Hearing the speech, Xiao Yang was also a lot more honest. It was really hard for him to speak just now. He even felt that he was going to suffocate.

"Anyway, I won't give up on this matter. You all wait for me." Xiao Yang said fiercely, pointing to the doctors and nurses present.

Just when he was in the restaurant, he felt very oppressed. He always felt that it was the means that the man played. Otherwise, how could he suddenly say something.

However, Xiao Yang has no evidence. After all, ye Chen never beat him from beginning to end.

On the contrary, I still have the idea of beating Ye Chen. As long as I check the monitoring, I can understand it very clearly.

Therefore, he can only vent his anger on these medical workers.

But even so, Xiao Yang still felt that he couldn't get out of his heart.

After dinner, ye Chen walked out of the mall.

"Ladies, are you satisfied with this meal?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"I think you are not only satisfied with the food, but also very satisfied with the shopping." Ye Chen looked at the big and small bags with both hands wrongly.

These are the spoils of shopping between Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao.

"Yes, I'm really happy today." Song Xiaoxiao said with a smile while holding Su Wanyi's arm.

Through this meeting with Su Wanyi, she understood the woman's mind, and she didn't have to worry about being forced to leave Ye Chen one day.

The three also walked and talked and came to the parking lot.

After getting on the bus, Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao sat in the back.

According to where the two women want to go, ye Chen decides to send Su Wanyi back to the company first, and then back to song Xiaoxiao's school.

Su Wanyi also agreed. After all, she still had some things to deal with. Someone called her several times when she just had dinner.

When she came downstairs, Su Wanyi said to song Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, nice to meet you. We'll continue to eat another day."

"Sister Wan Yi, I'm very happy to have a sister like you. I look forward to shopping with you next time." Song Xiaoxiao nodded and said with a smile.

Su Wanyi waved to Ye Chen with a smile, motioning him to hurry away, while she walked towards the company.

Seeing Su Wanyi walking into the company building, song Xiaoxiao ran from behind to the front co pilot and sat down.

"Ye Chen, I can finally sit next to you." Song Xiaoxiao sighed in his heart.

Ye Chen didn't speak. When she saw the girl sitting next to her, she drove towards the school.

"I'm really happy today. What I'm worried about will never happen again." Song Xiaoxiao said excitedly.

"I told you so long ago that you don't have to worry, but you don't listen," said Ye Chen.

Song Xiaoxiao quickly explained, "Ye Chen, I don't listen. I just think you're comforting me. After all, no woman is willing to share her beloved man with other women."

"You're right, but Wanyi is a very confident woman. Her ideas are different from others." Ye Chen said thoughtfully.

"Yes, sister Wanyi exudes a noble temperament, which I don't have. I really want to be like her." Song Xiaoxiao said with envy on her face.

"Xiaoxiao, you don't have to admire Wanyi at all. Wanyi doesn't have the temperament you have." Ye Chen comforted song Xiaoxiao's little brain with her hand.

As ye Chen said, when song Xiaoxiao envied Su Wanyi, Su Wanyi sat in the office thinking.

Recalling the scene of three people together, song Xiaoxiao exudes vitality. That's what she doesn't have. Maybe this is what attracts Ye Chen.

However, Su Wanyi knew that she couldn't be such a person at all. The main reason was that the identities of the two people were different.

This identity is not money and status, but a role in society. Su Wanyi is a businessman, and song Xiaoxiao is a college student who has not yet stepped out of the campus.

There is too much difference between two people. No one can be like the other.

But what makes Su Wanyi and song Xiaoxiao happy today is that they both have one more sister.

Song Xiaoxiao heard what ye Chen said. Although he thought it was just comfort, he didn't continue to say anything.

Ye Chen deliberately cut off the topic and said, "go back and rest early. After all, sleeping late is bad for your health."

The two talked for a while and came to the school gate.

"Here we are, hurry in." Ye Chen took out a big bag and a small bag from the car and handed it to song Xiaoxiao.

"No, I want you to take me to the dormitory." Song Xiaoxiao said coquettishly.

Looking at the lovely expression of the girl in front of her, ye Chen had to compromise.

Song Xiaoxiao took Ye Chen's arm in his hand and walked towards the school gate.

Walking on the quiet campus path and looking at the moon in the sky, song Xiaoxiao felt very happy.

"Xiaoxiao, are you so happy?" Ye Chen asked, looking at the girl around him.

"Of course, today is my happiest thing. With the consent of sister Wan Yi, we can be together forever." Song Xiaoxiao said the joy in his heart.

Looking at the girl in front of her, ye Chen knows that this is too deep love, so afraid of losing.

Song Xiaoxiao is always in front of Ye Chen, expressing how much she loves Ye Chen.

However, in Su Wanyi's body, ye Chen can't feel this feeling at all.

"Well, I can only send you here." Ye Chen looked at Song Xiaoxiao and said.

"Well, OK, slow down on the road later." Song Xiaoxiao took the bag in Ye Chen's hand and said.

When ye Chen was about to turn around and leave, song Xiaoxiao suddenly shouted, "Ye Chen, wait a minute."

Ye Chen was about to speak, but she felt her face wet.

When he recovered, song Xiaoxiao had already run away.

Ye Chen touched the place kissed by song Xiaoxiao, and a surge of happiness poured out of her heart.

After waiting at the door for a while, I saw the wechat sent to him by song Xiaoxiao. It was a happy expression.

Ye Chen turned and left, walked out of the school gate, got into the car and drove in the direction of home.

Seeing song Xiaoxiao carrying so many bags into the dormitory, Zhang Rui said with envy: "Xiaoxiao, you bought so many things."

Before Song Xiaoxiao spoke, Liu Xin said, "Xiaoxiao, you are a little rich woman. How much does it cost?"

"Ye Chen bought these for me." Song Xiaoxiao said with a happy face.

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